228513 1 ORIOINAL TO OITr GLi11K GITY OF ST. PAUL 'iQiNCa N� ��; �`� `3 . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �� - • C UNCIL SO UTION—GENERAL FORM IR@SENTED �Y � COMMISSIONE DA� W��tE'AS, Ordincznce No. ,32�0 cxuthorizes dnd provides for pdyment for overtime work, cznd �R�'AS, the Commisstoner o,� Zibrczries, Auditorium, cznd Civic BuiZdinqs (Stadium) hczs authorized overtime work in his department during tlze period ,from ApriZ 23, ,1966 to .May 6, .1966: therefore, be it RESO.LVED, thz'zt the proper .Citz� officers dre hereby authorized to pay the emp,I.oyees who performed such overt ime work in accordcznce with the provisions of Ordin¢nces No. 6446 cznd 11To. 3250. � . MAY 101966 COUNCILI�N Adop�d by the Council 19—. Y°�S N�ye �p� 10196� Dalgltsh Holland Approved 19— Loss � �' Tn �`i aV01' Meredith � / Mayor Peterson V A A�tPng gainst -R�sea--, p ' .�.f.�........�e3.�....,::°;....,;.�,l�4°71l���9� 1,[/J� 9qQRqpjr�� �1ubw����$�dGl�fy��8`/0��.9�i � ���LISHED ��'� 1 i JRYCl�y IVlr. y'ce President �I�O�@Il lons e�ea