05-455Council File # ��-u _�
Green Sheet # �ala �b
Requesting the Minnesota St�gistature and Governor work coop�ratively and
productively with the Ciry of Saint Paul in addressing the City's revenue needs
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been fiscally responsible by preventing the taspayers from being overly or
2 unfairly burdened by properry tases, while striving to maintain services that protect the health, safety and well being
3 of its residents and visitors; and
4 WHEREAS, as a result of the severe reductions in Local Government Aid (LGA) (a total of $56 million over three
5 yeazs and an additional $1.1 million projected for 2006), the City of Saint Paul has needed to rely on every resource
6 available, including STAR funds, to maintain a safe level of services for its residents and visitors; and
7 WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, as prescribed by the existing LGA formula, is receiving less LGA funds than 355
8 other Mimiesota ciries on a per capita basis; and
9 WHEREAS, the aid cuts imposed on the City of Saint Paul in 2003 and 2004 were much larger than the statewide
10 auerage aid cuts; and
11 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is cunently facing a substantial revenue gap of over $10 million due to the
12 permanence of the LGA cuts and cost of living increases while its revenues have decreased; and
13 WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Legislature is once again seriously considering substantially reducing revenues, and
14 options for increasing revenues to the City of Saint Paul, which will compound the situation and result in a severe
15 financial crisis for the City, its residents and those from around the region who use and benefit from its resources;
16 now therefore be it
17 RESOLVED, that the City Council strongly encourages the legislators who reconcile the House and Senate taac bills
18 to recognize the value the City of Saint Paul provides to the entire state and region, and its need to maintain essential
19 city services to protect the heaith, safety and quality of life for all; and be it further
20 RESOLVED, that the City Council formally requests legislators and the Governor to work cooperatively throughout
21 the 2005 Legislarive Session to provide additional tools and flexibility to the City of Saint Paul to deal with the
22 extreme budget pressures; and be it finally
23 RESOLVED, that the City Council formally requests the Minnesota State Legislature:
24 • avoid further LGA cuts and pursue increasing LGA funding to the City;
25 • maintain or increase the flexibility of existing revenue sources to fund essenfial city services and
26 maintain the CiYy"s high bond ratings, including allowing for the option of using neighborhood star
27 tax funds for its 2006 budget; and
28 • not fiirther burden the City's budgeting process with unnecessary and costly procedures as proposed
29 by the so-called turbo-chazged truth-in-taxation (TNT� proposals.
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Yeas Na s Absent
Benanav �
Bostrom ✓
Harris �
Helgen f
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8 AdoptedbyCouncil: Date � ���
9 Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
10 By:
12 By:
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Requested by Department of:
Fortn Approved by City Attomey
Approved I�M f�yor for Submission to
O�l- �155
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Contact Person & Phone:
Lse Fielgen
comract Type:
��Y-� I Green Sheet NO: 3026520
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Assign 1 ounn7 e t ' r
Number Z � - �
For 3
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Total # of S ign a ture P ag es _( Ctip AN Locatio� f Signature)
Action Requested:
Resalution cequesting the Minnesota Staate Legislatute and Govemox wock coopeiatively and productively with the City of Saint Paul
in addressing the City's revenue needs.
, Recommendations: Appro�e (A) or R
- Plannirg Commission
.. GB CQmmittee
�. __ _ CiHI Senice Commission
1. Has this persoNfirtn eeer wwked under a coMraCt for this depaRmerrt?
Yes No
2. Has lhis persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill rwt nortnally possessed by any
curteM city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and attach W green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why):
AdVantages IfApproVed:
Disadvantaqes If Approved:
Disadvantaqes If Not ApDroved:
. Transaction:
� Funding Source:
Financial Information:
May 18,'20051221 PM
CosNRevenue Budgeted:
Activky Number.
P�qe 1