228190 ORIGIN.*L TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ���� r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - NCIL � ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE ApMl 13�: l� R&SOLYED, That the Council hereby concurs in the recom�endation of the Purchasing Co�nittee in awaxding contract for Bituminous Mixtures to be picked up by the Water Dept. trucks at vendor's plant during period from April l, 1966 through Ma,rch 31, 1967, in quantities as needed and when required, to the E. J. PIIViJTG CCN�ANY in accordance with City speci�ications there�or hereto attached and �the Forma,l. Bid �1732 0� said E. J. Pennig Compar�y for the contract price of approxima.tely $12,225.00 at unit prices bid (Water Departm�ent reserving the right to increase qua.ntities up to 25$), such bid being the on],y bid a.nd said E. J. Pennig Co�pany being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corpora,tion Counsel be and hereby is directed to dra,w up the proper form o� contract therefor and the px�aper City of�icials here'by are authorized to execute said contra,ct on behal�f of the City o� Saint Paul. Form�.l Bid �1732. � � _ .� _ �� 1t��6� COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays �� � 6� ',��� ' Dalglish Holland � A ved 19— --d.-ess—� Tn Favar - Meredich Peterson � Mayor Rosen A S��gt Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLISHED APR 2 3 �96� DUrLICf.TE TO rRINTER ������ �1��� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER DATE Ap�a- �f �-7� I�SOIi�ID, Tha� �he Council hereby concurs ia fihe recam�en8ation o� the Purchasing Co�n.tttee 3n. �ward.ing coz�tract �or Bitwninous M�.xtures ta be picked up 'by the Wa�er D�ep-�. tru,ek� at vendor's p7..er�t during period �'x� A�ril 1, 1966 througIz Ma.rch 31, �-967� �.n quantities �s nQed�c� end when z�eqpired., to the E. J. PENNIQ CCMPAHY in �,coordance w�.th G�'�y �peci��.ce,t�ons tYi�re�or here-t� atta.ched and the Formal Bid �1732; o� s�,id E. J. Pennig Compa�y �dr the contract pr3�e of appro�im�a,f.ely $]2,225.00 a-� unit pri�es b�d (Wa�� Depart�nen�t r��erv3.ng the r3gk�t to increase c,�,ua,nti.tiea up to 25�), �uc�i bic7. be3.n� the onl,y bid and sa.3,d �. .J. �'c�nni g �ompany `be3ng a reasonable �nd rel9.able b3dder, �,nd the �orpora,t�an Counsel. be ar�d hera'fxy is c'Li.re�ted to dx�,w up �he pxoper �orm of contrac� therefor a�c1 fi,l�,e $roper City of�'ici�,ls hereby are authorized to execttte esic7. �ontract o� b�a,].� of the City o� Saint I'aul. Formal Bfd ��732. �PF� � � � COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9_ Yeas Nays 91g6� Dalglish �i� 1 Holland Approved 19— --�.;— Tn Favor Meredith Pe te rs on � �AyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis