228203 ORIG�NAL TO CITY CLERK � - �",��2�� rm . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. �� OF E OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNC ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE _ WHEREAS, under Council File No. 208378, approved July 31, 1962, a special permit was granted to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul to place certain fill slgpes inside the property line of Livingston Street in connection with pro�eets being constructed by said Aathority on ad�acent land; and WHEREAS, the Authority has provided a personal guaranty of compliance with the conditions of said permit, including . the agreement recited in the pr3:or resolution to indemnify and _hold harmless the City of Saint Paul; now, �herefore, be it RESOLVED, that the provision of the pr3:or resolution requirin� the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to file and maintain a performance bond in the amount of $10,000 is hereby revoked, and cancelled, and said resolution is hereby amended by deleting therefrom paragraph 3 in its entirety; • RESOLVED FQRTI�ER., tha.t all other cor�ditions and require- ments for the granting of the special permit included in said prior resolution, Council File No . 208378, approved July 31, 1962, are retained withou� change . � . �FOR ROV�D �t �rp� ,on Counsel _ T APR 19� COUNCILMEN ' - Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays �� � 9 1�l�� Dalglish Holland � Approved 19_ .�oss-'__'-. , __ Tn Favor � Meredith Petetson - d . Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis � PUB�ISHED pPR �3 1��� DUrL�CAT!TO rRINTER �2���� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ; � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSI ONER DATF _ WHEREAS, under �ounai�. File No. 208378, approved July 31, 1962, a apeoial permit was granted tv the Hous�.ng and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul to place certain fi11 al;opee 3.nside the property line of Living�ton Street in aonnection with pro�ects being construa�ed by said Authority on ad�acent lans�; and WFffs'REA�, the Authority hae provided a peraonal guaranty � � of aompl.ianee with the conditions of said permit, inaluding the agreement reaited in �he pr�or re�olution to indemnify and hold harmle�a the Gity of Saint Paul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED,. that the provieion o£ the pr�.or reaolution requiring the Housing and Redeve3.opmen� Authority to f3.le and mainta3n a perform.anae bond in the a.mount af $10,000 is hereby revoked, an�l cancelled, and sa3d reaolution ie hereby am�nded by deleting therefrom para�raph 3 3n ite entirety; Rk�SOLVED FURTl�ER, tha� all other Qonditions and require- ments �'o� the� grant3.ng of t;he spea3al permit included in said prior resc►lut3on, Council F11e l�o . 208378, approved Ju1y 31, ].962, are retainc�d without ehange . ,�p� 19 �966 COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 1 9196� Holland Approved 19.� —�� Tn Favor Meredith Pete rs on MayoT gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis