228274 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIlE NO C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DAT� �H.E'REAS, Ordincznce No. �325"0 czuthorizes and provides for pczz�ment for overt ime work, dnd Wf�'REAS, the Commissioner of .Ltbraraes, Auditorium, cznd Civic BuiZdinqs ,(StadiumJ has czuthorized overtime zvork in his department during the period from Apri,1 9, 1966 to ApriZ 22, ,z966: there,fo're, be it .RE'SO,LVED, that the proper Citz� officers ¢re hereby ��� czuthorized to pay the employees who performed such over- t ime work in ¢ccord¢nce rvi th the provis i ons of Ord incznces No. 6446 cznd No. 32j0. APR 2 219�� COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 9_ Yeas Nays Dalglish '4flpaR 2 2 1 �„ Holland Approve � 19— Loss � � Tn FavOx' Meredith Peterson - MByOr �� �Ag8iI13t !��i��� x. ,.�' a..q.��:� APR Nli�vi ceaP esi ent (Re�� �U�LISHED 3 0 i966 �a� �z