228164 � � . . sr„ � ... _ '
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' -------� ' _ , . By � .
� ' File No. S79�
In the Matter of reconstructing the sidepalk on both sides of Western Ave, from �
l�i.nnehaha Ave. to 9an Buren Ave: and by doing all other work which is�necessary and
iacidental to conplete �aid improv�eat. � . " _ -
under Preliminary Order 226�,50 approved danuar_v 12. 1966
�he Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of F�nance
. upon the above impravement, and having considered sa.id r�port, hereby resolves: . '
� ' 1.' That the said report and� the same is hereby approved and adopted, a,n.d the said improvement .
is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - }
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Cauncil recommends is
to reconstract the sidewalk on both sides of �Teatern Ave. from Minnehaha Ave. to , •
, Van Buren Ave._and by doing all other work which 3s necessary and incidsatal to
�� co�plete said improve�ent, except where goal and sufficient poured sidewalks now �
'� .eY3at. ' ° �
with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ �.3�5 �e,� r 13n- ft', for 5' �alk .
- � $ 3.80 per lin. Yt. for 6' �alk , -
- Resolved Further, Z`hat a public hearing be had on said improvement on thP 7-�� day of
NR�lQ� , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber af the Court
° House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner o� Finance give notice of
`� said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by th� Charter, stating the time and place af
� � heaxing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
. . . " . . - ` ,��� j� � �'���.
� Adopted by the Council `
Yea,s . Ualglisli Nays - , . �� � ��t���
° Wollancf Appro � - •
" `"'�5_'� -
Mereditli - ' �
Peterson Tn Favor
< -Rosen � - - _ Mayor
Uavoulis ' � -
. , � Against PUBLISHED APR ��3 �966 �
b-68 2M 8� R-1 . ' - - .
� � , - -