05-419Counci] File # OS-419
Green Sheet # 3026432
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
Whereas, Roger D. Youngs, in Zoning File No. OS-068754, made application to the Board of
Zoning Appeals, hereinafter, the "BZA", for a variance from the strict application of the
provisions of the zoning code for property located at 2125 Scudder Street and legally described
Whereas, The purpose of the application was to vary the zoning code standards in order to
construct a second single family home on the said property; and
Whereas, The BZA conducted a public hearing on March 28, 2005, after having provided notice
to affected property owners and at the conclusion of the public hearing, the BZA, in its
Resolution No. OS-068754, adopted March 28, 2005, decided to grant the requested variances
based upon the following findings and conclusions:
1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions
of the code.
The applicant lives in the existing house and is proposing to build a second house on the
western portion of the property. He states that the parcel wili not be split but held in j oint
tenancy by the owners of the homes. This is a large pazcel with over 10,000 square feet
but it has only 23 feet of frontage along the street and 75 feet of width at the front setback
line. This is lazge enough to build townhouses or a four-unit apartment building without
the need for any variances. However, the applicant prefers to construct a second
single-family home which is more consistent with the surrounding land uses. This is a
reasonable and pernutted use for this property. Single-family homes in the RT2 zoning
district must meet the R4 standards which require a lot width of 40 feet for each house
as measured at the front setback line. The irregular shape of the parcel and the location
of the existing house on the site prevent this proposed development under the strict
provisions of the code.
2. 772e plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these
circumstances were not created by the land owner.
The unusual shape of the parcel and the location of the existing house on the site are
circumstances that limit the reasonable use of the property. These are circumstances that
were not created by the applicant.
3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is
consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City
4 of St. Paul.
6 This parcel is large enough to allow a larger development with greater density. However,
7 the steep slope of the property would require considerable excavating and require the
8 removal of the e�sting house. Building a small single-faznily home on the west half of
9 the site will limit the disturbance of the slope and allow the applicant to preserve the
10 eacisting house. Because of the slope, the applicant will need to submit an erosion control
11 and a slope stabilization plan in order to obtain site plan review approval. Provided that
12 the applicant obtains site plan approval, the proposed variances aze in keeping with the
13 spirit and intent of the code and will not affect the health or welfare of azea residents.
4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent
property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably
diminish established property values within the surrounding area.
The public alley wraps around the portion of the property where the new house will be
built. The relatively minor setback variance on the north side will be mitigated by the
slope of the property as well as the alley and will not significantly affect the supply or
light or air to adjacent properties.
The proposed second single-family home is consistent with the character of the
neighborhood and is more appropriate to the azea than a townhouse development or an
apartment building. The new home will add to the vitality of the area and should have
a positive impact on surrounding property values.
S. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is notpermitted under the provisions
of the code for the property in the district where the affected dand is located, nor would it alter
or change the zoning district classification of the property.
A second single-family home on a single zoning lot is a pernutted use within this zoning
district. The proposed variances, if granted, wouid not change or alter the zoning
classification of the property.
6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the valate or
income potential of the parcel of land.
The applicant's primary desire is to put the property to a reasonable,and permitted use
given the size and the zoning classification of the parcel.
Whereas, Pursuant to the provisions of I.eg. Code § 61.702(a), Victor Chan, duly filed an appeai
from the determination made by the BZA and requested a hearing befare the City Council for the
purpose of considering the actions taken by the BZA; and
Whereas, Acting pursuant to Leg. Code § 61.702(b) and upon notice to affected parties, a public
hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on April 2Q 2005, where all interested parCies were
given an opportunity to be heazd; and
Page 2 of 4
Whereas, At the conclusion of the public hearing and without taking a vote, the matter was further
continued to provide the zoning applicant and the appellant with an opportunity to meet and possibly
resolve their differences; and
Whezeas, On May 4, 2005, Councilmember Benanav advised the Council that the zoning applicant
and the appellant had met but were unable to reach an agreement on the matter; and
Whereas, Having been advised that the zoning applicant and the appellant had met but were unable
to reach an agreement, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the
variance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the BZA; does hereby
Resolve, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby reverses the decision of the BZA in this
matter, based on the following findings of the Council:
1. The BZA ened in finding that the property cannot be put to a reasonable use under the
strict provisions of the zoning code. The Council finds that the property can be put to a
reasonable use because the property is currently developed with a single family home.
2. The BZA erred in finding that the lot in question met R4 standards for development. The
lot has less than 25 feet of lineal frontage on Scudder Street. Measured at the front setback
line, there is less than 40 feet of lot frontage for the proposed residentia] structure and less
than 80 total lineal feet of frontage for both structures.
3. The BZA erred in finding that the variances were in keeping with the spirit and intent of
the zoning code and consistent with the health, safety, comfort and welfare of the inhabitants
of the City. The variances erroneously pernut construction of a second single family
structure at the back of a single lot that does not meet lot size requirements for two
residential structures. GranUng variances to pernut the construction of two residential
structures on this inadequately sized lot is inconsistent with the health, safety, comfort and
welfare of the citizens of Saint Paul and not in keeping with the intent of the zoning code.
