228369 .ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2�g�6� �_ CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ `' OFF CE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCI SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � �- COMMISSIONE DATF — WI�REAS, Comptroller' s Contract L-6763-1, Hunt Electric Corporation, contractor for the installation of Ornamental Lighting on GRAND AVENUE from Oakland Ave . to Ham.line �venue, has been substantially comple ted, and WHEREAS, said contractor re�uests that a portion of the 15� retained under the c ontrac t from e st ima.te s f or work done, be pa id in advance of the final settlement of the contract, and WHERE,AS, the Commissioner of Public Works and the Superintenden.t of the Lightin� Bueau approve the payment at this time of �8,71{.8.51 of the � 12, 7� .51 re tained; theref ore be it RESOLVED, that the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay an estimate in the amount of � 8, 7�8.51 from the retained percentage of � 12, 71�.8.51 to said � contractor; and be it • FURTHER RESOLVED, that this rasolution shall have no �orce or effe ct unless the sureties on the contractor' s bond consent thereto in wri�ing and file such consen.t with the City Comptroller. . .._ - _ - -,,....:- - .� . . -- -- , -- -�_'==-� ��__. - . - �- - - - - -- - - -_ _ _ . � ,I v l' �PR � 9 �6� . COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19.— ` Yeas Nays Dalglish �pR 2 9196� Holland � pproved 19— Loss � Tn FSVOr . Meredith � ' Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED MAY 7 1966 > [ DUrLICATE TO r111NTER ���./���J r- CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� . �` . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY • COMMISSI ONER � DATF P�HEREAS, Comptroller�s Contraat L-6763�1, Hunt Fleetric Corporation� aontractor fo� the in��all�t�.on of Ornamantc�� Light3ng on aRAND AVENtIE from �akland 9ve. to Hamlina Avenue, �ha8 baen aubstantls�l�r aompleted, and WHER�AS, �e�td con�ractor requaeta �Ghat a, port3on of the l5� retained under the contreat t'rom ee�3metea, for work done, be paid in advana� of the �ina7. s�ttl�man� of the aon�raat, and , 1�AEREAS� the Comm3.aeioner of P�zblia �iorks and the Su�er3ntendent • oP the L3.ghtlng Bueau approva the payment at thi� time of �8,7�.8.53 of the � 1�,7�.8.�1 �e tained, theref ore be it RES�LV�;Ds that the proper Ci�y OPfiaera be and the� are hereby suthor3zed and c��rected to pey an estimate 3n the smount of � 8,?�.8.51 from �he r�tained percente,ge of � 12,7�.8,51 to aeid aon�raator� c-�nd be 2t • FIIRTxER RESQ�,PED,, thet thie reaolution eha11 have no force or ePfe ct unless the suretie�e on the aon�ractor� s bond consen� ther+eto in wr3��.ng and file such conser�t wi�h the C�.t� Comptroller. , APR 2 9196� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �R 2 9 ���� Holland Approved 19— Loss ' Tn Favor Meredith Pete rs on � • �SyOr �AgalIl9t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis