228419 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLHRK CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ������ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DA� gE IT S VED, at in. ordance with Ordinance N�. 8829, Council F31e No. 137998� as ame d, the ewer maintena.nae charges to be made from date of connection to June _ 30� 1 � against the followi.ng cou�nercial, industrial, and residentia.l properties other tha.n single and two-family dwellings, which are located in the City �f West Saint Pau1 and which are connected to the Saint Paul Sewer System, be and hereby are determined to be the amaunts set opposite the location of the connections as follows: ADDRES3 USE AMOUN'r 1578 CharTton Store $ �•� .2�+5 E. Marie Shop & Office 15$•�+0 ,275 E. Marie Apartmen-�s 147.20 �-$75-95 Oakdale Ave. Apartments 271.20 .1225 S. Robert Bank 11+4.00 .1288 8. R�ber-t Tavern 27•20 1867-75 Scott Lane Apart�ments 232•� =� 1075„Waterloo Apaxtments _ 233•60 2g0 Westview Dr. Apartments 164.00 _310 Westview Dr. Apartments 156.80 330 Westview Dr. Apar�men�s 162.�+0 i r T �� � ��C� COUNCILIv�N Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays �� 3� � Dalglish r _ Holland proved —19—. � Loss � Favor Meredith ' Peterson � �yOr A gainst Rosen �ya p Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED 1111F1Y � 196f �o� �