228334 .� .� ORIGINAL ZO CITY CLERK � �' j CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ���� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE — � COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONE DATF � RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works ia hereby aathorized to follow the policy, a copy of which is hereby attached and incorpcm ated by reference, relative to local street and utility development procedures . F�I AP ROVED • Asst. Corporation Counsel � ��R 2 7196� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays !�(�e� �7 �'�,� ' Laa� Dalglish Holland Approved 19_ Loss � - Tn Favor • Meredith Peterson J Mayor Rosen ASainst Mr. President, Vavoulis r��l�H�� qpR 3� �g�� DUPLIC�,TE TO rRINTER ����„{'��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `�� ~ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF — RESOLVID, �hat the Comm3.s�ioner o£ Public Wo�ks is hereby authorized to follow the pol�.cy, a copy of which , ia hereby at�aahed and inaorpc�ated by reference, relative �0 1oca1 s�reet and utilit�r development procedure�. AQR�7 �g�6 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� Dalglish �� �7 �"` Holland Approved 19._ Loss Tn Favor Meredith � Pe te rs on �AyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis . - - � . � . ��,��� ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS March 21, 1966 A POLICY ON STREET DEVELOPMENT SCHIDULING Milton Rosen, Commissioner • INTRODUCTION ' After long and careful study, the Department of Public Works is recommending herein a revised policy on local street and utility development procedures. Under the proposed policy all utilities would be installed with house connection stubs to the property lines as a part of the initial rough grading. Stubs would be located in accordance with the owners� wishes. The street would be paved shortly thereafter. � , .• ' ' � . : , •�� ' ��•�. 1 � ..•� � �• . � � '� . , , , . �� ' , . ' � ,- , The recommended policy would eliminate the long time lag, sometimes two or three years now being experienced between the starting of and the final surfacing of a local street. The time lag is usually caused by the pace of hoµse building and has several adverse aspects; such as higher street cost, delays in assessment recoveries, difficulties of interim maintenance and nuisance to home owners because of poor street conditions impossible of corrections when the street is in the partially finished state. The revised policy is expected to correct most of these problems and would be consistent with practices followed in �e�ny other aiunicipalitiea. � . :.�,• ' �: ;� ' THE PRESENT POLICIES Under the present procedures, following the final order and the ratification of awards of damages, a combined contract is let to the lowest reliable bidder, This contract includes the rough grading of the street and the installation of sanitary and storm sewer facilities. As soon as it is considered practical9 following the completion of this contract, the Water Department under its regular procedures fnstalls a city water main. The rough graded street is then shaped as well as a rough graded street can or should be shaped knowing as the property develops and the necessary cuts are made in order for home owners and business people to connect to the sewer, the water line and the gas line, the general contour and cross-section of the street will be disrupted many times. In most cases, because the building does not progress at any uniform manner, two or three years elapse before the final building construction is completed to a reasonable extent and during this time the city maintenance forces must attempt to maintain this dirt street so the residents are able to gain reasonable access, This situation is not satisfactory to anyone and causes much nuisance to the property owner s�nee during extremely wet weather and in the early spring it is impossible to maintain this rough graded street at the level desired by the public and by the property owners. In addition to the inadequate in result, the overall street development costs are increased considerably by this necessity for interim maintenance. , As soon as the streets of this type are developed to a point where it is considered that a sufficient number or percentage of properties are developed, the contract is let for the fine grading, the placing of the base material and the surfacing, During the preceding time, of course, property owners are not able to sod or finish their boulevards, to build driveways because of grade problems and the whole procedures tends to inhibit the general development of the area as well as the street for two to three years. Because of these various problems, a change in the procedure has been contemplated for some time and it is the opinion of the Department of Fublic Works that such change ought to be accomplished as soon as possible. -1- � THE RECOI�AIENDED POLICIYrS Under the proposed system which has been discussed with representatives of the utilities involved, all connections to the sanitary sewer to vacant or occupied property would be stubbed to the property line at the time that the street is rough graded and the sanitary sewer system is installed. This' would eliminate future cuts for house sewer connections. The cost of the sewer stubs would all be assessed back against the abutting property in the same manner as the sanitary sewer itself and the final order would include the authority for the installation and construction of these house sewer connections. The property owner would, therefore, pay for the cost of this portion of his house sewer connection through an assessment procedure rather than as a part of a bill ,to a house sewer contractor at some later date. Following the installation of the sanitary sewer system9 including the stubs to the property line, the water main would be installed and connections also stubbed to the property line. The assessment procedure for the water connection stub is, howevery considerably more complicated than the sewer connection. The Water Departmenty under the Chartern has no power to assess a connection or any part thereof. The City Council does have this authority and at the time that the orders are written for the grading of the street, the authority to construct these water connections to the property line would be included in the grading and surfacing order. In other words, the public hearing and the final order of the City Council would include the grading and surfacing of the street, the installation of the sanitary sewer system, the installation of the required water system and the installation of any necessary storm sewer facilities. Immediately following the passage of the final order, the property owner would be notified and asked his desire as to the location of these sewer and water connections. It is contemplated that he would indicate his desires on a plat map that would be enclosed with the letter. If he were not to answer the Public Works inquiry within a certain period of time, the Public Works Department will indicate that certain standard patterns for the installation are to be used and the property owner would be notified so that he could plan any future building around the location of the connections. Immediately