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�� �� r L . ' . � �a-` ' 9 �y����l�
� � . caUrr ILE N0. �'
`: � FINAL ORDER � , �� � � �
_� � _
. . �y
t - -
"�� � � . File No. Z'�d23
. # .
In the Matter of ��� �nd �tidGnf,rig AAR'�iAP4�S STRF,E'T � Clt'ta�te AveEltt�6 to -
Oakas�e Av�riu� tiY ����6r Co?i�truct3tig neyt bQSe �.A '� '�rid,ax�+� ere�s� �esur�ac�g
and cuxb�.ng the rda�bed aud ��ree�t, �1EY and dx�.��ay r��urri���by �constx�ii.cting.
��xi.���.aig �a.v�g� curb�gx: .�idewalk�. and �xa�Y3.c crn�trol sys�tema �aher� neceasaxy� by -
coiz�trkict�ug s.t,ox'� 'wat,er dra3nage Y�.��,1i��,�esy by c9nstru�t�,ng .seWer, water sud ga,$
se�vic:e �qranec'tians where nec�ssa�z�; a�d by do3ng a�.'I. ot�er work �rhi,ch �.a necessary
_ and 3neid,;�nta� to complete said ?,mprot�nt. . -
• � � 4 S,
' - under Prelimina,ry Order 2���'� approver] �v���' 13i. 1g63
Intermediary Order a�pprove�
A public heaxing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,, and the Council
having heard all peraons, objections and recommendations relative_thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it "
_ RESOLVED, By the Council of the Gity of St. Paul that the precise nature, e�ent.and kind of im=
provement ta be made by the said C'ity is
to �r'ove and �a�den A1�APOLIB �'�` farcjm�()ttta,�ra. i4venu� to Oakdale Avenue by r�gradin8,
construc�� new baa� in fi�ae W�den.ed �re�$�. �ceat�rPactrig a,t�d �urbi#ig th� roadbed and
�treeti a].3�ey anfl �r�v�Way return�3 �by x�G.a�Btructi�lg �.�ici;�g �ving� curbing�.
sidewa].ks �d tr��.c Gontrdl ay��ms �th�e nece��azy3 by Gonatruct�.ng �torm water
drainage �ae3]„i,rt�e�; 'by �aqs�ruGt�ag s�wer� wafer e,nd �s .�ervice conn�ct3ons wb,sre .
necessary; �id �y $a� sI]: of�er wo�ck wt��h 1� neCe�eaacy a.�.d 3,ncid�n�a1. to cowplete
saic� .i�upr�v�ment.
• and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be ma,de.
RESOLVED FURTH:�R, 7.`hat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proiper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
r ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. '
; � � � �p,Y 101966
f� , _
' COUNCII�MEN � Adopted by the Council .
- Yeas dalglish Nay� - �� 1 Q 19�
� Holland , , Approve "
„ :�� �:oss . n �•�' . .
� ' �lleredith � . H
'' • �eterson , �' Tn�Favor _ �r
, � �, - � . _ Mayor
.�'t,�?�lis' ':�•; ".�.�: ::::'�:3� � � � �Cfin�<
�� :�` `'`"' Against '�11$LISHEfl IVIAY 14 1966 -
Mr. uice�President (Roscnl
6-63 2M S� H-1
� • � ; ' � ' •
. . �i , s J
ti� ' � �
- � ..�-..�.��� ��...�.�.�..�.�.. " ! J�'y���."'M.........� .`» ._.
� . 't���
, , .
� Maxch 21, � � 1966
To the Corrunissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: ' �
, The Commissioner of Public Works� having had under consideration the 'pre- ' .
