228089 P '
� I Slopes
G_��6$ - ���089
Counoil�e No...
Theundereignedhereby proposesthemalcingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of 9sint Paul,vis.:
Condemra,��g__�nd..t�king_an,e�sement__in the land_,necessary,,.for the slopes? .cuts_.and fills, including
right of removal of lateral support from subject. land or remainder thereof, occasioned by
excavations_,thereof or construction of slopes_,in_.the_�rading. and�surfacin��with .bituminous
material MAGNOLIA AVE. from Van DXke_ St._ to Hazel St. and VAN DYKE ST. from Mechanic Ave. to
MagnoliaAve,...................---•-------............... ._....._..........__....................... .............................._.._.........__._.........
Dsted tlue.......12th,.....day of.......April.......................................................... 19 ..66 ���i�,.
..........................•--........__�w'.. ...._......�.�. ......._......:`"'�
- Counoilman.
WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the maldng of the following improvement, vis.:
Condemning._and__taking„an ,easement in the land necessary_for_.the slopes�__cuts and fillsr _including
right of_.removal of lateral support..from subject land or remainder thereof�._.occasioned�:b��
-•--• -••-• ----- ---- --•-• --•- ----- -••---•----------------•-----......
excavations thereof or__construction of_sloEes__in._the._grading_.and _surfacin_g._with.bituminous
...�...--•.......................... ---------------•-•---_.....
Ma.gnolia Ave� .
having been preaented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul_...._.___..___..__...___.___.._.._....._...__.................._._.._..
therefore, be it
- RFSOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted:
1. To investigate the necesaity for, or desirability of, the maldng of eaid improvement.
2. .To investigate the nature, extent and eatimated cost of said improvement� and the total ooat thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. �
4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commieaioner of�nanoe. �
�PF� g 31����
Adopted by the CounoiL__.............................._----•---....---------._........._......
Councilman Dalglish
�PR 13 �'�
Holland � ApprovecL._.._................ .... _....
Loss •
. P�t�ers�at�- �-��'1
Rvse� _........ ................... - ..._
���`������3'i??�g:�;�:i�i�:�l� '� � ' --------_.._.......��$'d'R� Mayor.
Mr, ��ce President (Rosen)
3000 7-b4
PUBLISHED qpR 16 196