228382 ���3�2 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C L UTION—GENERAL FORM �RES�reo er `` COMMISSIONE ere� DATE May � 19W WHEF�AS� �rdinance No. 3250 authorizes arid prov3,des fo� payment for overtime work, a.nd WHEREAS, the ��Conuniss3.oner of Publia Saf e�y has author- ized overtime woxic in his departFaent �Police) during the period from April 23 to T�Iay 6� 1966s . therefore be it: RESUI�VID� that the proper City off'I.cers are hereby an- thorized to pay the emplclyees who performed such overtime work 3n accordance wi�h the provisi.ons of 0=d.inatices No. 6l�1�6 a�d No. 3250. r.:; �� 31966 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��Y�Y � �'�d6� Holland pprove� 19— Loss � � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson (� M�yOr A gainst ���:����"►�:1�6iii=i PUBLISHED M�Y � 1��� Mr.!�ice President (Ruse�) iont e-as