And, Be it Further Resolved, That the appeal of Victor Chan be and is hereby granted;
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1 OS-419
2 And, Be It Finally Resolved, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Roger D.
3 Xoungs, Victor Chan, the Zoning Administrator, the Pianning Commission and the Board of Zoning
4 Appeals.
Requested by Department of:
Form Approved by City.Attorney
By: '7ti4.W� s /p—bS
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�: �
Adop[ed by Council: Date ��[�1����1U���j
Adoption Ce�ified by Council S cretasy
OS-419 �
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green SheekGreen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
ce� �sry��
Contact Person 8 Phone:
Peter Wamer
Must Be on Council Agen
� '
Green Sheet NO: 3026432
Depariment SentToPerson InitiallDate
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� Total#of
� Acfion Reques�d:
� Memorializing City Coimcil action taken May 4, 2005 ganting the appeal of Victor Chan, 2129 Scudder Street to a decision of the
, Boazd of Zoning Appeats graoting two variances in order to construct a second single family home at 2125 Scudder Street.
Recommendatiais: Appm�e (q) or Reject (Rr Personal Service CoMracls MustMswerthe Pollowing puestions:
Planning Commission �' �, � this person/firtn e�er v.orked under a contract forthis department?
CIB Committee y� ry
CiMI SeMCe Commission 2. Has this pe�soNfirtn eeer been a city employee?
Yes No
� ' 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skiil rwt normaliy possessetl by �any
cu�2rrt city empioyee?
Yes 'No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheetand aCach W green sheet
Inifiating Problem, lssues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
AdvarMages NApproved:
Dkadvanfages M Approved:
Disadvanfages M Not Approved:
Total Amount of
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
May 11, 2005 4:50 PM
CosURevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
Page 1
Jmreen & Rosas, Diredor
Rmrdy C. Kell}; Mayos
April 11, 2005
Ms. Mary Erickson
Council Reseazch Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN. 55102
Deaz Ms. Erickson:
The Saint Pavl City Couneil wi1L mn-
duct a public he arine on Wednesday,
April 20, 2005, at 5:30 p.m. in the City
Couneil Chambers, Third Floor City
Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard; St.
Paul to consider the appeal of �ctor
Chan, 2129 Scudder Street, to a decision
of the Boazd of ZoningAppeals granti.ng
two variances in ordez W construct a
secoad single family home on property
-at 2125 Seudder,Street. <Zoning File
#05-065754). ` -
Dated; April 11, 2005 �
Mary Erickson � -
nssi8canc cit}• co,�ncil secrer,ary, �
` [APri114J' � �
___- 81: YAIIL LEGAL LEDf"ER =-- ��
220957Z0 . . I
I wouid like to confiim that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday,
Apri120, 2004 for the following zoning case:
Zoning File #:
Victor Chan, 2129 Scudder Sireet.
Purpose: Appeal a decision of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals granting two variances
in order to conshuct a second single family home on property at 2125
Scudder Street.
District :
2125 Scudder Street.
Recommended approval.
District 12 Plamiing Council recommended approval.
Approved on a 5- 1 vote.
I ha�e confinned this date with the office of Council Member Jay Benanau. My understanding is
thax this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest
convenience and that you wiil publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger.
Thanks !
Sin re ,
� � _
J Hardwick, Zoning Specialist
IAiflRYPROFFSSION�iLBUILDING Telephane: 657d66-9090
350StPeterStreetStdte30Q Facsimile: 651-266-4524
SaintPaul,M'nmesom55702-ISIO Web: www.ci.nypauL�ror,us/liep
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
PAl L�'
JJ'� OfLzC�ea I1RS[18di6RS ¢A(l �'i[VL7'O11D2¢ilfQl.PrOfCCl[OK
300Lo�y professionrrt Building
350S� PeferSt, S`uite30U
.SnintPmrl, MNSSIO2
Address �
City ��
Name of own
MN Zip�y�� Daytime phone
PROPERTY Address �!`� �� �'�Qe.f; �; ('�,�,� � MN i�io�
LOCAT1011! � � �� � �� P � �� �� �
tegal desc ' tion:
Q� ,�dd- a � �8
TYPE OF APPEAL; Apptication is hereby made for an appeat to the:
�9 Board of Zoning Appeals �,1 C'rty Co � it
under the provisions of Chapter 67 , Section �0 ; Paragreph _ of the Zoning Code, to appeal a
decision -
made by
200 � . Fiie number: �� -4�$Z ��
GROUNDS fOR APPEAL: Explain why you feei there has 6een an error in any requirement, permet,
decision or reTvsal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by
Board of Zoning Appeals or ihe Planning Commission.
/�� � f
skeet if
Appiicant's signatufe '"�� v� Date ���` �� City agent
��• �Ll�,S - `� �' `�t�
• The Appeal :
This appeal has the following Appellants :
Victor Chan of 2129 Scudder Stxeet, Richard Brown of 2138 Knapp
Street and Mr. & Mrs. Lohse of 2142 Knapp Street and possibly Mr.
Brusic of 2134 Rnapp Street. More may be added on at a later date.
( I) My ( victor Chan • s) concems are :
(a) The 75 ft. assumed frontage is unreasonable because the actual
stxeet frontage is only 23.65 ft. ;
(bj The construction of a single fami.ly house with a separate
driveway and garage together with a 1300 sq. ft. space is way beyond
a'•guest house� setting. The end result is allowing 2 single family
houses jammed into one lot without subdividing.
