228237 ORIGIIJAL TO CITY GLERK ������ � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ,,. OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ �-y C NCt� OLUTION—GENERAL FORM � � PRESENTED BY April 2.1 1966 COMMISSIONE DATF � � In the matter of constructing a storm and clear water sewer in FIFrH STREET from Minnesota Street to Cedar Street and in CIDAR STRTsET from Fifth Street to Sixth Street, which is part of the Capitol Center Improvement Program; $120,762,19 of which will be financed by Urban Renewal Bonds, the remaining $79,021.56 to be financed by the City� s share of Local Improvement Flind 0920-701. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing �gent be and:,=he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. ) � � - - ��' �� z �. ��� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays , Dalglish �� ���� Holland Appr ved �+�� 19— . Loss n Favor � Meredith Pe te rs on v Mayor A gBiIISt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLISHED APR 2 3 195� DUPLICATE TO rRINTER ' ����..�j� i r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ > � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM • PRESENTED BY }�itA[1 �sen ��1 �Z� 1966 COMMISSIONER DATF — In tb� watter of c0instructing a st�r� and alear �at�r m�war iA ���TH �TR�T �r�w Mimte�mta 5trs�t t� �C�das �trese �d in �$D� STEtS�'T fro�i .�`fith �tramt t� �ixCh Stre�t, which is pa��.t c�! the Capitol C�n�er Lprave�ent 8r�gr�; $120,762.19 ef which will be financed by U�ban Ren�w�l B�nds, ths r�in3ng, �79.07t1.56' to ba financ�d by the Cfty�4' mb�ss' et� L�cal Iaiprweaent $l1'ttd 0920-701�. ' ' • R�OLV�:D, �'bat th�e plans and �pecifications for ttle ais�va nas�d ��pxev�snt as subritted by the Cowei.saion�r �E Public Work�, be and tbe aaae ar�. her�t�y approved and be it further � . RS�OI.VBD, That the ktixehaa�ng' l�gent be and;�he is hereby direeted to adveYtlee fo� bids on thi4 i�psova�nt. , , � , t . � � . , ' � G -� � � �{� �� � . � � �P� 21�1966 . COiTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays r!'� Dalglish '� �P� 2 1 1��� Holland Approved 19_ Loss Tn FSVOx' Meredith ^ v Mayor Peterson A►g8121St Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis