228521 ?.��-5��I Councll Flle No. 228521 — By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That upon the petition of Roberts Construction, Inc. those sec- tions of public street hereinafter de- scribed be and the s2me hereby are vacated and discontinued ae a public street: • Lots 6 through 12, Pease Bros.' Re- arrangement of Block 1, FIersey- Woolsey Addition to .the City of � St.Paul; sub�ect expressly to the following con- ditions and reservations: l.that the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Sebtion 228 of the Legislative Code as amended regulating the procedure and prescribing conditions for the vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys and highways in the City of St. Paul; 2.that the portion• of Pierce Butler R6ute to be vacat�d be described as follows: that part of Plerce Butler Route lying within the south 90 ieet of Lots 6, 7, g, 9, 10, il, and 12, , Pease Bros.' Rearrangement of Bloc)c 1, Hersey-Woolsey Addi- tion to the City of St. Paul, and north of a line 50 feet northerly a of and parallel to the following described line: Beginning at a point on the center line of North Syndicate Street 40 feet north of the point oP intersection of the said center line of Syndicate ; Street and the aouth iine oP said Pea'se Bros.' Rearrangement, pro- ' duced wester�y; thence easterly along a straight line 40 feet north of and parallel to the south line of said Pease Bros.' Rearrange- ment, a dietance of 181.55 £eet; �• thence on a curve to the }�ight having�a radius of 600 ieet for a . distance of 229.18 feet; thenc� along a straight line tsngent to said curve to the point oP inter- section with the produced east line of Lot 8 in said Pease Bros.' Rearrangement; 3.that the petitioner pay to the City the sum of �3,275 to cover the con- � sideration for the vacation of the portion oE street heretofore de- scribed and to cover the City's quit- claim deed to the petitioriers for the vacated azea; 4.that the petitioner provide the.City with a bond in the amount of ,�2.500.Q0: . 5.that 'the Committee on Lands be directed to praceed with the sale�of . said ]ands under the tertns,of Or- dinance No. 8576, as- amended by Councll Flle No. 207200, adopted May 31, 1582; ' 6.that the petitioner file an accept- ance of the terms of the vacation in accordance with the provisions of � Ordinance No. 8578, said acceptance . to include a provision that the tran- saction will be completed within the time limitation set forth in Or- � dinance No. 6576, as amended by CouncII Flle No. 207200, adopted May 31, 1962. Adopted by the Council May 10, 198(3. Approved May 10, 1966. (May 14, 1988)