228060 - • � .
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. By
� File No. 17023_.
In the Matter of �Proviug and Widening A.HI+�A,POLI3 STREE,T from Otta�a Avenue to . �
Oakd.ale Avenue by regrading, constructing ne�r base 3.n� the w3dened areas, resurfacing
� � and curbing the roadbed and street, alley and driveway returns;� by reconstructing .
existing paving, curbing� sideWalks and�traffic cantrol syatems:where necessary; by
constructing storm water drainage faci7j.t�es; by constructing sewer� �ater and �,s
serv,ice connections where necessary; and by doing all other work which is necessa,ry
and incidental to complete said improyement. • _ .
under Preliminary Order �5�5 approved November 13, 1963
The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance
upon th'e above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolvea:
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
-is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. � , • _ .
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Cauncil recommends is
to improve a,nd widen ANAAPOLIS STREEr �'rom Ottawa Avenue to Oe,kdale Av�enue by regrading,
constructing neW ba,se in the.widened areas, resurfacing and cnrbing the roadbed and
street� alley and dr3vewa,y returns; by reconstructirig exist3.ug pav.ing, c�rbing,
sidewalks and traPfic cont"rol syatema �here necessary; by construct3ng storm water
drainage facil.i.¢�,ies; �by constructing sewer, water and gas servj.ce connections Where
neceseary; and by doing all other Work which is necessary and incidental to co�plete
said improvement. � ° .
with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ �36,389.03 " .
..� . _ � �- . -
r Resolved Further, That a public l�earing be had on said improvement on the � 1� day of �
Mav. 1966 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber o� the Court
Fiouse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of -
• said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place af �
' _ hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
� K i�• �
. COUNCILMEN � ' Adopted by the Council �'R � 2196� �
�.�a�'�f'Y': ic .1 -
Yeas Dalglish - Nays ' 1���' Y 2 �9�� -
" Il-.lolland ' , _ .� Approve _ .
�oss " • � - .�
" �111eredith
�oR+�;, _ - Tn Favor '
, = Rosen ` - Mayor
1/avoulis �Against �
� _
b-G3 2M 8�u R-1 ' .
. �
� �4 . .