(c) The driveway of this proposed new structure is perpendicular to
a steep and narrow alley. That presents a precarious and hazardous
drivi.ng situation particularly in the winter when the a11ey becomes
eatremely icy. This is a safety issue for the driver and my
property and should be weighed heavily on the decision.
(2) Ri.chard Brown (of 2138 Iinapp) is very concerned about the
precedent this decision will set and is worried that there would be
. a lot of home owners building additional backyard houses throughout
St. Anthony Park and St. Paul.
(3) At this time the Lohses of 2142 Knapp and the Brnsics (of 2134
Knapp) are objecting and would like to reserve their rights to
express their objections by affidavit or present them at the
(4) Although Mr. Roger Youngs had mentioned he had talked to ALL the
neighbors at the hearinq, he actually had never talked to any of my
house members, or the Browns, the Brusics or the Lohses. It was
understood that the St. Anthony Park Community Council recommended
approval based on Mr. Youngs communicating with the neighbors and
obtained their support. The Board of Zoning appeals followed the
St. Anthony Park community Council to recommend approval for the
same reason. In reality, we doubt very much the Council or the
Zoning Board would recoaunend approval if they knew many neighbors
who objected were never contacted by Mr. Youngs. This is also our
reason to appeal because Mr. Youngs wrongly represented our opinion
at the hearing.
(5) Name(s) of our legal counsel will be furnished when we make our
final decision as to whom we will retain.
(6) I would like to stress that the concerns expressed herein are
� not the only concerns and would like to reserve the right to present
the rest of them at later meetings or hearings.
a5-41 q
350St PeterStree� Suite 300
SaintPaul, MN55102-ISIO
Name �G D4ek IOCc.JCfS Comparry
paaress 2l 2 J s� wdd •��G S� (_�.._R GS/-Z
c�r S� Pa k( sr�c��? z� s s �o5lo�rs,ne w,«,e GS/- z2g q>t 9
�P�h+iMerest of applicarrt (owner, mntrad piudiaser, etc.} _ D u�wJ � iE
t� of ovvnet (rfcGlEererd)
Addresstlocation._,2125 Sc.u.eE� C.4. ,5�;
��additianalsheet�� T�g��4� � :3L� �krrF fa,ef ��1�G.e uaur�-4i dFUsy
� cc�C.vl� �
Lots¢e_ �5r���y /F�c�aw� Pre�ntZoning��PresentUse /22 s:�.��; e�
P���au� t4d�(:�ao,,al IZ.�s�dr.v� — (sa.�c� ��.1
1 _ Variance(sj requested:
J, �o-� w��i1�..
Z � �,�.� �Bqc�
Zoning office use only
Filenumber o� �� ���
F�$ 3 .6'0
TeMative hearing date �O
Section(s) �a� a �3 �
� S ` 02-� --
+ .,,.
.. � �.
2. What physiqi characteristics of the p�operty prevent its 6eing used for any of the pertnilted uses in your mne?
(mPo9�PhY, size and shape oi bt, srn1 mnd'�ions, ex.) J4 �� �.--.�
�� �� �-�' --
3. Ezplain how ihe strid application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would resuft in peculiar or exceptional
practical d�fl'iculfies nr ezceptional undue hardships.
casHi�xs use ow�r
4. Expiain how U�e granting of a variance wili rrot � a substan&al dehiment
to the pub�ic good or a substaMial impaument of the intent and pwpose
of fhe Zorting Ordinar+ce.
Applicant's signature��._G�r. �G��'.j Date Z- Z 2- �S �
n5-4i q
• Attachment tc> the Roger Youngs reguest for variance
xs: �s ^ -.;�
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6 �
1.) Variance reqaested:
To add a small, second house on the h�llside of this unusual lot, we need variance for the
• The actual lot line across the front of the existing house daes not have the
requu'ed 80 feet to fhe aetual surveyed Iot line. There is 80 feet to the nomival
line, where the alley physicalty runs at the momesrt.
•� The distauee from the north side (tfie back} of the propased house to the alfey is
20 feet.
Attachecf is a copy of the survey with the variance requests highFighted.
2.) Physica! ckaracteristics greventing it being used:
This property is a Iarge, triangular lot on wtuch the cuFrem house and garage take up onty
a sma11 portion (see the attached survey plan). The existing hause and garage sit on the
flat part of the Iot, and there is a large, unused hi21 thax was created by the formation of
the aiteys. •
3.} Whp a strict aggIieatiog cef the code is uot apgropriate
As is shown by bQth the sucvey and the site plaq the Iot easily aecommodates two
• houses. There is ptenty of square footage, but the unique shape and topograghy of the Iot
prevent building a second home under the strict pmvisions of ihe code.
4.) How granting the varianee wiFt nat be a detriment to the pubiic good
In the gast, tUis hi2t fias heen eansidered unusable and has been rather an eyesare to the
neighbors because it easily becomes overgrown. We wairt instead to put this land to good
use aud beautify it by building an auractive, sma11 house in keeping with the
aeighborhood. (See drawing.j
Additionally, we are requesting a variance to buitd a honse closer to the atley than the
code allows, whereas three different neighbors cureirtly have garages that pratrude into
the surveyed atfey and portions of the atley itself cut into this property.
