228266 \ /J J" ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK i������ 1 ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � �d��' � ;° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO � IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM reES�reu eY COMMISSIONE I DATE � HE IT RE L D, at accordaxice� with Ordinance 160. 12387� Council File No. 210629, approved J uary 18, 1963, the annual sewer maintenance charges to be made in 196� against the following ec�mercial, industrial, and residential proper�ies other than sin.gle and two-familtiy dwellings, whi.ch are located in the City of White Bear I,ake and which are connec�ed to the Saint Paul Sewer �ystem, be and hereby are de�ermined -�o be the amounts set opposite the locat3.on of the connections as fo]1ows: ADDRESS USE AMOUIVT 810-1�+ First St. Multiple dwelling - $ 8.00 909 First St. Shop & duplex $•� 1002 First St. . Shop $•� 615 Second St. Office & residence 8.00 701 Second St. Theatre 13•52 808 Second St. Mortuary 8.00 . 502 3rd S�. & 221-25' Cook � • Mu7.tiple dwel�in�a $•00 - – -5i3 �ra st.- •- �. � , - -l_ - - Beauty'Shop & apartmen-�s -- g.28 - 518 �.ra st. ci,� 9.28 � 521 Third St. Office 12.64 522 �hird & 212-1�+ Banning Ave. , Off3ce, store & apari�nents i:� 13,�+0 , �6:1:' i. 6�G iL11.Ld SY• l7�Af7e }wn3�1!]. � ....r� G .LG 607 Th3rd St. : - Store & apartmen�s 16.80 � � 609-71 Third St. Store & offices 18•� ' 61�+ Thira st. store 63.20 618 Third �t. Store $•� COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �"19— Yeas Nays . Dalglish - Holland Approve� 19—_ Loss Tn FAVOI' Meredith Peterson. MAyOr A gainst Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis .. ion� e-as � - a . .� . • ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��� `9/�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa ''�"t' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED dY COMMISSIONEQ DATF ADDRESS USE AMOUN`r Page 2. 620 Third St. Store & apar�L-ment $12.2�+ 62�+ & 626 Third St. Store & apartment 71.04 698-702 Th3xd St. Bt'ores & Offices 13.68 . 704 Third St. Tavern & apartment 8.00 708-20 Third 8t. S�ore_& offices 37.68 _� 17.07 Thira st. Mortuary 25.60 1222 Third St. Apartments 10.36 ' �12 Forurth St. Shop &�residence 8.00 50�+-08 Fourth St. Locker Plant & Stores 31.92 505 Fourth St. , Store 79•92 512 Fourth St. Shop 11.92 _ - _�-.•�.�.>—__-;:;_.�-,-�;1 •�---� -- ,. ....�--- ---..., -- . 520-2�+ Fourth St. 8tores 19.�+4 521 Foux�h St. Store 25.20 601-05 Fourth St. Store, office & apartments 20.00 602 Fourth St. Store & apartm,ents 8.00 607 Fourth St. r � - Store 8.00 611 Fourth St. Store g.20 612 Fourth St. Store & apartments 15.36 614 Fourth St. 1+sea3cal C13nic r l3•92 COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland' - ' - -' - - _ .- -" - _ ,- -_Appx'oved � Y 19—_ Loss Tn F'aV01' �` Meredith Peterson M�yOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-� - • ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �MIF ��;^��E-.6� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. �� �a�% _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED dY • ' COMMISSIONEQ DA� ADDRESB USE AMOUNT Page 3. 615 Fourth St. Store & office $26.34 ��:C-2Q Fourth St. Store & off3.ce 25.28� 617-21 Fourth St. Store, Theater & tavern 3�+.56 623 Fourth St. Service Station 28.00 62�+-30 FourEh St. & 330-32 Washi:ngton Ave. Stores 36.32 801 Fourth St. & �+O1-03 Division St. Tavern, apartments & beauty shop 11.20 803 Fourth S�. Restaurant 8.00 806 Fourth St. Store 8.00 - 810 Fourth St. Store & residence 8.00 , , � . � � 1016 Fourtli'St. -. � - Office 78.32 1109 Fourth St. Store � 12.00 1907 Fourth St. Studio & Residence 10.80 ' 19.57 Fourth St. � OffYce & residence 14.08 1960 Fourth St. Apaxtm�ents 55•� 1964 Fourth S�. Apartments 65.60 . 1g68 Fourth St: Apartments 61.36 197� Fourth St. .Apartments 59•5a 2Q00 Fourth St. Apartments 59•5$ COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays _ - -_ �. _ _ . _ _ . . ._,-...,,:--- Dalglish ' " Holland Approved 19—_ Loss Tn FSVOx' � � Meredith ` Peterson MByOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-as . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������'l ° . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '��� '� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED QY COMMISSIONER DA� ADDRESS USE AMOUNT Page �+. 2010 Fourth St. Apartments $55•� 2020 Four�h St. Apaxtments : 62.78 1029 Fifth 3t.. Gaxage 8.00 - 513 Sixth St. Multiple dwelling 8.00 702 83.xEh St. Gaxage & Service Station 25•�+4 515 Seventh St. Shop & residence 8•00 615 Eighth St. Stores 21.8$ �6gg Ninth St. Office & factory 800.00 �+8 Bald Eagle Ave. - Service Station ' 8•00 - 111 Ba1d Eagle Ave. Store 13.60 322 Ba1d Eagle Ave. Gaxage & store 1�.0�+ �+Ol Ba1d Eagle Ave. � � Office & Service Station 13.84 215 Barin3ng Ave. Store & garage 1�+.76 312 Banning Ave. Store & apaxtm�nt $•� � 503 Banning A�v�e. ' Beauty Shop & residence 9.60 3667 Bellaire Office � 17-•81+ 1A k �+020 Bellaire Ave. Apart�ments 110•00 �+030 Bellaire Ave. Apartments 114•00 ?+0�+0 Be11a3re Ave. Apartments � 110•00 COITNCILIuIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ` '"" Dalglish , - - Holland Approved 19—_ Loss Tn F'8V01' � Meredith Petersou " M�yOr , A gBiIlSt .Rasen {`` Mr. President, Vavoulis , lont e.es � r ������ ' ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM °.�..... �RESENTED EY COM M I SSI ON EQ DATF ADDRESS USE AMOUNT Page 5. 1330 Birch Lake Ave. Shop & residence $8.00 1810 Birch Apartmenta 19�+.�+0 1820 Birch St. Apartments 194.�F0 �+05-409 Bloo¢n Ave. 3hop & offices 20.00 1596 Cedar Ave. Serv3ce Station 17.60 1805 Cedar Ave. Apartments 7�+.� 1813 Cedar Ave. Aparf;ments 7�+.08 1821 Cedar Apartments 74.08 200-220 Clark Ave. Bank ' ]10.�+0- 211 Clark Ave. Stores �+7•92 223 Clark Ave. Serv3.ce Stat3on . 26.80 �- - - . _ 1976 E. County Road E Off3ce & residence 10.80 2010 E. County Roa.d E Service Station 15•92 2023-a+7 E. County Rd. E Stores 120.64 202+�+ E. County Road E Service Station 19•52 2055 E. County Road E Service Station & & 3615 Van Dyke Office 21.28 2070 Caunty Roa.d E Drive-In 23•2� 2086 E. Coun.ty Road E Off3ce & residence 12.36 2240 E. County Rd. E. Boarding h�me 8•00 'COiJNCILI�N l i , Adopted by the Council , 19— Yeas � . t Nays . _. . Dalglish Holland Approve� 19� Loss Tn Favor Meredith �- Peterson Mayor,� A gainst - Rosen , Mr. President, Vavoulis � lont e.es . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK p+����+�� - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�Nreo eY COM M I551 ON ER DATE ADDRESS USE AMOUNT Page 6. 2�+81 E. County Rd. E S�ore $19•68 2�+88 County Road E Drive-In $•� 2555 E. County Rd. E Medical clinic 55•0�+ 1801 E. County Rd. F Office & garage • . 105.60 1904 County Rd. F Shop & Residence 8•�4 2024 E. Coun�y Rd. F Apartments 36•96 2Q�+8 E. County Rd. F Apart�nents 61•92 2050 E. County Rd. F Apartments 37•92 2226 County Road F Office & residence 10.80 2490 County Road F Serv3ce Station 13•76 � 216 Division Ave. OffYce & Warehouse 14:96 . _ .-7�-° :.-M � � 21.8 Division ` Office & Warehouse - 8•� 220 Division Store $�� 320 Division Office & shop 11•2� � ' 2�5-95 Dotte Drive Apartments �2•96 . �.04 Eim st. s�op 9•60 335�+ Glen Oaks Ave. Office & Residence 11.•2$ 2325 Golf View Court Office & Residence 9•� 3721 Highland Ave. Apartments .�,,;• 63.20 _� . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish _. ._....,.__�.� „ _ _ _ _ . . -- - -- - - Holland - - - - ' ' Approved� - 19—_ Loss Tn FSVO2' Meredith , Peterson MsyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-a� � � � - � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEHK ��1�2�� - �"� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � �FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED dY COMMISSIONER DATF' — � ADDRESS USE AMOUN`r Page 7. 3725 Highland Ave. Apartments $63.20 3731 H38hland Ave. Apartments 63.20 3735 �B��d Ave. Apartments 63.20 Hwy. 61 & Cedar Ave. Restaurant & Bowling Alley 115•28 xwy. 61 & l00 Motel �•6�+ 3959 H3.�way 61 Store . 22•40 �+U41 H3.ghwa�r 61 1 Factory 40•2�F 39�-20 Iiofflnan Rd. Apartments 39�-96� 705 Johnson Ave. Multiple dwe7ling 9•68 ' f 5 I,ake Ave. Service Stat3.on 32•� _ �,. 