liminary order of the Council� lmown as Council File No. �-5��+5 . � � ,
approved November 13, 1963 relative to improving ANNAPOLIS STREET �`rom
. Cherokee Heights Boulevaxd to Oakdale Avenue by regrading, repaving, an�. curbing the
roadbed a.nd street, alley and drivewa.y returns; by constructing sidewalkS where necessary;
by reconstructing existing paving, curbing, sidewalks and traffic cont�dl' systems where
necessary; by constructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing�sewer, water
a.nd gas service, connections where necessary; a.nd by doing all other work trhich is necessary
a.nd incidental to complete said improvement,
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reportss
1. The estimated cost thereof ie $ �+36,389•�3 -�
2. A plan� p�rofile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made
a part ••hereof. ' • , ,, •
3. Initiated by the Commiasioner of Public Worka X • � ' � � - 1
lt. Improvement is asked for upon petition �
� ` � ` � LTO /BAS� � ' O
/�r,G, /.��,o.�-a✓eG•ll�.,�s u s /,s�� . Ml (�
' u6v�e ��.i/6� ��u,�y�� �,� �.�� ,��"'�r.��� � By�/�'/�ril,,,/ a �
O/D�er- �� r'c'u o� '���uur� .U�a � - DopuL3�Coatiui�ouar \
� Conur�i.eaioner of-Public Works
�Ja �sd�/e .4'�e,„ . � , , . ,
.� . , .
: , "� . , • , ,
. '_' "`_"_._._.�_"".„ Ca ital.of Minnesota ' `°"°"`` , . . �."'_"" '
P , �,C.yJ. VO'KOUN, JR.
' , 234 City Hall 8� Court House 55102 ' . ; r �� ,
�• � • MILTON ROSEN � � . '
• � ' �. Commissioner •' - � •
. , ,� . WILLIAM P. BEIIRENS ' ,
, ,,, .. , Depufy Commissfoner , ' •
,� . .. ., .� ' '�L�� ' • , � .
- ' . � �
i .
. Maxch 21, 1966 ' ; � � .
. � , ,
Honorabl� James J: Dal�glish � , � '' ,
Co�ssioner of Fina.nce . , ��-, �
City of St. Pau1� � , '
' • Re: ANNAPOLIS STREET � ' ' �
� 1Y Ottawa Ave. to Oakdale A�ve. • ' ' •
' . • P-307, Widening and Resurfacing •
Dear Sir: � 5-115]., Storm Sewers • , • .
. . � � . ,
The portion of this pro3ect �om Cherokee Heights Boulevaxd to� Otta�aa Avenue '
has been deleted, due to the ina.bil3.ty of the Vi]lage of Mendota Heights to shaxe � ,
- � in the financing of the pro�ject ad�jacent to their cor�unity. There�ore, ,this
letter supersedes the preliminary eatimate of December 8, 1965, rega,rding Annapolis
Street from Cherokee Heights Boulevard to Oakdale Avenue, which improvement is
under Preliminaxy Order C: F. 21.5�+5, approved Idovember 13, 1.963. � ' ', . '
I reco�mmend that the word3ng of the Intermed3ary Order bec ",Imp�ov�.ng and
widening ANNAPOLIS STfi�ET f`rom Ottawa Avenue to Oakdale Avenue by regrading, con- •
structing n�w base in the widened areas, resurfacing a.nS curbing the� r'oadbed a.nd
street, alley and•driveway returris; by reconstructing exiating pa�ting;� �curbing, ,
sidewalks and traffic control systems where necessary; by constructing �storm water
drainage facilities; bjr constructing se�rer, Water and gas service'•�conriec'tions where -
' neceasary; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental.� to complete
said i�provemen�t."� , , • ' ,
COSTS ' � � , '
Estimated Construction Cost �$�7$�;068.73
Engineering C�3 13y� � �9,��+$•93
Inspection @ 2� ' ' �7;561•.37 '
Water Departmerit Chaxgea : , ; 1,�+00�;00 .
Depaxtment of Finance Chargea _ 210.00
, TOTAL ESTIMA�ED COST . : � �3�$9�•03 �
FINANCING ' . , • � ' �, �� � , •
Estimated St. Pau1 Property Assessment $ 23;i�5•88 (1'�
West St. Paul . . :26'S,008.•76'
Minn. Highw�y �Dept. (Agreement ��54680� for ai�ala) • �+,&ii,.00 �
Municipal 'State Aid (1966) • . �+1,.1�.8.39 '
County Aid .(1966) �02,�+�+5�.'ob `�
, ;� �
--.____._.�--- -, ,- � , . . _ _ _.__ . _ . �_. ---- .- -- -�--- • • . '-- , .'-- --._ __----
_�_ . -.