For the groposed use, tke entire gropez2y will be heid in jaint teuancy and not be sold as a
sepazate lot.
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03114l2005 11:58 6515495993
St. Anthony Park Community Council
March 14, 2005
7ohn �azdwick
OfFce of License, Inspecbons, and Lnvironmental Procec[ions
Ciry of Saint Paul
350 St Peier St.
5uite 300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Dear Mr. Hazdwzck,
PA6E 02
On Thuzsday, March l0, 2Q05, the St. AnChony Pazk Community Council unanimously agprovcd
the following resolution:
SAPCC approve,a the major variance a[ 2�25 Scudder Sace[, as described in the
applicarion for majoz variance file # OS-06$754, due [o the hazdship created Uy the
unusual2ot co�guration, subjecc co soIicitaGon of neighhoz comments and
P2ease contact me if you have atty queseions about ihis xesolution.
$est Regards,
Nina Axetson
Community Organizer
890 Gromwel! Avenoe, Satnt Panl, Minneron 55 t 14 > 651 /649-5992 volce r G51l644-5993 fax
b. 1VOt END
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Major Variance
March 28, 2005
FII,E #OS-068754
Mazch 22, 2005
Apri15, 2005
BY: John Hardwick
DATE RECEIVED: February 24, 2005
A. PURPOSE: T`wo variances in order to construct a second single-family home on this lot. 1)
A nunimum lot width of 80 feet is required and a width of 75 feet is availabie, for a variance
of 5 feet. 2) A rear setback of 25 feet is required and a setback of 20 feet is pmposed, for a
variance of 5 feet.
B. SITE AND AREA CONDITIONS: This is a large irregular shaped parcel that slopes
steeply from the rear down to the street. There is an existing single-faxnily home with a
detached garage on the east side of the properiy.
Surrounding Land Use: Primarily single-family homes.
C. BACKGROIJND: The applicant is proposing to constrict a second single-family home on
the western portion of the site.
1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of
the code.
Page 1 of 3
File #OS-068754
The applicant lives in the e,aListing house and is proposing to build a second house on the
westem portion of the property. He states that the pazcel will not be split but held in joint
tenancy by the owners of the homes. This is a large parcel with over 10,000 square feet
but it has only 23 feet of frontage along the street and 75 feet of width at the front setback
line. This is lazge enough to buiid townhouses or a four-unit apartment building without
the need for any variances. However, the applicant prefers to construct a second single-
family home which is more consistent with the surrounding land uses. This is a
reasonable and permitted use for this properiy. Single-family homes in the RT2 zoning
district must meet the R4 standards which require a lot width of 40 feet for each house as
measured at the front setback line. The uregulaz shape of the parcel and the location of
the e�cisting house on the site prevent this proposed development under the strict
provisions of the code.
2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these
circumstances were not created by the land owreer.
The unusual shape of the parcel and the location of the e�tisting house on the site aze
circumstances that limit the reasonable use of the properry. These are circumstances that •
were not created by the applicant.
3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is
consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the
City of St. Pau1.
This parcel is lazge enough to allow a lazger development with greater density. However,
the steep slope of the property would require considerable excavating and require the
removal of the existing house. Building a small single-family home on the west half of
the site will limit the disturbance of the slope and allow the applicanY To preserve the
e�sting house. Because of the slope, the applicant will need to submit an erosion control
and a slope stabilization plan in order to obtain site plan review approval. Provided that
the applicant obtains site plan approval, the pmposed variances are in keeping with the
spirit and intent of the code and will not aff'ect the heaith or weLfaze of area residents.
4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent
property, nor wi11 it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably
diminish estabZished property values within the surrounding area.
The public alley wraps azound the portion of the property where the new house will be
built. The relatively minor setback variance on Yhe north side will be mitigated by the
slope of the property as well as the alley and will not significantly affect the supply or
light or air to adjacent pmperkies. �
Page 2 of 3 �
• File #OS-068754
The pmposed second single-family home is consistent with the character of the
neighborhood and is more appmpriate to the area than a townhouse development or an
apartment building. T`he new home will add to the vitality of the azea and should have a
positive impact on surrounding properry values.
S. The variance, ifgranted, would not permit a"ny use that is not permitted under the
provisions of the code for the properry in the district where the affected land is located,
nor would it aZter or change the zoning district classification of the property,
A second single-family home on a single zoning lot is a permitted use within this zoning
distric� The pmposed variances, if granted, would not change or aiter the zoning
classification of the property.
6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or
income potential of the parcel of land.
The applicanYs primary desire is to put the property to a reasonable and pernutted use
given the size and the zoning classification of the parcel.
Council recommends approval of the variances.
F. C012I2ESPONDENCE: Staff has not received any correspondence regarding this matter.
G. STAFF' RECONIlVI�NDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff recommends
approval ofthe variances subject to the condition that the applicant obtains site plan review
appxoval for development an the steep slope.
