05-423Council File # OS-423
Green Sheet # 3026443
i Whereas, Gerald D. Vick, lmown to lus friends and colleaa es as Jerry, faithfully served and protected the Saint Paul community
2 for fiReen yeazs as an exemplazy police officer; and
3 Whereas, Jerry V ick was a remazkable human being who embodied the virtues we value most deazly in our friends, colleagues and
a loved ones - such as
5 - being most proud of his role as husband to Connie and father to Clayton and Amanda, while distinguishing t�imself
5 repeatedly as a police officer and sergeant,
� - bringing humox and laughter to the people whose lives he touched daily, while displaying a passion and commihnent to
8 police work that others strive to emulate,
9 - bringing in "the bad guys" every day, while honoring and respecting each person's life and potential; and
io Whereas, Jerry Vick's outstanding performance as a police officer led to his recognition on seventeen occasions, including rivice
� 1 receiving the Police DepartmenYs highest honor, the Medal of Valor; and
12 Whereas, Jerry Vick had a keen sense of where he needed to be to do the most good,
13 - from bringing a baby to life through a complicated delivery in Dayton's Bluff to talking a delusional man out of jumping
�a off a downtown bridge;
15 - from nabbing a baz robbery suspect on the move in the North End to rescuing toddlers from a burning house in Frogtown;
t 5 - from helping to remove drugs and guns from the streets of Railroad Island to arresting (and rescuing) beer bandiu from
rt the air vents on the roof of the Stroh's Brewery; and
18 Whereas, it was not a coincidence that Jerty Vick found himself once more fighting the good fight on the East Side of Saint Paul,
19 which he cazed for so deeply, when the unspeakable tragedy of his death occurred at 2.20 on the morning of May 6, 2005;
zo Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the City of Saint Paul hereby honors and recognizes Sergeant Gerald D. V ick
21 - for serving and protecting a11 who call Saint Paul home, especially those society chooses to forget;
22 - for being a leader, friend, mentor and colleague;
z3 - for making the ultamate sacrifice in the line of duty; and especially for,
2a - a life well lived in the service of others.
Requested by Department of:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Form Approved by City Attorney
Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council
B,,: C .
Resolution Honoring and Recognizing Saint Pau[ Police Sergeant Ge�ald D. Pick
Adopted by Council: Date ��j� /y c7(�p.�
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� Green Sheet Green.Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gre,en Sheet Green Sheet �
ConfactPerson&Phone: -'
Cowcil P`eside�rt L.anpy
Nust Be on Coundllq�enda by (Date)- Number
71-MAY-OS Fa
Green Sheet NO: 3026443
0 ICn.ve�7 I I
Total # of Signatu,e Paqes _(Glip /W Locations for SignaW re)
Acfion Requested:
Honoring and Recognizing Saint Paul Police Sergeant Cietald D. Vick
xietions: Apprrne (A) ar F
Plannirg Commissian
CIB Committea
Ciul Serace Commission
Personal Service
Following Questions:
7. Has this pe�son/yrtn e�er waked under a cartract forth'rs depa�tmeM?
Yes No
2. Has tf�is persotJfimi e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this peisonfTxm pcsssess a skilt irot namally possessed by arry
curreM ciry employce?
Yes No
E�lain all yes answers on separate sheetand atlach W green sheet
Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, Whak When, Where, Why):
Oisadvanfages B Approved:
Disadvantages H Not Approved:
� o`a� qmounc ot
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
CosllRevenue Budgeted:
ActivM1y Number.
May 12, 2005 i2:45 PM Page 1