' � ' .,
' , y y
` �� Hon. James J. Dalglish -2- March 21, 1.966 �
• Estimated St. Paul property share oP cost is based on making the follo�.ng
assessments: �
Widening & Resurfacing •. . �
Residential - 3,225•81 �. @ �4.00 per ft. $ 12,903.2�+
Commercial a.nd "C" Residential. - , . �
710 ft. 8 $6.00 per ft. �+',260.00
, Estimated Widening a.nd Resur�acing Assessment $ 17,163.24
Curbing Replacement � ' , ' '
Residential, Commercial and "C" Residential - •
�+,022.49 ft. (� $1.00 per ft. ,$ .�+,022.�+9
Driveway Construction , . . �
Six-in�h thiclmess - 303.1 sq. yd. @ $6.50 per sq. yd. $ .1,970.15
Seven-inch� thickness- 0 sq. yd. @ $7.50 per sq. yd. 0.00
Estimated Driveway Construction Asseasment $ 1,970.15
Sewer Service Connections � , ,
. 250.00 for each six-inch connection. ' , �
Water Service Connections •- � • • .
Size: 3/4" 1" _, 1�' ��
Charge: $159.00 $165.00 $215.00 ' ,
Water, service connection chaxgea ahown axe for the north side' of'the street.
Charges axe not shown for the aouth side, which is entirely oizts�de of• St. Pau1.
, � , � � �� �
� • Yours very truly, ' � �
. � __�~� •
� v ' � � .
' Claude L. Thompson , ' • �
Design Engi.neer , ,
CZT�ATH�gt � , � '. - . .
� �I �
Appraved: • , '
d�. �, . ,
.. , .
Eu ne V. Avery . , .' , � � �
ChieY Engineer • . � , ; '
. ~ ' � �
�•. � • • ;
Milton Rosen . ' � � • , � � O
Co�unissioner of Public Works • . , ; ., �
, . , ; . � �
. , . .
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_ . . .. _ � . � �
' � � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL • . � ,
` , �O , - , '
, T0: Cor�nissioner James J. Dalglish � , `
` FROM: J,• WiLliam Donovan ' - ° �
. �
DATE: Me,Y 9, 1966 , � • "
SUBJECT: Improving Annapoli s St. f`rom Ottawa Ave. to Oakda.le Ave.
� Hearin� - May 10, 1966 � '
The above described improvement is a �oint pro�ect involving the Min�
nesota Highway Department, the County of Ramsey, the County of Dakota,
the City of West St. Paul, and the City of St. Paul. • � �
This improvement basically consists of the widening and resurfaci.ng '�
of Annapolis Street f�om Ottawa to Oakdale �lvenue and involves the re-
moval and replacement of existing curbing, and the construction of '
� sidewalk, driveways, and water �nd sewer connections, aL1 where neces-
sary. The present roa.dway has a width of 30 feet, and it is pxoposed , '
, � to widen the roa.dway to a 40-foot width and thus meet State Aid re- � "
quirements. The new back slopes and boulevard axeas will be gra,d.ed .
and sodded by,the contractor as part of his contract. ` � '
The estimated costs of the proposed work are as follows: '
� � Grading and paving (12' wide strip) $16.54 lin. ft.
• Curbing ' , 2.05 lin. ft. , �
� Sidewalk � .60 sq. ft. �
Driveways - Res. � - 6.50 sq. yd.,
Co�ercial 7.50 sq. yd.
. Water service connections
• . 3/4" $230.00
. . 1�� � - , . 238.00 � �
. 12" 303.00
Assessment rates for the above items of work axe recommended as foLl.ows:
Grading and pavi.ng ,� �
` Coimnercial:& C'res. properties $6.00 per assessable ft. .
Residential properties � � . . 4.00 per assessable ft.
' Curbing replacement 1.00 per assessable ft.
Sidewalk .60 sq. ft.'
Driveways - Res. . . 6.50 sq. yd.
. Co�unercia]. }, 7.50 sq. yd. ' � �
. • �
- ''�'. ' � ` " � • . ,
_ �_ '._ _ - �
- 2 - � .
