228447 r , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK / ��� ., CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j �J CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � r �RESENTED SY COMMISSIONE ' DATF WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has proceeded in condemnaa tion to acquire Lot 2, Washington Heights Addition, as is evi- ' denced by State Warrant Nos. H-176096 and H-229922, made payable to Arthur B. Hanson, Margaret S. Iianson, and the City of St. Paul; and � WHEREAS, the City of St. Pa.ul has no interest in the above de- � scribed. property; now therefore be it RESOLVED that the proper City Officials may be and hereby are authorized and directed to endorse Warrant No. H-176096 in the a.mount of �1,600.00 and Warrant 1Vo. H-229922 in the amount of �815.12, the City of St. Paul having no interest therein, but having been shown a named payee thereon. ' _ � ��� � l� COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , Dalglish �V 6 ��'�� ' Holland L� Approve a 19— Loss ' J Tn Favor � � — r� � ��a�� Pete rs on . �yOr � A g8iI18t Roseff „�',.,e.���:��F ysi�erit;:�V'�.'v'�iiiL•��j�91�� 4 17�� ��.�yw..�����.��::::�. pUBLISHED MAY 1 Mr. Vice President (Roso1S) lons a� DU�LICAT[TO rRINT[R ' ��`�L�� ! CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�uNCa NO u OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONER DATF WI�REA$, the State o£ Minnesota has proceeded in conde�r,nai tion to acquire Lot �� Washington He3ghts Addition, as is evi- , denced. by Sta,te Warrant nTos. H-1760g6 esu3. H-229922, made payable to Arthur B. Hansoni Margaret S. Hanson, s,nd the City of St. Pa.u1; and WHEREA�, the C�.ty oP St. Paul has no interest in the above de- scribed. property; maw therefore be 3t • RESOI�VID that �Che proper Ci�y OfPicials may be and hereby sxe authorized and d3rected tb endarse Warxa.r�t No. H-176096 in the amount o£ $1,600.40 and Warrant No. H-229922 in the amount of $8i5.].2, the Ci�y of St. Paul having no interes� thez�ein, but having been shawn e� named payee thereon. NIP►Y 6 19�6 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���� � 1��� Dalglish Holland Approv� 19— Loss �'J Tn FaVO2' Mere�d-itk Peterson a Mayor Resea-� A ga�t ��e�`res;id,e'nr,:��hdtlE�,`!,'•,.'�',.e:.:� Mr. Vi�e President (Rosen) loM A-Qa