1.1.�+•Lake Ave. 8. -�. -.�-_..,=::=-�----._-�-3ce�..�� __��_-_.�_._,-- -- - - ---y-- 8.00"... .. , . _ - 198-210 Lake Ave., S. ' Apartments 15•28 300 S. Lake Ave. Club 12.00 301 La,ke Ave. , S. Service �tation 8.00 323 Lake Ave. S. Boat Works 26.76 501 to 561 S. Lake Ave. Shopping Center 379•20 719 Zake Ave., S. & 108 Eighth St. Shop & Residence $•20 103 Lincoln Ave. Service Station . �•56 ],1,5 LinGOln Aye. Shop & Residence $•� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays _ . � Dalglish . - - - _ � _' -„ . .. • . Holland Approved 19—_ Loss _ Tn FSVOx' Meredith Peters on MAyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iou e-as + ' ORtGINAL TO CITY CLHRK �iP�J�� , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '�' p*' . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DATF ADDRESS USE AMOUNT Page 8. 1�1 Lincoln Ave. Mortuary & res3dence $8.00 , � Lincoln Ave. Apartments 8.00 L3.nden & County Rd. F Serv3.ce Station 18.96 3900-A I,inden St. , Apartments 5�+.16 39�-B I,inden St. Apartments 59.60 39�-C Linden St. Apartments � 51.�+ 39�-D L3.nden St. Apartments 51.12 718 Morehead � Apartmen�s 22.16 lt�8 Shac�y Lane Service 8�ation - 17.12 �+06 Shaxon Lane Office & res3dence 10.88 514 Sharon Lane Office & residence 9.84 710 Stewart Ave. Apartments 32.56 815 Stewart Ave. Ha11 24.12 1102 Stewart Ave. Shop & Residence 8.00 120g Stewart Ave. Store & garage 15.76 130 Stickley.Blvd. Service Station 10.80 206-10 St3ckley Blvd. Cafe & Service Station 23.20 215 St3.ckley Blvd. Store 8.00 �+1�+ Stickley Blvd. � Service Station & Apartments 12.�+0 COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approve� 19—. Loss Tn FaV01' � � � Meredith "'�'' ' � �yOP Pete rs on A g81IlSt J Rosen " Mr. President, Vavoulis • ion� e�� � ' , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEqK /��/�� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� "`' `'�`' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED QY COMMISSIONEQ - DATF ADDRESS USE AMOUNT Page 9. 80�+ Stickley B1vd. Store & apartment $8.00 900 Stickley Blvd. Motel & Restavrant 111.52 302 Washington Ave. Service Station 10.72 308-10 Washington Ave. Offices 8.32 312-1�+ Washington Ave. Stores & a`partments . 10.08 316 Washington Ave. Offices 13.76 318-20 Wa�hington Ave. Store & Offices 9•52 322 Wash3ngton Ave. Store & apar�ment 8.00 32�+ Washington Ave. Store s 8.�+8 - - _ 326 Washington Ave. Store 1?+.64 328 Washington Ave. Store - � 8.00 - - •t - - - �12 Washington Ave. � '. _ " _._' Office-- -' �- ---- - --. _ _ . � - ' 8.00 �+14 Washington Ave. Ca.fe, Bow]3ng A11ey & Tavern 30.88 �+18 Washington Ave. Lumber Yard ' 63.12 1300 Webber Shop & Residence . 8.00 1510 Webber Nursing Ha�e 115•20 3575-79 ��e Beax Av�e. & ' � 2000-08 E. Co. Rd. E Shopping Center 1�+2.64 3607 White Beax Ave. Stores 21.52 3615 White Bear Ave. & 2007 County Rd. E Stores 50.2�+ ' COUNCILIVIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish Holland Approve� 19—_ Loss Tn Favor - -,- - - r y -_._,.,�__...-- - Meredith - � ' Peters on MAyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis , r ions e-as � ,�, ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �' . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIlE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED EY - COMMISSIONEQ DATF ADDRESS USE AMOUNT Page 10. 3629 White Bear Ave. Of'fice $g.60 39a+ Wh,ite Beax Ave. Office & Residence 11.88 �+0�+2 White Bear Ave. Shop & Residence 10.�+0 �+070-74 White Bear Ave. Stores & apartment 59.2p �+120 White Bear �Ave. Office & Residence 12.20 �4175 White ,Beax Ave. Nursery & Res3dence 17.04 �+235 White HBeax Ave. Shop & Residence $.�I�U.0 1820 Whi.te�Bear Court - Office 7.2.p$ � � APR 2 2196� COLJNCILIV�N � Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays (f�+���g � 2 19y� Dalglish � �6 Holland Appr ve 19— Loss � Favor . , Meredith Y Peterson � � MAYOr � a�`inst � R'asea- • ..;.s......;;.. �.::::t.�sidea�;;Va;q;g��::: 1966 �Mr.�ice President (Rosen) PUBLISHED APR 3 0 ions e-as •