Page 3 of 3
�-y �y
DATE: March 28, 2005
WHEREAS, Roger D. Youngs has applied for a variance from the strict application of the
provisions of Section 66.231 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code pertaiuing to 1) the minunum
required lot width, 2) the m;n;mum required rear setback, in order to consizuct a second single-
family home on the Iot in the RT2 zoning district at 2125 Scudder Sixeet; and
WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning AppeaLs conducte@ a public heartng on March 28,
2005 pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203 of the
L.egislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Boazd of Zoning Appeals hased upon evidence presented at the
public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact:
1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the
code. •
The applicant lives in the e�sting house and is proposing to build a second house on the
western portion of the pmperty. He states that the parcel will not be split but held in joint
tenancy by the owners of the homes. This is a large parcel with over 10,000 square feet but it
has only 23 feet of frontage along the street and 75 feet of width at the front setback line.
This is lazge enough to build townhouses or a four-unit apartment building without the need
for any variances. However, the applicant prefers to construct a second single-family home
which is more consistent with the sunounding land uses. This is a reasonable and permitted
use for tfiis property. Single-family homes in the RT2 zoning distdct must meet the R4
standazds which require a lot width of 40 feet for each house as measured at the front setback
line. The irregular shape of the parcel an@ the location of the e�cistiug house on the site
prevent this proposed development under the strict provisions of the code.
2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these
circumstances were not created by the Zand owner.
The unusual shape of the pazcel and the location of the existing house on the site aze
circumstances that limit the reasonable use of the pmperty. These are circi�stances that
were not created by the applicant.
3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent
with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul, •
Page 1 of 4 j�
• File #OS-068754
This parcel is lazge enough to allow a larger development with greater density. Aowever, the
steep slope of the pmperty would require considerable excavafing and require the removal of
the e�sting house. Building a small singl�family home on the west haif of the site will limit
the disturbance of the slope and allow the applicant to preserve the e�sting house. Because
of the slope, the applicant will need to submit an erosion control and a slope stabilization
plan in order to obtain site plan review approval. Provided that the applicant obtains site plan
approval, the proposed variances are in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and will
not affect the health or welfare of area residents.
4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent
property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably
diminish established proper2y values within the surrounding area.
The public alley wraps around the portion of the properry where the new house will be built.
, The relatively minor setback variance on the north side will be mirigated by the slope of the
properiy as well as the alley and will not significantly affect the supply or light or air to
adjacent properties.
The proposed second single-family home is consistent with the character of the neighborhood
and is more appropriate to the area than a townhouse development or an apartment building.
The new home will add to the vitality of the azea and should haue a positive impact on
surrounding properiy values.
S. The variance, ifgranted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions
of the code for the property in the district where the affected Zand is Zocated, nor would it
alter or change the zoning district classifzcation of the properry.
A second single-family home on a single zoning lot is a permitted use within this zoning
district. The praposed variances, if granted, would not change or alter the zoning
ciassificarion of the property.
6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income
potential of the parcel of Zand.
The applicanYs primary desire is to put the property to a reasonable and permitted use given
the size and the zoning classification of the pazcel.
• NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the
provisions of Section 66.231 are hereby waived to allow: 1) a nunimum lot width of 75 feet, and
Page 2 of 4 t�
File #OS-068754
2) a rear setback of 20 feet, subject to the condition that the applicant obtai�s site plan review
approval for deve[opment on the steep slope. In order to construct a second singl�family home
on the Iot on properiy located at 2125 Scudder Street; and legaliy described as St Anthony Park
North Part Of Alley Vac Adj And I.ot 9 Blk 48; in accordance with the application for variance
and The site plan on file with tke Zoning Administrator.
MOVED BY : Faricy
bIAILED: March 29, 2005
TIME LIlVIIT: No decision of the zoning or planning a�1m�n;ctrator, plauning commission, •
board of zoning appeals or city conncil approving s site plan, permit,
variance, or ofher zoning approvai shall be valid for a period Ionger than fwo
(2) years, anless a bnilding permit is obtained witlun snch period and the
ereetion or alteration of a bailding is proceeding nnder the terms of the
decision, or the nse is established within snch period by actaal operation
parsnant to the applicable conditions and reqnirements of the approval,
anless the wning or pianniug administrator grants an eatension not to ezceed
one (1) yeaz.
APPEAL: Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are fmal snbject to appeal to the
City Conncil within 10 days by anyone affected bq the decision. Bnilding
permits shall not be issned after an appeal has been Sled. If permits have
been issned before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are saspended
and construction shall cease nniil the City Conncil has made a final
determination of the appeaL
CER1'IFICATION: I, the nndersigned Secretary to the Boazd of Zoning AppeaLs for the C�ty of
Saint Panl, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing
copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a trae and
correct copy of said original and of tLe whole thereof, as based on approved
minntes of the Saint Panl Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on March
28, 2005 and on record in the Office of License Inspection and
Environmental Protection, 350 St Peter Street, Saint PaaI, Minnesota. •
Page 3 of 4
C�S-Z/l c�
Debbie Crippen
Secretary to the Board
Page 4 of 4
PRESENT: Mmes. Maddo�c, Morton, and Porter; Messrs. Faricy, Galles, and Wilson of the Boazd of
Zoning Appeals; Mr. Wamer, Assistant City Attomey; Mr. Hazdwick and Ms. Crippen of
the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection.
ABSEN'T: Vincent Courtney* Gloria Bogen�`
The meeting was chaired by Joyce Maddolc, Chair.
