228117 � i + ��/ � � r ��- - � Couacil Fi18 NO.........._..........._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ __Theundereignedhereby propoeesthemslcingof thefollowingpubliaimpmvement bq the City of Saint Paul,vis.: Condemning and .taking a permanent easement �15 feet in width for the � purgose�••of°•cons°tru�cting�'arid�••�afnt-ai-nirrg�•�r--pub=Y�ir�-sewei^-on°�~t�nde'rs'�:arvss°^and°-'~-°.__,.._�._._ through a strip, of �land 15 feet in width being parts of L-ots 4, S,y 6 & 7;,� Block -�+,��Robert��L.i t,l'are�s� Eastern�Heights.� The� cent r�line of said��easement�����_ _ _ i�_,des.c.ribed...as- f_o,Lln�zs' ' ' '" T ..��.n.�w..�;.�._..�..,...�...-.�.................,,..�..�..........:.�,._.......�...a,,:..,:.�....,......�=:-:�,.;_.__...---...... �� � _ -"—=^`C omm�e7rc�:n g"a't~•�••`�SOY'n t'••wh-i ch°'t's'"'20`f e�t"'�as t"'o'f"'Cli e"`�te 5 t"`LY ri�"ai�`d'°2'$"f`e�t"""" nortlr���f�t�e�soutti�;line�.�,f�Lot Z;,��.Block 4, Robert L��Ware'tis Eas��,ern�Heightsr ......:_,_. .,.... n _.......... ...._.Y...._�,.............. .._._.-............ .>..../,. thence east and parallel to the south Line of Lots 7, 69 5 & �+� B1ocI��4� o£.�said addition a distance of 310 feet to the ter.mi.nus._a�,,.the...easemer��.�41�0 "��:....,�1:��`��''� .. condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a'�str'ip a�+ of land 10 feet in width on the north side and 10 feet in width on th,e south side o�th�a.hove�eas emen.t — PRELIMINARY ORDER. . WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ° - Condemning and taking-a,permanent .easement 15 feet�in idth �for the�-�" .. • purpose of const Yr`ucting��ari���maintaining'a��publ"ic� sewer"�ori;:��uncTe"r�'acro'ss an�" "'��-� �hraugh..a:..st,rig.,A,£...l.a�.d:;l.�,ife.e�...�n__W�..dzki,.be,ing�:pa�t�:..o�._.I,ok�..4s,.5,,..,6...&�.�7,�:-`` ._.,::.�....------ .�._ Block .4,� Robert I�, i+lare"s EasteXn Heights., The center line of said easement=x is°°described'-•ss--fo°I�ows:°'.- ' .��....�a.......... _ ... ,.�...�...............�....,._.. ..�.....::�.:;...,.,. ..�::..:... .......-•---- . - ..- _ -' F ' . � _ • ; y � .. ������� �Commencing at�a poin whichr is 20� feet��east of�the�west��line�end��25��feet�� � � nor:tl3�o£ntt�est�son�l'aor�n�cn�'i�L�Q�t7s�,. CBl:rock�+;ntRo,b�t,t...L�...Wa�e:?'Fs..Eas.tatn,..H�,ights,,...,.......�.._._ - 4�i��e�eae�� and parallel to the south J.ine of I�ots 7, 6� 5 & 4, Block 4 of said addition �-distance of 310 feet to the,ter-min s of the easement Also cond��idni�n�VFnd �a�t�i�ii�'g`� �a'�`'�te�p�°oraiy��ea's��m�nt�T�'��co��s�r�'ct��onr��'i�°rpo��es��onr�a`�'str-ip � of 1�and�dEla-�e��a�',ntlt�itdth��or,y;tire�nor.�hzks'i�i��oariiiel'�:e+�t�finic�r�d�.t►3�or.vethe south side of t�e ��o��,e,�ealas,em�nGt,�ture, �xtent c�nd estimatad�as�of ssid imprt�vemeat; gnd tha t�et�l ce�f *tie���. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. ' � - 4. To state whether or not eaid improvementi is a8ked for on the petition of three or more ownere. ` b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commiesioner of Finanae. Adopted by the Counail..............._...-----•---•--•-�P� � 4 1��� --•------------------------------ � YEes Councilman Dalgliah ��R' �l 4 19�1� � xo 11 and Approved._................ .....-------.........�_...----•-----•---- Loss Meredith ' vo�=�- � '� -1 ��' Roaen L' _...!'���..�:�i MB. P$EBiDIDNT Vavoulis ' .�..�....M�.�.M� " ��Mayor. -� a000 �.s� . � wt�a�isw�� APR ].6�1g��