05-413Return copyto:jao
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, acung through its Valuation Engineer, has secured an agreement
2 for the purchase of real properiy, said properry is described as follows:
4 Lot I& the east six feet of Lot 2, Block 4, Kuhl's 2i Addition to St. Paul
6 WHEREAS, said property described is necessary for street widening in connection with the
7 improvement of White Bear Avenue between Beech and Reaney, said property was Fina1 Ordered for
8 acquisition on October 27, 2004 with Council File Numbered 04-1032. The value at which said
9 property may be purchased at is in the amount of Three Hundred Fifteen Thousand Dollazs, this being
10 a fair and reasonable value for the subject property; and
12 WHEREAS, the Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of said property at the
13 recommended value plus other considerations as oudined in the terms and conditions agreed upon
14 between Property Owner and City of Saint Paul as specified in the attached purchase agreement;
16 SO THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and
17 directed to pay Dr. Mary Dixon, DDS the sum of $426,900.
19 Said sum to be charged to Activity Code: CPL-004-2S 130-0788-xxxxx
Council File # � S' ��
Green Sheet # 3026252
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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P�l�( — Public Works
ContaM Person & Phone:
Must Be on
Total # of Signature Pages
bY (Date)-
Date Initiated:
(Clip NI Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3026252
Deoartrnent SentTo Person
li Wor Real te 140 CR
or's �ce Ma or/Assistant
ouncil i un '
i Clerk Ci Clerk
Action Requestetl:
Approve purchase of 745 White Beaz Avenue for the improvement of White Beaz Av -Reaney to Beech.
idations: Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
Must Mswer the Following Questions:
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curcent city employee?
Yes No '
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The City of S[ Paul and the owner of 745 White Bear have come [o an aa eement as [o the purchase of proper[y for the above-
mentioned improvement project.
The project can proceed as planned.
Disadvantaqes If Approved:
Displacement of the property owner.
Disadvantaqes If Not Approved:
The project cannot proceed as planned.
TotalAmountof 426000
Fundinc Source: Project Funds
Fi na ncial I nformati on:
MAY 3 � 20�5
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CosURevenue Budgeted:
ActivitvNumber: CPL-004-2S130-0788-00000
RPR-35-20p5 i2�3a
PHONE N0. : 7761918
Rpr. 25 2005 02:53PM P1
� N�3
I,ocation afthe Rcal Esuetc: __ 745 whtr Raa ev�•••,e N...*r. �.fiMgsofa 5�3Q6
Descripkion ef sale property: Lot I and the east 6frer oflot2, Block4, Kuh!'s 2nd Add ro Sa, Parcl
4. Nsme �nd addrese of Bt�yer: __�t� o� S�;++t Pau�
1 s Wca K uogg$lvd 140 City
SejntP A�+nnesota SS1�
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3• Lump 5um Dite aL Clostng: $426,900 �Fow Hundred Twcnry Six 1'housand Ni�e H•,mdred) ,'I'his
pl3eeinc:ludec re.cidential relocation diffe[eutial ieimbutsement ($SS,300), a flxedbusinessrePocuaon
reimbursenent (�20,Op0} nnd a fixed psyment for resident3ai moving coscs ($3,600),
6. Rectt $eRste Ta�oes: Propeity tsxes peyable in 2005 shall bc pro-rrrtcd to thc day of closing (sxe
attarhal propeity t�c stacemcnt)_ The seller will pay ouutanding assessments, delinquert taxes and
liens an the propexty, any oncstanding emount wiil be withheld from tfie purcnase price. The huyer
shall pay all futur� gropercy ta�ces.
Seiler slstill gay all asscssments levied :�ainst tbe gropetty ns of `he date of closing.
8. �0 O�� COIIVey3IIC¢ 1'C[IIIjiyd: Sclla shsl! ronvev msrketsble fae titla 6v W3rr8i1tv Deed
9. SelIer shall provide the Buycr, within tcn d�ys of �i�ing this Pui•chasc Agrcc�neru, an p+Nnrs's
Abstrac� The Buyer agm�s to update ac�y name corrcctions' on the TitIe. Seller sgree,, at 3cllara•'s
cost and expense_ to correcl or remove any ezceptions or "clouds" on th= title as shown on [he
"Commicmenc ro Tasure" title exaznination reporG
�FROM : SRME DRY DENTURES PHONE N0. : 7761918 Apr. 25 20a5 02=54PM P2
APR-25-2005 12:34
Putrhase Agreement
Page 2
P. 0v�5
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10. Closing shall occi:r within 3� days fullow�ng execvdon of this Pac�hase ,4grzcme��, �}„�� �
the tiUe 2o the prsmises shsll be convcyal E;t the City. The Closin� date ma,Y be PostPoned ar.d
roschedvled by mutuat ;greemeat o{t��e pm�es hereto. The Buyer s�all pay a� clos�g costy.
i l. If rhe seller purchases a replacement properry {residenriai a..ul businessl as a acsu!t o€ chis purchase
by the }3uyet, the seller could be entitled ta �asonable rca! estate aearch cosu and closing fees as
approvr.d by the reloc�tion coneuItsnt ratainod by we Buycr, this may Includz reCOrding fees, ti[te
insurance premiums, applieeble appraisul feaa. Tha Buyer will pay tIxesc coes within 30 da5s of
submissioa of the closing st3te�nt and aay g�ent fees in writing {TOm the agent aad closing firm,
12. The ce2lex has beea ma@e aware, by City of St. Paul and said zclocacion con4utqnt, of the satler
rigbts concerning reiocation eligibiliTy. Thc seller waives afl righcs m any udditional reiocacion
claims except for thosa indicoied in this agrcemeat. .
13. Shc« shall provide aa sf'f(davlt oa che dste aP clos3ng, indicatiag rhat th� ��7e� hay not used or
pecmittrd the ur�e of the subjeet propacty es a gayerdous wasto desposa! fac;lit3 as def'v�ed in seccion
I 15A.03 Subd. lp of Chepter 12] of the Laws of A3iancsota of 1983, rind t}sat thece is no basis to
concladc that this properl.y has been subjoct to or con�aminated by the release of any hazazdous sub-
staace, hazardous waste, po2lvtants ofcontaminants as de�ned in Secflon 125B.02 oftheM:nnesota
14. Ff the Seller desixes m ssay on the pramises, the SeEler eh�ll sign an agreomene w lcasc the pro�rtp,
for ona dollar, from the bttyer for a term 2astiag from thc daxc of closing unil nv larer [haa 7uiy 2j,
15. Ail warr.anties and represencations ana8e 3n chis Purchase Ageemant shall survive the closing and
the convoyance of title to the property. This Purchasc Agroemant and a21 obligations pro shall,
co the ex.tent not fu[3y satisfied and pezformed byorthrough the Closing, survI�ro �he closing and tLe
convcyance of cida to t'ae groperty.
i6• Tlus Agrecment is subjcct m epprov:d by the St. Puul City Cou�cil.
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