228225 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ���[• P' J� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �y�s^�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ - �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen April 20, 1966 COMMISSI ONE DATF _ RESOLVED, That the application of the Northwest Publications, Inc. for the construction and maintenance of a News-Stand on the following streets: Grand � Snelling SW Corner , � University � Farrington SW Corner , Selbq � Dunlap SW Corner • Grand & Oxford SW Corner Milton � Thomas SW Corner 4th & Cedar (New smal� coin operated news vendor) SW Corner Como � Saratoga _ NE Corner Thomas � Snelling �� , NW Corner Universitq & Victoria , NE Corner Payne � Jenks NE Corner Snelling Ave. between Aague � Selby, by Cy's Diner E Side of Street in accordance with Ordinance No. 7633 an�d Rules and Regulations as preacribed by the Cammissioner of Public Works, be and is herebq granted, and be it . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the permit is granted with the distinct understanding that there shall be no advertising matter of any kind displayed on the News-Stands. � �qP�, 2 0196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �p�,�� Dalglish �'�� 2 � � Holland Ap roved 19.^ Loss n Favor � Meredith Petetson '` � Mayor v Against Rosen , Mr. President, Vavoulis PU�LISHED APR �3 �96� DUrLICATE TO rHINTER . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ��� OFF.ICE OF THE CITY CLERK - ��j COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONER �itOII �Oi�D �Ql'�1 �. 1966 DATF R�8�LV�D, 'T6aC tt� app],ication of t�a IW�thorsst lmblications, Inc. for ths constr�atian aad �aint�nancs o! • l�a�n-�taud an eha foilao►in� stre�ts s 6rand b Saili� SW Garaer ^� Oviv�r�i.ty i �arrin�tan Sii Coi�ner 8albp 6 Daala� �i,i Cos�a�r ' 6rasd b Ozford SW Corner Milton � T1�o�a� �3W Corner 4th 6 C�dar (Xer saali coin oparat�ci as�n vwdc►r) SW Gorn�r Coro � Sarato�a . l�s Cornsr ?ho�ar � Snslliuu� c� lIW Cora�r �Taiv�rsitT 8 oictorla �i Coraar ?ayns � Jaiks � Ui �ornsr �n�lliu� Av�. bet�ran Ha�s � �elbp. b� C�'s Din�r B Sids oi Streat in accordaaca ei�� Ordimaaas 1�0. 7633 and Rnlu and 1te�ulation�� �s prsscrib� � tl�� Cwri��io�r o� �ublic Wosts, ba snd ia �er�by �rantid, and �• it Ft1RT8u �3dL�D, Td�at tha psrrit is srant�d ait� tbs dittiact _ tm�d�sta�lin� t1u�t thsre s�sli tis s�o adv�rti�ia� �att�r of asy tind - di.�plays� o� tlie xw►s-Sta�da. _ �IPR 2 0196� COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� 2 O���� Dalglish Holland , � Approved 19— � Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � Mayor ' '- A gSIIISt Rosen _ Mr. President, Vavoulis ,