. � � �Y 9, 1966 , ,
, ' Water service connections:
. 3�4,� $230.00 � ,
� 1" • 238.00
� lZ" 303.00 �
� Sidewalk construction, driveway construction, and sewer and water ser-
� vice connections are reco�nended to be assessed in full, as in other
' paving projects, insofar as their construction is a direct and distinct �
` • benefit to the properties served. The recommended assessment rates for '
• curbing and paving construction are nominal in cvmparison with their es-
timated costs and are comparable to assessment rates applied to similar • �
- type improvements in this area and throughout the City.
. <
• The existing curbing and pavement was constructed in 1g24. The exist- •
ing curbing varies in its condition, being good in some places and •'
poor in others. Insofar as the present curbing is 4� years old, it is
� recommended that the new curbing be assessed at the rate of �1.00 per
� . foot.
- There is one basic difference between this improvement and most other , � •
, paving projects of this type. Annapolis, being a border street, also
� , abuts the City of West St. Pau1; and i�"appears that the City of West�
� St. Paul does not intend to assess benefits and will finance their �
. entire share of this project from available funds. It ha.s been recom- ' �•
- mended that the City of St. Paul assess a small portion of the cost
against the benefited properties in� order to be consistent with es-
� tablished policies and procedures followed in assessing benefits for
like improvements in other areas of th� City. The application of the .
hexetofore reco�nended assessment rates wi11 result in a total assess-
, ment of approxi.mately $23,155.88, which is approximately 16�0 of the total
� � City share of the cost� which. 3s now estimated to be $1�+3,613•39•
. . . , � �__J .
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May 8, 1966
Mayor George Vavoulis
City Hall
� St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear Mayor Vavoulis ;
I am writing this to protest most vehemently the assessment that
is being made on the property owners , that live on the St, Paul
side of Annapolis Street, This �,ssessment is for the widening,
regrading and resurfacing of Annapolis Street,
I� the past two years we have been assessed f or new sidewalks�a
new storm sewer and now this. It is difficult for me to express
how discouraging , I think this whole process of assessing and
reassessing property owners f or every improvement the city thinks
is necessary„ The widening of Annapolis Street i s not a necessity
as far as the property owners are concerned, This street has
already been improved about three tj.mes in the past fifty years,
Just because the city cannot plan far enough ahead, to make
their improvements more far reaching, I do not think it should
fal.l upon the property owners to keep paying for these short
term improvements� Annai�polis Street is a very satisfactory street
as far as the residents are concerned. If� the street doesnrt
mcet with the approval of the city planners or whoever it is that
is not happy with it-then it should be the responsibility of the
city to pay for its
Enclosed, you will find clippings, that show that W�st St. Paul
has no intention of assessing the property owners on their side
of Annapolis . If it is possible for that City to be fair and
absorb the costs themselves� why in the name of heaven, cantt
St„ Paul.
My husband and I cannot aff ord to take off from work to attend the
Council meeting, but I am trusting you to record my very strong
protest to this assessment on thE widening of Annapolis Street,
I am sending copies of this letter to each of the Council members�
and hope that they too will give voice to my protest.
yours very truly�
, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Sadowski
14�7 E� Annapolis Street
���Ej�� ��" St� Paul, �Iinnesota
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To : The Honorable The Counail
City of St. Paul, Minnesota
aentiemen: � '
, ,
We the undersigned ownere of property abutting Annapolis
Street ob�ect to the proposed improvement and widening of Annapolia
3treet from Ottawa Avenue to Oakdale Avenue (File 17023, page 9)
and hereby petition your honorabie body as foliows:
We request that the property owners not be asaessed for
this imp�ovement and request that your honorabie body take one of
the following aiternate courses of action, liated in descending
order of our preference:
1 , Resurface Annapolis Street at no cost to property
owners, without widening aaid street.
2. Reaurface Annapolis Street at no cost to property
owners, without widening said $treet, prohibiting parking on said
� 3, Adopt the improvement as propoaed, but at no coat to
property owners.
