228258 .� .►- y ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ����� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ?�ICENSE CONIMITTEE COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GE �ERAL FORM �RESENTED dY Apri1 22� 1966 COMMISSIONE DA� RESOLVID; That Application J-8l�81 for the tr�sfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 6920, expiring January 31, 1967� issued to the Twins P�Zotor Hotel, Inc. at 1975 Uni.versity Avenue� be and the same is hereby transferred to the Irm of the Bl.ack Kni�t� Inc. at the same address� and be it FURTHER� RESC�LVID; That the status of the establa.shment be amended froM ��hotel" �o "restaurant�� and. the coverage on the license be amended. to Mai.n Barr�om� Dining Room� Cocktai.l Lounge� Coffee House� five (5) Banquet Rooms, and University Room� only. Oi1 S�IE Y,I�JOR ESTABLISHI�TENT � " - y ,. .. �,_ . TRANSF'ER (Lic�nsees) • 1�mendments . S, Informally ap�roved by Council ` , April 19� 1966. "� ' . _ _� , M1 Viy� ,. � � � qpR 2 21966 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays ` , ��R � 2 196� Dalglish Holland � Approve 19— l� n Loss rn Favor Meredith Rata� Mayor Peterson U R�� ' agsin9t .. • � •1e:;a�x.,-� .�.,. e��L:�.f�ident;:;,�:av�uTi',�°;;� „ 3 1966 Mr. Vice President (�:o�en) pUBLISHED /�1t'R � ioat e-� . e�..` so sG �� �zg zS"�, � Y�f'��1 y . CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATIC�N FOR "C�N SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE ' . Application No._..._... ....__.._....__ ` Inn of the Black Knight �c. ' �e Name of Applicant..........._.___........_..._.....____.......__.._......_._....1..�_............ ........_...._.........._. _. _. ..._..._..�.....�._..._.._ Residence Address......_.1975.IJniversity..Ave.�__St�.Paul_,...Minnl.............. Telephone No........................_...._.__........._....�.. ` Are you a citizen of the United States?___...Yes .� _..._...._.........._.._........._...._.........._..........:.._......_...._...........__—..._..._._............__.__ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, ca.fe, soft drink parlor, or business of� similar nature? No. . .� , .. :��. -,. •- ...- , __... _...__ When and where?......................._..._..___......._. _.._. _.. � � -�- - - •� - -- .. ......._..._..._..__..........................-•--..._......_.._....---....__...._.____.. _:_._....__ ` ..._.. ____ If corporation, give name and eneral Inn of the Black Knight �_.,_ .. �- g P�'Pose of corp oration.........._......_.._.._.__._.._._..�._...__._.:.�_._.___....__._._..:::.._.__ Operation of Restaurant and On-Sale Liquor ' � ' � ' _ � � � ��' �Vhen incorporated?.._._..._..�_Apri1�18�19 6 6...__._.._..__.. .... .�.. �.�. � ._..._....__...._.. ._ ,a _., , � ._._ _�:\ . ......... ...... _..---...�_.:�.�.::__.._._.._._...:... - �- . :.__..�...__..._._ ,,-. ,. _, . _ n ,�.�. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?.....__.......___�:-:,:'�•��_.:=�.:.,.�`��...___._ r., .. .�L;���. ,Ho«� many members?....._..............._...__. . r�r:,���,;;�. Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lola A. Simenson 2026 Highland�Parkway,St�.Paul,Minn� � PresidentY M . ....... ...... . .. .. ... Ha�el .Simensorr " "' � �� ' �� t �� ....................._........._......__......._.........._..._...._._..._._.........._.._....._..._._._.—._.._....._..._....._._. ___._ . ,�. . ...._.Vice Pres_�Secy. _..._....._...._..-�--..............._...._-----•----------.._..._....___..___._...�....___..._......._.._.........._....._._...._....---._..__..___..__........._ .............. W. .R. Frank,_JrT. � �T�4300 Sunnyside, Edina,_Minn� � : Gen. Nlanager Names and addresses of Stockholders: .................._......_._..._..Lola_A. Simenson _ 2026 Hiqhland.._Parkwa�,�__St.._Paul�Minn. .... ---_..--.............._._..._.._ ;:::. ' i , �. �� . �, . , ._ ....__._.__ Give name of surety compan5� which will write bond, if known.._.................. ..... ......_.... .._....__.__._...__._...,.,,�;.__........._....�._ ••,. N umber Street Side Between What Cross Streets :;>> , ��-'.;Ward . . . . .�,; ''c'.�:_ ,�,°. - . . . . , i. ',, ,. � .� - 1975 �University • North • Prior • Cleveland ��,� �, , �:� �' � Y Y g ' Y • g ) .._........:5;b:� �• ." :�:� • -• ye How man feet from an academ , colle e or universit (measured alon streets � �ocks�:µ ::`�4� � 5 blocks '"'�`� �'° - �-�'�°' How many feet from a church (measured along streets) . ........._...._.............. `...� ......._..__..............._..._..�.. =a_ � .''' __._.. � �-;.._ .,... .�.._.�._ � °� •�'� How many feet from closest public or paxochial grade or high school (measured along streets)'?:�.!:.5:,blocks .............._.._.. Name of closest school....._.._St�.�Marks � ___ .M.M. .Y. • ,' ......_....__..._..__...._._ _.. . . How are premises classified .under Zoning Ordinance?._........................_.........._...._................_........._.........._....._..._..._........._...._..._....---....._....._ 0» �vhat �fioor located?....._..First Floor..and Lower Level...._. _. _. ... ..............._......_...._..._......._.__._....--�--_..._.__..........._................_..__.._ Are premises owned by you or leased?.Leased___ � l�,sed give name of owner._.Midway_'I�vins_Corp. Ifa restauran� give seating capacity?......_..._._.__.._............_...._............_......._..............................................__._...._...._...._....._............-�---_.__--_.-----�---- F,if hotel, seating capacity of ma.in dining room?_..._136 _ _ .. .. ..........._........_..---..._..._.........._..._...----.._.........._...__..._._.....__.......__.__ Give trade nanle____._Inn of the_Black Knight _ _ _ �----------------•-�------------------------------------ ----------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: First_Floor (Main Dining Rm. , Cocktail Lounge,� Coffee House) - Lower Level .. ...... .. . . • .......__........_................_...._._.....___...._..____._..__ �...�5__Ban.�uet._Rms_.)_.- 3rd� Building (Uniyersity_.Room.on..Lower..Level)_. _. ...... ............................... ... ............._.__�...... ............_...........__._---....... (The intormation above must be given for hotels and restaurunts which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?.._....130 _.........._.........._..._...._..........__._...._....._.........._..._...__..____.....__....._.. • . Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel).Tohn_Ryan, .Mgr. of Hotel owned by _ .... -�-�Ivfi�iw�y��ivi.irS��C�srp;--._.._ Give names and addresses of three business referencea:.._......_._._.._.____....._.__....._........._...._.:._...._....,...._....._..._._.._..._..___..__....._ 1: � .Northwestern National Bank,, 800 Hennepin_Ave. o:_1Vlirineap.oli`s`-i'Minn. µ � 2 Lonegren= Brackett & Helleloid, 83 So. 7th St. , Minneapolis� Minn. ....._._..........__......_....___._..._...._._.....____....._.......................-•---...._...---�--....._.--�--..........__._...._.........._. _. _._._...._...__................._ , ... ... 3._.._...._..........Carl��..":ChristensenQ�Rand.Tower� Minneapolis,.Minn.� � � � THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF.r CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPOR,ATIOIV DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTH�R SIDE