228545 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. �'��� '��. �+_ a I,ICENSE CQT�TTEE OFFICE OF THE GITY CLERK °� . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER "k`�'"—""`' v`�w�^�ON/V4'l� DATF I'S� 12� 1.9W — RES7LVED; That Application J-8832 for the transfer of �. Sa1.e Liquor License No. 6829, expirin� January 31� 1967, issued to Alex Jr. (deceased) and Walter J. KubitschekJ at 111�.1-3 Rice Street� be and the same is hereby transferred to �alter J. Kubitschek (indi�:idual) at the same address. Qn Sale Liquor Establishment TRANSFER (partnership to Individual) IrLformally �proved by �ouncil rSay 5, 1966. �pY 121966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays �a�v 1 n ���� Dalglish 6dOS's�l � �a-�� Approved 19_ �� In Favor Meredith Peterson (/ ���� MBYOr A gainst '�o'sen---- :: -;,... , '��Y�����n�i;��Yo�t��S� PUBLISHED MAY 14 196� �'. Vi,�e President (Rosen) .