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. - BY ,
File No. ��5�' -
r' �- . ,
In the Matter of Cc�t9txu�t3n� rieW ��.d�1,k oA the �a�t, ��.d� QP i�Tirich�3l St.
;,•' � .
�rom. �. .Ax�„3,ngto� Ave. t,a th�� _sotttYi 7.�:5 �t. abutt� 1�45Q �� ;Arlington Avs�a sad '�3►
doi�ag .all ottier work wh�ch i� �s�a�a�ry aad �cideatai f.o camp�,e� �d �mpxrovement.
� under Preliminary Order '��87� approve� ��b�Y 15� 19�
Intermediary Order approved
A public hearing having been had',upon the above improvement upon due notice,. and the Council
having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it -
RESOLVED, By the Council af the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent a,nd kind of im-
provement ta be made by the said City is
to Ganstr'�ct ne�r �.As�lk on t� east $�.�e of �T�.uc�1�. ��. fxom �. Ar�.ng�o� Av�.
�o �he satrth 1i5 .Y�.. $butting 3�F5� I�� Ar,�.�ngtan Av�.}. ��tnd� '�y do3,�g a11 .oth�r work
� �;.;
�k�i.ck� is ne�es$ary �d inc,�.den#,al to cox�►1sf,� c�id #�rQV'ement.
.; � '�
. ,. x
and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be ma,de. . _
RESO�VED FURTHE�R,, T'hat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instru�ted and
directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for
approval; that upo� said approval, the pro�er city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 9196�
. p►pg, l
. COUNCII.,MEN Adopted by the Council
Yeas Dalglisli Nays . J �� 19��� .
�-lolland Approve �
'��� i
:MereditFi � �
��.-. . Tn Favor
Rosen `�� - Mayor
va�ou�is � PUBLISHED APR 23 19f6
A gainst
e-sa zns s� • x-i
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G ��! ` sy� � ` i ' 7/�
� ��' - Dist. No. 3
' E.S. Winchell St. - E. Arlington Ave. south 115 ft. ,�,�����
abutting 1450 E. Arlin gton Ave. �
� � ��t r � [�z�[.�
Feb. 23rd. 19 66
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: �
The Co�nissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order
of the Council known as Council File No. 2272g7 approved Feb. 15th. 1966
relative to constructinrt new sidewalk on the east side of Winchell St from B Arlington
Ave. to the south 115 ft. abutting 1450�. Arlin$ton Ave. and bp doin�all other work
which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement.
�r .
�� and having invest�gated the mat s and things referred to therein, hereby reports:
� � '��,
1. The estimated �� th,e � of is -$'� 25 per lin, ft, for standard sidewalk 5 ft,
.�' R�C n�� �96g a�
wide and $3:8 �er ,Fit�'.E��C,£or� andard sidewalk 6,ft, wide,
� L��. � U 'v
2. A plan, profil o��C`�t.r�h��f ��' improvement is hereto attached and made a
part thereof. �`�y ��t'2�
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works
4. Improvement is asked for upon petition g '`-
Commissioner of Public Works