05-43\ Ptesented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Council FHe # � J � �T �J Gceen Sheee# 302476A OF S�I1CT PALZ, hIIhNESOTA Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of St. PaW adopted the 2005 Capital Improvement Budget on December 15, 2004 (Ruolution 041174); and WI�I2EAS, ihe 2005 adopted Capi[al Improvement Budget uses contingency and project balances from the CommuniTy Development Block Grant budget to fund the Wellstone Center project; and WFIEREAS, the 2002 Capital Improvement Budget aud the Communiry Development Block Grant budget must be amended to implement the CounciPs decisiou; so TfiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVkD, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor aud advice of the Long-Rauge Capital Improvement Budget Committee, t6at tl�e 2002 Capital Improvement Budge[ and Communiry Developmen[ Block Grant Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by th�s Couucil, are hereby further aznended in the following paRiculars: Cuaent Amended Budget Changes Budget CAPITALIMPROVEMENTBUDGET Scheffer Recreation Center Design Financing W23aa10.7199 Tsfr from CDBG enetiement Spending CO2-3G010-0892 Architec[ Fee Capitalized SQ0a0.00 (54000.�a) To[al SQ000.00 (SQ000.00) 50,000.00 (SQ000.00) Topl 50,000.00 (50,000.00) COMMUHITY DEVELOPMENT SLOCK GRANT Spending 0 �� 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-91001-00902-0565 Neighborhood House 2,811,70738 367,000.00 3,178,70738 1��-41�21-�1025-�565ScheffecDesign SQ000.00 (SQ000.00) 0.00 100-94002-00504-558 PubliclmprovementContinoency 317,692.84 (317,000.00) 692.84 Total 3,179,40022 0.00 3,179,40022 i� Page I of2 Council Ffle � � � ` � Green Sheet � 3U?A764 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiIV'1�ESOTA Adopted by Council: Date Adopti By: Appro� By: l U il/!ufc� Appm�al Reco ended by Financial rvices Director: By: i'�8 9t. PauF Long-Hange C:api'taI 1mNrrv�� Budge# �'aaemittae received this rsquese a,t Ydate)- L � k U� � 5' —. �. and rscor��z;e.-.w, ��f��°l ...,_,_.. - �:,���.� ��..� � Page 2 of2 � � � Green Sheet Green Sheet OS- �3 Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmenUofficelcouncii: Date Initiated: Fs F��,�;� 28-DEC-04 Green Sheet NO: 3024764 Corttact Person & Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person In@iallDate Peter BuBer � 0 n' Servi es f'$�� Assign 1 n'al Servi es D armie t Director Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 an ' Servi es Office Financial Por —1�1/5 Routing 3 ' Attome ._��_�j_ pro 4 or's O ce Ma odASSistant 5 unf Ci C un � 6 i C erk Ci ler Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: The Counci] by resolution on December 15, 2004 (CF04-1174) approved the City's 2005 Capital Improvement Budget, which allocates $367,000 of prior yeazs' Community Development Block Crrznt fixnds to t6e Wellstone Center project. The attached resolution amends the appropriate CDBG budget and Capital Pro}ect activities so that the CounciPs decision can be implemented. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1, Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No , 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any arrent city employee? Yes No Explain atl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdYantages If Approved: ' - � The CDBG budget will reflect the Covncil's decision on the 2005 adopted Capital Improvement Budget. Disadvanta9es If Approved: None. Disadvantages lf Not Approved: The CDBCs budget will not have the appropriate spending authority to transfer funds to the capital budget, per the adapted 2005 CIB. Total Amount of $367,000 CosURevenue Budgeted: Y Trensaction: � Fundinqso�.ce: CommunityDevelopmer ActivityNUmber. � `"'°'"^�`�'^� °°n�s Financial Information: B�oCk Grants � (ExPlain) , . v'diFtl .@ 9T �UU