Ttoger D. Yonngs (#05-068754) 2125 Scndder Street• Two vaziances in order to construct a
second single family home on this lot 1) A minimum lot width of 80 feet is required and a width of 75
feet is available, for a vatiance of 5 feet. 2) A rear setback of 25 feet is required and a setback of 20 feet
is proposed, for a variance of 5 feet
Mr. Hardwick showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for
approval, subject to the condition t1�at the applicant obtains site plan review approvaI for development on
the steep slope.
Staffreceived one phone ca11 opposing the variance request.
One letter was received from Distdct 12 supporting the variance request.
The applicant ROGER D. YOIJNGS, 2125 Scudder Street, was present Mr. Youngs stated he has
spoken to all of his neighbors and only one is opposed to the proposal. The neighbors were concerned
about pazldng and did not want him to add to the problem, Wluch he will not be doing with the garage
and two additional off-street pazking spaces. The second concern was that he might put a line fence
down the back of his properry. He stated he rvill not do that, because his neighbors would not be able to
use their garages if he did.
Ms. Porter questioned whether Mr. Youngs planned to sett the new home. Mr. Youngs replied no,
Brenda is going to live in the home, we will own it in joint tenancy.
There was opposition present at the hearing.
Victor Chan, 2129 Scudder Sireet, stated he lives next door and opposes granting the variance. Mr. Chan
sfafed thaf he did not lmow where the figure of 80-feet of frontage came from, he thinks tbat street
frontage is only about 30 feet. The house is built on the back of the lot and had no sheet frontage wtiat
so ever. He noted tl�at the alley on the west of flus site is impassable in the winter.
Ms. Baker, 964 Ashland Avenue, stated she is the person who will be living in the new home. She noted
that they had a surveyor do the survey and they established t1�ax there aze 75-feet of frontage on the siYe.
She believes tt�at she will be pulling mto her garage at the same place in the alley that the neighbor Mr.
Chan will be pulling into lris alley. Mr. Youngs stated that the City does not plow the alley and the
neighbors along his alley did not want to pay to have it plowed so it has not been ptowed. Noting tbat
nn-nnn-�o �,toy�
o9-Ui y
File #1115-068754
Minutes Mazch 28, 2005
Page Two
they shovel up to tfie neighbors garage and they leave the rest of the alley unplowed. Mr. Youngs stated
that there is 80 feet of frontage, i£ measuring is done where it looks like the aliey is now. But it is
technically not there and the Chan's garage extends two-feet into the alley on the other side.
Mr. Galles questioned that both homes would have a Scudder Street address. Mr. Youngs replied yes,
2125 and 2127.
Hearing no further testimony, A+Is. Madd� closed the pnblic portion of the meeting.
Mr. Wilson quesrioned whether site plan review would cover the steep slope stabilizarion. Mr. Hardwick
replied yes, tt�at is part of the site plan review process because of the steep slope.
Mr. Faricy moved to approve the variance and resolution based on findings 1 through 6, subject to the
condition that the applicant obtains site plan review approval for development on the steep slope.
Ms. Porter seconded the motion, which passed on a roll call vote of 5-1(Galles).
Submitted by:
John Hardwick
Approved by:
Gloria Bogen, Secretary
AA-ADA-EEA Employer
�-f'0 S/-za_s
2125 Scudder St.
Saint Paul, MN 55108
April 15, 2005
Ms. Mary Erickson
Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
RE: Zoning File #OS-068754
� ,..^�q�n�.�;}1 ^�r,4:�T
APR 19 2005
Dear Ms. Erickson:
We wouid like to respond to concems raised by Victor Chan in his application for appeal.
1 a.) Because this is a triangular lot, the lot width measurement is taken at the front of the
house, not at the street. The frontage there, as per the certificate of survey done by
Carley-Tortersen Land Surveyors, is 75 feet. That is why we requested a 5 foot variance.
lb.) We aren't sure where the ternunology "guest house" setting that Mr. Chan refers to
came from, but we've always thought of it as the "big house" and the "little house." The
first floor of the proposed home will be 690 squaze feet and the second, 621. This will
result in two single-family dwellings on a large pazcel of more than 10,000 square feet.
As you can see from the survey on page 7 and the LIEP drawing on page 10, the lot is
unusually shaped and large. It has more than the required square footage for each house.
We do not want to subdivide the lot because we want to own and live on the property in
1 c.) The location of the house and driveway were determined by the Landscape Architect
we hired. He considered the slope of the alley and its relationship to the driveway. He
also considered the width of the a11ey, both as it is now used and as it is in the survey. He
designed a curved entrance with adequate turning radius. In addition, the alley will be
widened on our side at the driveway entrance by paving where grass currently extends
into the surveyed alley. Tius will help compensate Tor fne reduced widtn of tne aiiey
where the Chan's garage protrudes into the surveyed alley.
2.) The size and unique shape of this property are not matched by other properties in this
area, as shown on the drawing by LIEP, page 10. Consequently, we don't see how
granting the requested five-foot variance would set a precedent for the city of St. Paul.
3.) We don't know what the objections aze from the Lohses and the Brusics, but we
would be happy to respond to them once we hear them.
