D001394crrY oF sanv�r rAtri. OFFICE OF TAE MAYOR ADMIN7STRATIVE ORDER � • BUDGEf REVLSION No: 1JlJ.J � J�1 `f �r4. ►a ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted W the Mayor In Sec6on 10.07.4 of the City Chazter and based oa the xequest of Directot of the Division of Parks and Recteation to amend the 1997 budget of the Cm.aerel fimd, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is suthorized to amend said budget in the following mauner: Division of Parks and Recreation General F�nd Current Amanded Bu t�ECL Change u� dg� 001-03100-0283 Rental - Vehicles 204,080 240 204,320 001-03102-0283 Rentai - Vehicles 16,680 (10,000) 6,680 001-03104-0279 Other Repair & Maintenance 15,269 13,700 28,9b9 001-03104-0283 Rental- Vehicles 5,440 (3,500) 1,940 001-03104-0341 Motor Fuel 57,461 20,000 77,461 001-03104-0342 TireslTubes 6,374 2,000 8,374 001-03104-0343 Oil 2,705 ` 3,000 5,705 001-03104-0344 Parts for Vehicles 67,222 105,000 172,222 001-03104-0349 Other Parts 0 4,000 4,000 001-03122-0277 Other Fquipment Repair 1,681 2,000 3,681 001-03122-0279 Other Repair & Maintenance 7,874 1,100 8,474 001-03131-0277 Other Fquipment Repair 0 500 500 001-03131-0279 Other Repair & Maintenance 500 750 1,250 001-03131-0341 Motor Fuel 2,500 1,860 4,360 001-03131-0342 TueslTubes 0 600 600 001-fl3131-0344 Parts for Vehicles 854 1,300 2,154 001-03132-0341 Motor Fuel 0 2,000 2,�00 001-03171-0283 Rental - Vehicles 190,326 (100,000) 90,326 001-03171-0341 Motor Fuel 0 700 700 001-03172-0283 Rental- Vehicles 32,650 (b,000) 26,650 001-03180-0341 Motor Fuel 0 800 800 001-03180-0344 Parts for Vehicles 0 150 150 001-03192-0283 Rentat - Vehicles 6,720 50 6,770 001-03194-0283 Rental- Vehicles 4,080 250 4,330 001-03195-0279 Other Repair & Maintenance 16,�22 12,500 29,222 001-03195-0283 Rental- Vehicles 156,340 (90,000) 66,340 001-03195-0341 Motor Fuel 45,035 12,000 57,035 001-03195-0342 Tires/Tubes 3,196 7,000 10,196 001-03195-0344 Parts for Vehicles 34.596 18_000 52.596 878,305 0 878,305 Adjust 1997 budget to allow for the coverage of vehicle related expenditures with the one time use of excess ehicl rental fu C \� �`�'� � U� �P Y� ��� M�S�' Approv y: Bu et Direcfnr � , � ,--� Requested by: DepanmeM Director DeW !�n n �'7/1 i 7 / �� ( � o�,�„�,�,ro����G� DATEINITATm GREEN SHEET � �� NO. 01 Parks and Recreation } } /24l97 CON7ACTP6ISONANDRIONE INTM/DA?E INTAUDATE Kelly Stromen 266-6A35 � 1 os��arranECron _cmcouNa� � NJ4e� WT CRY ATTOWiEY y � GITY C3HiK MUST BE ON CAUNpt AGBiDA 6Y mATp i � 2 fw�wcw. semeES om 4 OF cc u tin ewros roie esasrnem . `� � . To7ALSOFSIGNATUPEPAGES � (C1lALLIACAl10N6FaR7NIMTUik7 ACSIdI REQUESTID: Approval of administrative wder a�nending the Parks and Recreation genere{ fund spending plan. rsECOMMaownoNS: anawr.w«ny.uuu ve�wxa.semc¢eoxmacTaMUSriwsweznEwu.oxnNCatesnoNS: PLANNINQ COMMIS90N �qVR SffiNGE COMMISSION y. Hr llin penanMirm svn warked udn e eanvact tp tlie tlepabna�rt] CIB COMMITTEE VES NO A surf z. H� w. c�.� �• ee«„ «�r.�,aw�� YES NO ���STMCT COUNqL _ 3. Oer tF'w V�� P�� � altiU �wt memY1Y P� W�Y wrraM dK amdoYb7 SUPPOFtTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO 6[yYn N Ya rrYV�u m �qn> �Irat �nC atu�h b P� abeet. INITA71N0 PflOBLEM, ISSUE� OPPOflTUNITY IWho. WMt, YNrn, NTyL• A one-time excess of fleet rental funds is available due to later rentais during the year than originally anticipated. Due to the late rental, additional costs have been incurred in the vehicle repair and maintenance codes which were not budgeted, An adjustment is required to refiect the true costs of these items for 1997. MVANTAGES IF APPROV�: The 1997 buclget will retlect actuai ffeet activity for the year. DISADVPNTAGESIFPPPROVED: No�e. Rt�;�9VED DEC 51997 ci�r� �:z��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROV�: The 1997 budget will not reflact actual fleet activity and overspending will occur. rorr,�nmouNroFrwwsncnou $ 0 cosrmEVS��e�oaErmtcoac�o� � eo wNa�wsouace General Fund acmmwuMeec 03100-03195 RNANCIqL INFOqMATON: IE%PLlJqI ^, v �