228072�- f _.� . � � . ., � .' _ '• CI��'Y OF ST. PAUL �����" r� ,,��: - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIdNER OF FINANGE �'����"' : �� __ _. ____ -- R,eport of Completion of Ass�essment � In the matter of the assessment of �'��� ��$� .� ��'�,�� 1�} �t�`���; � fi�l�'�fl�k�t�. �7�' ?����� �.�'k��,���'� '��'!�'�t3� �41'� �*�'r �� � �� �; ��.�� �• ��- - -- ----''- _ ._ _ - . � - _ . - . , . . -- . . -_ . . . : -.. . . . _ _ _ � . ;� -. _ AQa�QQ��T�_ _ __� . , . -_- , F .- - _ - . - ,� - . : - -� � - -� j `,° -� -_� _�% .�Y .2 3 - �(:dae.�Ay�e+i•� both �ides� fY'oo Weide St. - ' _ •=I LJ`� " � � to At'c3ade $t;� ° � F.O: - 7828 � Jeeaamin� Av,e,�� 'both�s3des froa Walsh Sti to Weide- Sti. ; Fo�. � .. p 676 - Br�dley 3t.� eatist side from�Minnehaha Av�� to Bush� Ave+ � � � F.O. �217�9� - 8titclid Sta� sonth side froa� �p1e Sti to H�tes:Av�i, ' E � F�0! �. 29 - �ima Av�e: sonth�cide f'rom We�t,�inater '3t�o --� _ 'to Ark�right 3ti I � F.O.: ��114 - pa,yae Av�.� bo�h s�dec tmnt �vy �trea to $her�ootl �v�� � $•�., 1�8 - Burr 8t. ,• � , both sides fron I�yland Ave: to 8s�a�nard Av�e. ` ; F.�a �27.7595 - Si�th�St�, �th eides i'�c�,Nendota St. to Fs�rest st: � f 4?�cl�C.T.��a��iSWi7DU�fi9J�D��,.�.E�cW.atYrt��'?"��t�iF-7�K���.aat.���.�t�'���c,'�f'bsiLL6c�.-Y?;t.*-��i.;7L�r9c�I '::'.4Ari1i.�:4?_ :rs�i[��fC�ifC��-.._.W�N.E+�� �. •0• � ',�.Case"Av�e;� 'bc>�li�sicles Prom Weicle� St. to Arca,de`$t._. . . ��,�fi���,:g+.0•� 7595z�.SirtY►�Sta�, both .sidesti from�J�ndote���St: 4r ° � � ;0. _ ' ,�.. � >:�_.__ _.. _ +���to>.Fore�t=`St:^���,.����:� , �78��'� Jeseaaitie. qved�'both aides Pra� �Ialah St:�#cr Weide Sti � k � F,:O�:, 76���,rsdlsy�Stj�^east�,side;.Prom�llina�hst�a�Av�>jw,�.��_Buah-�Ave�•���-;�.-� �'`i,i�t,`�'�`ii_' `, . ., ,L..,.xv�,..: v4�- '' �, � F�4� 829 =� Si�is'Ave���sonth"side =roa Westndnater� 3t'+ to Ar]arr � �a i�h� F•�•i� ��ti�v�+e •���, both sides�f'ro� �vy Ave: to 3herwood A�t 3t: - ; F:O�'��218148�---Br�rr•3ta� both eides frwa ,° + . f , I�'Y1sDd Ave. to Br�ixterd, Ave. e Commissioner of Finance he—reby rep�rta to�he Cou��iiZne-i�u�w�ug--ua a��rw�:.sxsf-___n�����AY_ _ penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . � 15,255 65 Engineering . . . . .b.Iasp�eCt�.Oii.. . . . . . . : . . .. . . . . . . . $ 1�,525 �_ Inspection . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . $ Postalca,rd.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . $ ��— Publicationa . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . � 169 �� Collection costs . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . � 339 40 Court costa for canfirmation . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . � 16 9� TOTAL EXP�N�DL'rUR.ES . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . $ 17,323 62 Charge to . . . .. .. .. .. . �9�'74�-. . . . . . . . . .. . . . $ 1�713 82 - . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . �R-��4essable. . . . . . . . . . . $ 622 � Net Asaessment . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . $ 1 �9 93 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 1��986.93 upon each a.nd every lot, part or parcel o� la.nd deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,paxt or parcel of land in accordance with - the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _ Daterl �ch 15s 19� Co ssioner o ' ance.� Form R-2 2M 10-68 8�, - 1 ' " . _:'��\ ��� - - �����N '� .���, �,• + ,=;,, . • -r COUNG`IL FILE N0. - - � CITY O�F ST. PAUL ,R�esdlution Ratifying Assessment . B� � . In the matter of the assessment of �i�f���t cg�c�� t�c3 ��(� �,��qg � ep�;$t,z����,y� e�nd recfiora�.iaa� �t� �id�,ral� ��u1� �rc�x�,,�i,�,draa.Y.�,. �ti�z�ta�t C�i�x�act dG�-t+IT3(?��. �v� ,� ,�• ,�{.w ..; l�o. 2� �i+� et .�. � • � :� . � _ -=, `� - �'' .,n�,r �- ... . - � � . -_ ' ;__�__:?-- h �- ` ' � � � ' ' • •" .• C�tsa Av!e bot.h si� . �� ` . . - -.,�, •i N, �rc�a iieide St. to As�aai� St:' � - F•�• 7�� - �essaat3a� Atro., bot,h �id�� -t'rc�ID-�WalsP► $t:`to t�lcga` 3�. _. F.O. �3].676 « �y St.� east si�d� t'rG� D�uaehr� Aite� ta 8t�ah Av�e. , P'.0. i�'217�9p • Eue],ic! St., �o�uth si�a trcaa �(ag]s St. '�o Be�tee AVe. ; ' �.0. �2 1 • 8� Av�.� so u t�► sid�e Prc�.Wss't�iater B�. to Arlarr f�t St. � �'•0•-i�� - Payne Av�e.� both sidea �e�a� Ivy sv�a. t,o Sherwood Aw. + �00. �218�8 - Btat`r 8t.j both g3de� �'t�c� I�arylatui Av�e: tQ Br�srd A`►�e. � : F,o. i�'dl'�595 � Sixth St., both �id,es �rc� l�endota Bt. �:a �'araat St. ; �wi���..Q.Q���.rl. �ywic1p�r'�f�iti+r�af�2e�+A�,r-1r�sn�kY� �Rhr��ta:si4� ' L.�►i3f2�'.j�� ----- 3 ..._.�..—t�t���.�r�_: _ ..�����: ���^�.;��.���:�AU�..,_�4.�^:�.- __.._.--�".,,.___.__.. _ u �, ,•0: 3 -� asas Ave:, bot�h ai.de� t�cmn W�id+e 8t. 'to Arcade St. � ... I �Y���,�1L�t�"'Q�v 7��' �.'$�x�l'��'�i.�'j�1'f0�1:'�,/'�C��sr'�1�:�11d0'tir''8�'.•4'fi0`F02�8'�".�8j'i��.r«�,w.,w..x�—u�'�;+4 I ; F.O. �d7.'T82�3 - �assau�ine Ave., bot,h aides�. �raot Wslsh St. to Waido Bt. ����B'4•0•� - -'��'w�Y-y1��::,�ea�tydidP.>i�aui'Mirinet�a2�='Ave:�to�--Bu�li~Air�:=�~���� ; � , ; F.f1. 8 • Bi,m� Av�e., Aau�h sid� �m W���miast�r St. to ArJcwrfght Bt. + � � p F.O.a�.._. ., 4�z€���.tr_��:�both eide�sl��zlv,�A've:=�O��liei�fif�o'd ��e:�id ��sf�s� . 2�87.�8 �rr 8� � zri�nL ht�v��;,� b��r. fut-�lt�r �at�::�e�e��by f.�c� C�unc�I,t� �T���tg n�tA'i�et�i��•-�ir.x��s ..� �yj'A�e,:'t:c:tt�.�3', � , _�.. � _,____ be it therefore , RESOLVED, That th'e sa,id assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the I?istrict Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation. �� BE IT FUR,THER Ra'E�4LVE�D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in � equal installments. , • ,�31966 coUrrcnavrErr p�pR Yeas N'ays Adopted by the Council iDalglisli u-�olland �PR 1966 �oss � 13 {flleredith Approve c�?e�sat-r.. f � , - - �TM � Tn Favor � � � ;:::3eE E�::�:c����Tl�;:::�'iFii:«:� 1Vir. 3?�ce�'_resident (Rosen) � Mayor u �'' �Qt!!'l,f j' Agai�gt PUBLISHED APR 16_1966 i Form R-2 2M 10.63 8� ' i .