4.) The minutes do not reflect what Roger remembers saying at the meeting. He said all
of the neighbors that he had talked to had responded favorably, not that he had talked to
all of the neighbors. He acknowledged in that hearing that two had initially raised
concerns, and told what those concerns were. One said that neighbors on Scudder had
worried that the house would add to on-slreet parking congestion, but expressed support
when they saw that a gazage and additional pazking space were part of the plan. A
neighbor on Knapp called to express his concern that Roger might put a line fence on the
north side of his properry, wluch would make it difficult for this neighbor to use his
garage. (As can be seen on tYae survey, several gazages intrude into the alley.) Roger
informed him that he does not plan to put up a line fence as part of building a second
house. This neighbor then said that he was sorry the hearing was at an inconvenient time
far him because he would have come to support the plan.
The St. Anthony Park Community Council decision was not based on Mr. Youngs
communications with neighbors. The Zoning Board had notified the neighbors of the
nronosed vasiance hearin� by the Council, but no one came to that meeting. After that
meeting, drawings and pictures were distributed to many of the neighbors, some of whom
contacted Roger and voiced the concerns stated in the pazagraph above.
We think that John Hardwick from the Office of License, Inspections, and Environxnental
Protections presented the case for approving our request for a variance very well. (See
pages 12-14 ofthe packet.)
If there are other concerns, we would be happy to address them.
���.�� ��,� �'��
Roger Youngs Darla Baker
Cc: Jay Benanav, City Council Representative
Nina Axelson, Community Organizer
John Hardwick, Zoning Specialist
Victor Chan
Other neighbors (with full packet)
PS: On a personal note to the neighbors, we wish we had personally notified you of what
we are planning. We didn't expect opposition because we thought it such a small
variance, we believe it will increase property values in the neighborhood, and we think it
will beautify what has been a rather ugly hill. Also, we knew that neighbars had received
notice before the St. Anthony Park Community Council hearing, and no one came to
oppose it in this foruxn or contact Roger with concems. We apologize for not making this
effort. If you would like to talk with Roger about any concerns now, piease cail him at
04115/2005 12:45 FAX 6572669099 CITY OF ST.PAUL OFC/LIEP � 002/002
05— �1 I y
lfs= �/-�-ds
�b y�
2134 T{napp Sueet
St, Paul MN 55108
April 14, 2Q05
Zoning Adminisuation
OfCice of LTEP
350 Sc. Peter Strec[-Suite 300
St. Paui MIV 551(YL-1510
Deaz Zoning Adaunistration,
File #f05-086248 (2125 Scudder)
We are pleased that Victor Chan has decided to appeal your decision to permit the
conscrucuon of a sec�nd dwelling on the lot at 2125 Scudder. Wc were out of �own ac �he
cime of the tirst heazing and therefore were not able [o express our opposition co chis
pfanned consuvction.
We live in che house in baek of 2125 Scudder, across [he alley above the pzoposed
We oppose this second dwelling on the Scudder lot for chree rea5ons:
1) Cmwding a house into this subsize lot wi11 destroy some of the remaining green
space left in St. Anthony Park and change the feel of the neighborhood. It will
also escablish n precedenc for other variances that c7owd an already well-built up
2) The house as proposed on the drawings left at our door is overly elaborace for the
neighborhood and for the location. It is much too fancy foz the small footprint
allowed for it by thc configuration of the lot.
3) The d.rivcway to �he underground g�rage on the propo�ed house is dangerous.
This alleyway i� used by ncighborhood residents, children on bikes and on foo�,
and by [rades people. The driveway, which will necessitate baeking ou�, will pose
a danger to all of these passersby; several years ago I was hic by a car backieg
from the currenr driveway of 2125 Scudder. The alleyway into which the new
resident wili be backing is nanrow, on a grade, and restricted by a guardraii on the --
opposite side. There is s�mpiy not enough room to back a caz out satciy or easily
from the proposed access; it w�ll he necessary for the drivet to back bfind into an
azea where pe�ple do not expec� traffic.
We urge you to rejec� this plan ior che sake of the beauty of �he neighborhood and for the
safecy of the immediate residen�s.
Very truly yours,
�y� �u
l�ucy M. Brusic
Robezt M. Brusic
C. Chan
04/78/2005 07:53 FAX 6572669099 CITV OF ST PAUL OFC/LIEP
� 002/002
From: Cindy Bevier/Mark Seeiey <mseeley@umn.edu>
To: aJohn.Hardw;ck@ci.stpaul.mn.us>
Date: 4/17/2005 1 �:50:27 AM
Subject: 2125 Scudder, file # OS-086248
� i�• ' •
We will not be abfe to attend this hearing bepuse of work commitmenfs, but
would like Yo comment on the case.
We do not remember receiving the original no6ce for the two variances at
2125 Scudder, but have no objections to
a small home being built, not designed to crowd lots of students in,
charging horrendousty high rents.
We are amazed that Mr. Chan wouid find objections to this design as he owns
so many of the a fore mentioned properties
so nearby.
Our only concem is that there be off street parking provided as we do nat
have enough already.
Cindy Bevier
Mark Seeley
2�21 Como Ave
S1 Paui, MN 55108
os-y� q
Re: City council public hearing to consider appeal of a decision of the Boazd of Zoning
granting variances(2) in order to construct a second single family structure on the
property of Roger Young at 2125 Scudder St.
File No OS-086248
My name is Richazd Brown. I live with my family at 2138 Knapp St. Our property shares
the alley on back line of 2125 Scudder, just across from the proposed structure.
