228097 Sewer Easement G�1742 ����Q�� Counoil File No.._ .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEM�1vT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. - Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingof thefollawingpublicimprovement by the City of 8sint Paul,vis.: Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining "a publ`ic sewer"on;'�unde"r"arid acro'ss;'tfie"wes'£°4"�ee�""of�trtie east"8"`fe'e"t'"of'°'T;o`t'T'6',;,"' _Block� 2�,_�,Atwater_St_�.�,Add,_ from, AtwAter�Sf, to, the allex. in,the, rear of„said,,lot.�_., - -_ - • . . - - •...-. ,,.. ...�-.. .. ...�,... • . - ,_,_...._ . _ r...,.. ... . ... . ., _.a . ....._ .� .. ....... Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for const�ruction purposes on a -•-s��r-i-pn•of-�-�1-ar�d��l�2�•��ee-t���ir=•w�id�t•h�-on��the�•�we�s-t�-�side•-of�ttte��-abovesae&s�emen�•�,��ndt���s_tri•p••- of l�and�4 feet in width on the east side of the above easement from Atwater St. to �t'tie_aIYey.�n'BY�ock..�'�..Atwafe'r"""Ste`AcI'dition�..............�..�...,....,..,..--�.-......�.,...'.._._.. ......,..�..__...�._ -- — --- — - -- - - — --- - — -- — Dated thie.---.....�.2tk�....day of..........[�Rx:i,X............................................................ 19 .66. ' . .............____.......... ...............s:'.^. d/��-�-� •...................... -- •--•- Counailman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Condemnin� and. taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining�'Y a public sewer�on,��under and��across� the west��4"feet�of��the east�8v�feet of""I:ot'"76; 4�B1oc1�..2,::..Atwat��„S.t.�.Add....��am..At�zater..S.t,...to.the,alley,�:in,.t,he...r�ar,o�...�.aicl.,.l:P.��,......._. A�lso condemning� and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a 's'C�i`p af�°fia�.d'..I'2"'f'�2�"•�7t'"w'i�l�'h•'bri"th�"Yae's't'�"si8�••of•--the�"ab�ove--easemen�'and--�aY�stri-p---�. . of land 4 Feet in width on the east side of the abo`ve easement from Atwater St� to ... ' . ' .. . .1+. .y.. ....."".."....�..re.�..._.»C.....�....�.Y.a�.��.f.M............� r-�......�..�...� _ .� the alley�in Block 2, Atwater St.Additd�on. _ __ __ _ _ ___ having bee� preaented to the �Jounoil of the C:ity of Saint Paul.............._......_......__..__......._........_.._......__......_.__.__..._._ ' therefore, be it , r� � RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public OVorka be and is hereby ordered and direated: �, _ � 1. To investigate the necessitq for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the natuie, extent and estimated coet of said improvement, and the total coet thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. � 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to t19�mmiesioner of Finance. � APR � 3 Adoptedby the CounciL..................•----._.........------.....-•----.._.............._...... YFes � Councilman Dalglieh APR1 � � Ho11 and Approved---•----------------------_..._....--•-•----------•-_•-••---...__......_ Loss . Meredith � � �e�sew.r � ("� 2��vY` M$.�``��1"i�a�;ee�.��'��i'�F� -----------__....._............. --.__._.�-1���`A"�`�Mayor�....._ Mr. 3l�ce Prc�idcn# (Rosen� s000 �-s� PUBLtSHfD APR �.6 1���