228118 22��.�.� counoil File xo............. PROP.OSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN'� � and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby propoaesthemalcingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Psul,vis.: Open, widen and extend E. Fourth St., creating a cul-de�sac for street purposes ":`i�ast"'of"Ci`aren�c'�'�St;°�by`''�con'demning`ard•-takfng�fihvse�=-parts•-�of�•Lot�s�13--�&��14;��•���••---•- �Hamer'�s Sub.� of :BYock�4; StinsonDS Frances Street Add,.- and Lots 7y 8 & 9,, '" Stenlundrs�VSub;'�of'BTock 7���Stinsonbs"�Frances Street�Ad�,�Nly�ng"�etween`t�`tie�������"����- .....nu�.th,:and...south...R�S+I<.l.ines _of��,S...,Fourth..S.t_,��and„�.the.:,ar_c,.�af��a.,:cir,c.le.,fia,yi,r�g.,.a................ 45 ft. �radiusr`the center�of said circYe being on the center line of E, Fourth _'-St°a actd,...1,5.0..�t�...E.�...o f..:th•e�'east•°1°i,�.e..�of-C-l�arerrce�St�:.�.e.......................�,......,�............,.. _,�-�.:....----- ---- = - — =- -r— - _—- _ -- ---,� - - — - - - Dated thie......_..14th:....day of..-------April.................................. ' 6_. , � ....-----••.......................... .. ............----........Counoilman.---..... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS,_A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, via.: � — -- — — - - -- - --- Open�. widen and extend E. Fourth St_,,, creating-..a. cul-de�sac for street ur, os�e......__ _;.east,..o£.,.CLa�re•nce--St-;:-�b rondemtstn.•... .- .��....�-r.--._.............�...,......_........_._P.__ . P - Y° g ar►d°"taking"tfiose parts of Lots��13_ &' 14,,, HamerL"s Sub, of BTock 4� =Stinson'TS �'i�ances- S�_���t�,�,�,,.8nd-..Lots�••7;�$ --•°SterrTunS2'"�'"Sub:"of°�rock�7�,�`Stinsonrs. ��Yances St.�eet Add, Tying betwe n9the�� ' M.__� north and south R[;�1���,nes.::o£,.E t - -� ' ..._.._._. ..�,....._�:.. .. ,. ... .-.-.Fourttr•S �••�and�••the-��$rc'�of''a°circ''Ie"fieiv3ngya'"'� 45 ft� radius�. the center of -said circle being on the center line .._S.t�._.and-..�50._€t�..E.�...ot•'the...�a"s"t"°Tine_of. ............ .....�.....�...., ....._.. .......Qf,..E..,..Eour.th,_..----- • _ _ "Clarence��St. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.:.-..:_._._.�:: - ---- therefore, be it , � � ' RFSOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: . 1. To investigate the necesaity for, or deairability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent �nd estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commiseioner of I+�nance. ��� � 4196� � . Adoptedby the Council--•---•----•-----------------•--------•--•---•...-•--------..._.....__...._. Y�es coun�ilm� Dalglish �p� �. � 19�� � Ho 11 and Approved---------------------------------•--._.._.._.__...----------•--.._._._ Loss Meredith ---�'-��----- 1 Roaen ------------------_... ..._----------._.._ ..._. ._._.._.......... M$. PBEBIDIDNT Vavoulia � Mayor. � � 8000 7-b4 �P�IBLISHED APR �6 19��