I'm here to support Victor and Lonio Chan's appeal of the Zoning Boazd's approval of
variances to Roger Young to build a second "single-famil�' house and to say my
opposition to this plan and proposal for several reasons.
Firstly, I'd like to say that the fact that there's a majority of neighbors in attendance
either in person or by proary to voice objection to the Zoning Boazd's granring these
variances points to a failure of the process to collect the community's response to this
proposal. The failure of Roger Young to solicit a truthful , thorough, and representative
response, despite his claim, and the failure of the St.Anthony Park Community Council to
collect response, as a matter of procedure, and then recommend for approval without it,
both contributed, I feel, to an incomplete and misguided process.
I couldn't attend the Zoning Board's hearing. I wasn't aware of until it was too late. But
my absence then shouldn't discount or discredit my opposition now. My opposition is
1. The site plan places the proposed structure in a small corner of the property,
wlvch if observed, seems intractable as a site due to the awkwazd ailey access and
consequent safety problems, and the slope of the site.
2. Because of the proposed separation of the drive to the structure, its independence
from the e�sting drive, I can only conciude that in the fixture this section of Roger
Young's property, held in joint tenancy, could conceivably be sectioned off,
resulring in lot and a house with a street address on the alley. This is a precedent
that entirely concerns me. Is this the right kind of growth that the Zoning Board is
For these reasons, I strongly suggest the coixncil consider rescinding the granting of these
variances by the Zoning Board.
Thank you.
�� ���
05-y� 9
2134 Knapp Street
St. Paul MN 55108
April 14, 2005
Zoning Administration
Office of LIEP
350 St. Peter Street-Suite 300
St Paul MN 55102-1510
Deaz Zoning Administration,
File #OS-086248 (2125 Scudder)
We aze pleased that Victor Chan has decided to appeal your decision to permit the
cons`uuction of a secend dwelling on the lot at 2125 Scudder. We were out of town at the
time of the first hearing and therefore were not able to express our opposition to this
planned construction.
We live in the house in back of 2125 Scudder, across the alley above the proposed
We oppose this second dwelling on the Scudder lot for three reasons:
1) Crowding a house into this subsize lot will destroy some of the remaining green
space left in St. Anthony Park and change the feel of the neighborhood. It will
• also establish a precedent for other variances that crowd an already well-built up
2) The house as proposed on the drawings left at our door is overly elaborate for the
neighborhood and for the location. It is much too fancy for the small footprint
allowed for it by the configuration of the lot.
3) The driveway to the underground garage on the proposed house is dangerous.
This alleyway is used by neighborhood residents, children on bikes and on foot,
and by trades people. The driveway, which will necessitate backing out, will pose
a danger to all of these passersby; several yeazs ago I was hit by a car backing
from the current driveway of 2125 Scudder. The alleyway into which the new
resident will be backing is narrow, on a grade, and restricted by a guardrail on the
opposite side. There is simply not enough room to back a car out safely or easily
from the proposed access; it will be necessary for the driver to back blind into an
area where people do not expect traffic.
We urge you to reject this plan far the sake of the beauty of the neighborhood and for the
safery of the immediate residents.
Very truly yours,
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Lucy M. Brusic
Robert M. Brusic
• C. Chan
Statement to the St. Paul City Council
My name is Charles MacKenzie who resides at 2129 Como Avenue, St. Paul, Mn.
I have been a St. Anthony Park resident for a very long time.
I am issuing this statement to e�ress my support for Victor Chan's appeal. I
agree with his reasoning eapressed in his appeal particularly the issue of the alley
being too narrow and hazardous.
I also feel that if Mr. Youngs is allowed to build a new house in his backyard, that
can set a precedent for the rest of the City of St. Paul.
Additionally,I would like to inform you that I have never been contacted by any
representative from the St. Anthony Park Community Council or Mr. Youngs.
If you have any further questions, feel free to call me at (651)497-7875.
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Charles Mac � zi
Statement to the St. Paul City Council
My name is _L�L1�.�.�._ who resides at ��� ��
St. Paul, Mn. �
I am issuing this stat�to ex ress m su ort for Victor Chan's a eal. I
agree with his reasoning e�pressed in his appeal particularly the issue of the alley
being too narrow and hazardous.
I also feel that if Mr. Youngs is allowed to build a new house in his backyard, that
can set a precedent for the rest of the City of St. Paul.
Additionally, I would like to inform you that I have never been contacted by any
representative from the St. Anthony Park Community Gouncil or Mr. Youngs.
If you have any further questions, feel free to call me at �05 j�l.,� �,— � 1 a�
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Statement to the St. Paul City Gouncil
My name is Janet Ward who resides at 2121 Scudder Street, St. Paul, Mn. I have
been a St. Anthony Park resident for a very long time.
I am issuing this statement to express our support for Victor Chan's appeal. I
agree with his reasoning e�ressed in his appeal particularly the issue of the alley
being too narrow and hazardous.
I also feel that if Mr. Youngs is allowed to build a new house in his backyard, that
can set a precedent for the rest of the City of St. Paul.
Addiponally, we would like to inform you that we haue never been contacted by any
representative from the St. Anthony Park Community Council or Mr. Youngs.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ca11 me at Co SI -(, �-1-y- - � �{ y-9
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