228340 � �� 8'-3�D
Councll Flle No. 228340 — By Milton
Rosen— ,
Resolved, That upon the petition of
Geo. J. Grant Construction Co., and
others, that Section of public street
, and public alley hereinafter described
be and the same hereby are vacated
and discontinued as a public street and
Lots 11 and 12,Block 7, Como Park
3rd Addition;
subject expressly to the following con-
ditions and reservations:
1. That the description of the alley
to be vacated be revised to read: the
vacation of the alley in Block 7, Como �
Park 3rd Addition, abutting Lots 3
through 8 and Lots 13 through 22 lying
between the east line of said Lot 3
extended southerly and a line nin
from the southwest corner of Lot 8
- to the northwesterly corner of Lot 13,
Block 7, Como Park 3rd Addition;
, aLso the vacation of that segment of
alley dedicated in 1964 in said Block
7 described as: that part of Lot 21,
Block 7, Como Park 3rd Addition,lying
easterly of a line drawn from a point
on the line between Lots 21 and 22,
Block 7, 25 feet from the northeasterly
line o4 said lots to the most northerly
corner of said Lot 21 and all of Lot
22, Block 7, Como Park 3rd Addition.
2. That the Amended petition, based
on the revised description above, has
been checked for sufficiency and proper
form to the satisfaction of the Corpora-
tion Counsel.
3. That the vacation be subject to
all the ter�ns anc} conditions of Section
228 oP the Legislative Code,as amended,
regulating the procedure and prescrib-
ing conditions for the vacation of
public grounds, streets, alleys and
highways in the City oP Saint Paul.
4. That speciAc easements be re-
tained to protect,the interests of the
Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
and the Northexzl States Power .Com-
5. That the petitioner pay to the
City the sum of $1,850.00 as compensa-
tion for the vacation and provide the
City with a bond in the amount of
Adopted by the Counciri Aprll 27,1966.
Approved Aprll 27, 1966. .
(Aprll 30, 1966)