following the rough gradinga the sanitary sewer system and water main system installations, the gas mains which will be placed in the boulevard, the construction of the necessary storm water facilities, the contractor will then fine grade the streety place the base9 build the necessary curb and gutter as called for in the order and surface the street. It is our intention and thinking that this can all be accomplished with one construction season and, therefore, the property owner will, of course, have a new street in the fall, This seems advantageous to people who build and develop immediately on completion of the street within one construction season since the assessment matter would be completed and there is also the advantage of having a first-class street for access, �.irthermorey residents and owners would be able to develop their properties, finish off lawns, boulevards and driveways and would not be forced to live in a sea of mud and dust for several years. The disadvantages, of course9 come from the property owner who does not develop within the same season or for several years since he would be assessed for his connections in the same manner and under the same procedures as the property owner who has developed, Consequently9 he has more initial investment with no returne It is the opinion of the Department of Fublic Works9 -2- The Recommended Policies (Continued) however, that advantages greatly outweigh disadvantages and the proposed system or one similar to it has been used in many other communities with considerable success in terms of physical accomplishments, Specifically9 the recommendations involve the following sequence: 1. The property owners file a petition for the grading and surfacing and installation of water main connections on the street; a separate petition for the construction of a sanitary sewer, a water petition for the installation of the water main with the Local Improvement Division of the Department of Public Works. 2. The Local Improvement Division will keep appropriate records and files on all three petitions and coordinate actions on them. 3. The petition for sewer and sewer connection is transmitted to the Bureau of Sewers, 4. The petition for the water main is transmitted to the Water Department, 5. The Local Improvement Division writes Freliminary Orders for the grading and surfacing for storm sewer and storm water facilities9 for the stubbing of water connections to the property line. 6. The Bureau of Sewers of the Departm ent of Public Works writes Preliminary Orders for sanitary sewer installation and stubbing of sanitary sewer connections to the property line. 7. The Northern States Fower Company, both the Gas Division and the Electrical Division are notified that these Preliminary Orders have been written and that action is likely to be taken on them by the City Council in the near future, - 8, The Finance Department of the City of Saint Paul notifies the property owners of the date and place of the public hearing on the above orders, 90 The public hearings on the above matters are then held before the City Council on the grading, surfacing9 sanitary sewer system, storm sewer system9 the stubbing of water connections and the stubbing of sewer connections to the property line. 10, If the City Council approves the orders for construction, action is then taken by the Board of Water Commissioners for the installation of the water main. 11. The Local Improvement Division then notifies the property owner by mail that sewer and water connections will be installed under the program to his property and encloses a plat plan and further requests that he state in writing the position that he desires to have his water connection and sewer connection placed on the lot. =3- The Recommended Policies (Continued) 11. (Contod). In this letter it is further stated that if he does not reply within a certain specified time, the sewer connection will be placed on the sewer down-stream side of the property approximately 1/3 of the distance from his down-stream property corner to the upstream corner. The water connection would be placed at a minimum of ten feet upstream from this sewer connection. Both the sewer connection and water connection location would be staked by the Public Works Surveyor. This will be a standard procedure and will be used in all cases where the property owner does not express his desires in writing. 12. The Local Improvement Division then arranges to advertise the project for bid to the lowest reliable bidder through standard procedures, the contract to include the grading, surfacing and installation of sewers and stubbing of sewer connections to the property line and installation and stubbing of all water'connections by the Water Department to the property line, the installation of a storm sewer and the necessary drainage facilities with all the appropriate special provisions. 13. The bids are then opened in the manner approved by the Legislative Code in the City Charter. 14. The contract is checked by the Corporation Counsel and counter- signed by the City Comptroller and all necessary public officials. 15. The contractor after posting bond and signing his contract,� is then ready to proceed with the contract. 16. The contractor rough grades the street," installs sanitary sewer and stubs all connections to the property line in positions either stated by the property owner or as called for under the general standard procedure. 17. As called for in the Special Provisions, the contractor will then turn the project over to the City Water Department who, pursuant to a Public Works requisition, will install the water main and stub all connections to the property line. 18. The contractor then again moves in on the project and installs all drafnage facilities such as catch basins and so forth. 19. The contractor again moves off of the job so that the Northern States Power Company Gas Division may install gas mains. Where ' the gas mains are placed in the boulevard, it will not be necessary for the Northern State Power Company to stub their connections since subsequent connections can normally be jacked under the roadway. 20. The contractor then moves on the job again for the final completion of his contract. At this time he will find grade the roadway and boulevards9 place the base material and complete the surfacing of paving, as called for in his contract. -4- � The Recommended Policies (Continued) 21. The Water Department then issues an interdepartmental billing to the Department of L�blic Works for payments based on the scheduled charges or actual costs for payments of service connections. , 22. The Department of Public Works, through its revolving fund, issues checks in full to the Water Department for the installation of all the water connections. The revolving fund would be later replenished from assessments. 23. The Finance Department writes orders for the assessment hearing notifying the property owner of the date and place of the hearing of all of the above facilities except water main installation. 24. The public hearings are held with reference to the above assessments. The assessments levied and the matter completed. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works Approved by the City Council (Date) t -5-