228223 i
� counoil I�te xo.._......�.....
Theundersignedhereby propoaesthemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement bythe City of 8aint Paul,vis.:
"��Open;, ,widen and extend E. ROSE AVENUE creatin cul- e-sac for s - � r��y
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...._�..------- ``� .•- , ,..�.g ra...-:_=a........�_�...,...-,�.tr et
. � , °pu�rpo�ses.,f�test' of"'C'Ta'rence':S't;'�y�condemri3ng and taking those partseof� �'�
. ..,
�� �' ��Lors',16Y&q^17� Block_ 1 and .Lots�,12,5��„1,�.F�,�l,ock„2,,_,.alL.,in.,Kie�fer...pa•r-k,:.....;:.�-.�,-
' ....,,�..,.�._..�. = -----
� i,lying between the north and south right-of-way lines of E,• Rose �Avenue 5�. -�
.....__.'._.tand...zhe:,;a�c�_of.-.a,circle.•haviflg�;_a���50--f�t;}��r�d�i�us;ithe"ce'nte��(i "s' ii"ci"rc`Te�"
f.. 8.i ...�-
� being on the cente'r line of�E:'Rose�Avenue`and 65.0 ft. east of ttie � �':�
..._.__..-•---.�.�orth�ern"�P&c'if�'c"�tR°'ea's`t R%W°1'ine' Ao ..._....._.,.....�.�...................,._.......�.�.,.......__�--�--}---
Dated thie...........20 th:..day of.........AP.ri 1-•--•-••----�••-• ----•............ ....... 9 ..�.�_.. .
. �� ��,
.......-•........................ - -• -•-------..._......-Counoilmsn.........
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maldng of the following improvement, viz.:
Open�i n and extend E. ROSE AVEIVUE creatin �l�de
" � -�' �•' -- ' ----_-.. .__�-. - - „�..._..�. g � - � - -
. ,. .. .�_..... g ,_u �.. sac....ox.s��r.e.et...:.................__
-----�purp�oses,"�west"°o"f""CTarence -St,�by condemning and��taking those parts of .'
I�ots :1A6 & s17�,. Block 1 �nd.,�,,ot.s=.,12,.&_�13- Block•.2
._,_--- ,�... �-a�ll--�im{,Ki°ef�er°-Park�:.y.......�................-
� °lying.between the north and south� right,of�way lines of E. Rose Avenue
being on tfie center line of Eg Rose r[Av� �' '.."". "'•+R...^.^.,.~�~................,.:�,.__..............
..._..-and:.t.he.:.a:ra of•-e�=•circ•le•-trat�in . rad'ius "'ttie center of said circlek�
enue and 65.0' ft.,,.,eas.t...o£...the._. �'#
•-----°No_rthern,..Pacifi"c"�AR"east...R%W� line".��..�� .. . ....�...._�_ __..----_----
-- — �
- - - -- -
having been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul._:..._..-.__.........:...........-_._._..._.__._.._.____.__.._:.__._.__..._._
therefore, be it
, RFSOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Public Worke be and is hereby ordered and directed:
1. To investigate the necessity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvement.
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of s�id improvement, and the total coat thereof.
3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownera.
b. To report upon a11 of the foregoing matters to the Commiesioner of �nance.
APR 2 0196�
� Adopted by the Council-------------------------------•--••-•-•--------•--•---------...-------•----
� YEes
Councilman Dalglish
A�R 2 019��
�/.A' Holland Approved----•-----_......_..._......---•......................................_ .
�«� Loss
Peterson �
Rosen �/� -------...__..---... ..Z�!!�-._......_...........:...y........�
M$. Pamsin�rrr Vavoulis l./ Ma or.
3000 7-Si
P�BLISHED APR 2 3 9��� .
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