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To : The Honorable The Counoil
City of St. Paul, Minnesota
We the undersigned owners of property abutting Annapolis
Street ob�ect to the proposed improvement and widening of Annapolis
Street from Ottawa Avenue to Oakdale Avenue (File 17023, page 9)
and hereby petition your honorable body as foilows:
We request that the property owners not be assessed for
thia improvement and request that your honorable body take one of
the foliowing aiternate courses of action, 1lated in descending
order of our preference:
1 . Resurface Annapolis Street at no cost to property
owners, without widening said street.
2. Resurface Annapolis Street at no cost to property
owners, without widening said street, prohibiting parking on said
street. �
3. Adopt the improvement as proposed, but at no coat to
property owners.
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To : The Honorable The Council
City of St. Paul, Minnesota
We the undersigned owners of property abutting Annapolis
Street ob�ect to the proposed improvement and widening of Annapolis
Street from Ottawa Avenue to Oakdale Avenue (File 17023, page 9)
and hereby petition your honorable body as foliows :
We request that the property owners not be assessed for
this improvement and request that your honorable body take one of
the following alternate courses of action, listed in descending
order of our preference :
1 . Resurface Annapolis Street at no cost to property
owners, without widening said street.
2. Resurface Annapolis Street at no cost to property
owners, without widening said street, prohibiting parking on said
street. '
3. Adopt the improvement as proposed, but at no coat to
property owners.
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To : The Honorabie The Counail �
. City of St. Paui, Minne�ota
, We the undersigned ownera of property abutting Annapolis
Street ob�ect to the proposed impi*ovement and widening of Annapolis
3treet from Ottawa Avenue to Oakdale Avenue (File 17023, page 9)
and hereby petition your honorabie body as foilows:
We request that the property owners not be asaessed for
thia improvement and requeat that your honorable body take one of
the foliowing alternate coursea of action, listed in descending
order of our preference:
1. Resurface Annapolis Street at no cost to prope:rty
owners, without widening said street. �
2. Resurface Annapolis Street at no coat to propert
owners, without widening eaid street, prohibiting parking on said
3, Adopt the improvement as proposed, but at no cost to
property owners.
�e o � loc ion
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To: The Honorable The Council
. City of St. Paul, Minnesota;
We �the undersigned owners of property abutting Annapolis
Street ob�ect to the propoaed improvement and widening of Annapolia
Street from Ottawa Avenue to Oakdale Avenue (File 17023, page 9)
and hereby petition your honorable body as follows:
We request that the property owners not be assessed for
this improvement.
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To: The Honorabie The Councii
; City of St. Paui, Minnesota
aentlemen: �
We the undersigned owners of property abutting Annapolis
Street ob�ect to the propoaed improvement and widening of Annapolis
Street from Ottawa Avenue to Oakdale Avenue (File 17023, page 9)
and hereby petition your honorable body as foliowe:
We request that the property owners not be assessed for
this improvement.
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To: The Honorable The Councll
. City of St. Paul, Minnesota
We the undersigned owners of property abutting Annapolis
Street ob,ject to the proposed improvement and widening of Annapolis
Street from Ottawa Avenue to Oakdale Avenue (File 17023, page g)
and hereby petition your honorabie body as i'oilows:
We request that the property owners not be assessed for
this improvement.
�e o oc on
6/ LY Lc ..
�IV. St. Paul Bill 112 000
. , ,
� . � , .
, . . .
� On Anna olis Face=Liff�n
_ p
West St• Paul of fi c i a 1 s West St. Paul will pay some or it with state aid street
learned last week that the $112,000; Dakota county will funds.
Annapolis street improvement pay about$136,000 if it agree uring e ime of construc-
project, to be completed this to participate in easement tion, Robert street will re-
summer, will cost $378,068. and.curbing costs. main open. �
The street will be widened St. Paul and Ramsey coun- The improvement will end
� and resurfaced from Oakdale ty's' share of the work will at Ottawa avenue because the
to Ottawa,with W�st St.Paui, land slopes to the west, storm
St. Paul, Dakota and Ramsey West St. Paul will not as- ewers are needed, but Men-
counties paying the.bi1T, sess for the work, but pay dota Hei�hts does not have
ftinds to participate in the
street improvemeht. .
West St• Paul will attempt
to negotiate for right-of-way
needed. It has appz�aised the
property at some $17,975.
In other action last week
the council:
_ . . . . G
< ' ' � P
� ' \� idenin b
nna olis �/ , g
. ., �al A p
. • ' �. • • t.
ied �or Inspection - �.r
I�ead ,
Officials of six governmen- West St. Paul will negoti- three storm sewers, one af 1
al units will soon inspect ate with Tonn on moving the which has yet to be completed
inal plans for the Annapolis o a e�i d��l�get it u of ��ee�park he ravine in Chero- ]
�treet widening and repaving „
�roject, which is e�cpected to aza����has talk d about avenueters�ec�ks 1?1ie�Stnia '
:ost over_$500,00�• �de�g �e stxeet for� as �0 feet wide �td no changes .
The border street will be long as he has lived there. ' are planned, but far most of
avideried `five.feet on �each «�e �ork has to be done; thhe street, five feet.of pave-
�ide and'rep�ved from 0�- it's been hanging fire for so ment will be added �on�both
dale avenue to C h e r o k e e long," said Dakota County sides.
E3eights boulevard. Sharing Commisisoner John S p e r 1, ' If negotiations on cost shar-
the cost will.be St.Paul,Ram- West St. Paul. in w�o,rl� sm����e�
sey county, `'Vest St. Paul, Annapolis street �t x�oM • uaam�a an�o st a �
Dakota. county, M e n d o t a �onstructed, wil�'
Heights and the state high- -
way department.
Altihough the St. e would
lic works departm
not divulge the six cost ap-
portionments, it was learned
rom:subuTb�n sources that
akota� county's share was
et at $142,000 and West St.
aul'.s cost at�$135,000.
West St. 1'aul believes its
hare of the project is too
arge and will trY to lower itl
in negotiat�ons with the other
governmental units an�
St. Paul public w�ork-
ment, which is '
� '
' � �g) ST. PAUL DISPATCH Tues., Jan. 25, '6S
,. ,,. .,.�;,r�a
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By George Beran
Once in a while, generally every Tuesday, I get the
idea that what appears in this column is probably boring
to the non-committed subutbanites who�lack interest in
' little essays on schaol bonds and gov�rnmental affairs•
It might be refreshing, th�ieasoning goes, to change
the approach and fire off opinions like sportswriter pon
ftiley. . . l -.
MENT: ' '
' Why some people want to mope the•Dakot� coun-
ty seart from Hastings, an old river town with charm and
, � history no other community can match? People can
� drive, so what's the difference if Hastings is a few miles
� off center? Cheers in this c�se for tradition, identity and
opposition to change. ... ' , �
Why EagaA ��S�P People didn't come out of
� � 'the bushes sooner with their logical arguments against
the district 197 bond issue? ... • ,
Why the West St. Pa1il. school district doesn't post-
pone the high school building project to see if a new
. elementary school in Mendota Heights or Eagan is more
. important? ... �
Why Park high school in district 833 can't be usedi
as a temporary junior college site?
� Why West St. Paul's,budget exceeded its per
capita spending limlt?
Why St. Paul allows ugly billbozrds to detract
� from the S. Wabasha street approach.to�the downtown?
' It could be a scenic entrance route to the booming LooP•
Why St. Paul will assess Annapolis street rp oper��
� owners for widening of the s�iee an es Paul
--not d"o'it?` � ._ `—` __`"_t... "_.r—r---
� � Why so little ever seems to happen in Mendota
. � Heights? ,
Why South St. Paul allows the areas alongside
Interstate 494 to give the city some undesetved epithets?
� Wliy Bob Morgan: Inver Grove Iieigh�s council-
man, took that controversial job as manager of the South
Grove water company? , . '
' Why Dakota county i�talung so much time to
pi�rchase park land that is badly needed and dis'appearing?
� Why the Hastings school district is able to present
a 31/z-million dolla.� bond issue in one montYi, while the`,
' West St. Paul district has taken three months to present
a 3.1-million ddllar issue? �
Why Burnsville is getting a reputatlon as an en-
clave, which is not very wiIlinffi to coope�a�e with the
_ rest of Dakota county?
' ' , Why Contro7. Data decided not to build in Burns-
, ville? -
Wlry columns like ,this are written? �
. •