228024 . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���` `�L� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� v�� '� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ ' COU C L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE MI�L'rQI�R'OS�N DATF Ap r i 1 7, 1966 _ In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material EAST WINONA STREET from Brown Avenue to Andrew Street, under Preliminary Order No. 223265, approved May 4, 1g65, and Final Order No. 224802, approved August 10, 1965, and in the matter of constructing a public sewer in WINONA STR'EET from Brown Avenue to Andrew Street, under Preliminary Order No. 220473, approved October 23, 1964, and Fina) Ord�r No. 224804, approved August lo, 1965 - RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same are hereby approved and be it " FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to obtain bids for the improvement. The bids to •show separately the amount for the sewer work and the amount for the grading and surfacing work, as per plans and specifications and the total thereof to be considered as bids for the entire improvement and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agsnt be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. t � � . � � ' _ _ _ _ , - : t ; APR ? ��66 � COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays .. Dalglish 7 �,��� � Holland Approved �� 19— � �._ :� _ � Loss � � /� Favor � lAfa�P�s�— ���..w:� Son 6 �9cti�� Mayor � �� t� A gainst A/'�i/.Rn�e9 � �����i�?� Mr. President, ,P.UBLISHED APR 9 1966 � � DUrLICATE TO r INTER ` �N����' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �'3� , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .' FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY Mf�'�� ����'� ;; /�.� n�� COMMISSIONER DATE- ^�+ri�' 7�- ��7V __ �1r�� tl�e. px�tter of go�adli�g �qd surfict�tg �rrl�h �i:tu�i,nous.�itier(s1 �'� W�.ii6�iA S'����T ��t�ii �rawit Avenu� to`Andr�w'.Stt�est.� undar I�rai�ti�iiwry Ord�r� No: 22�26�,� ��ip�cved llay k�.�'1g6S. �nd Fin�l�� ar�er �No. 2��802,� approv�d ' �etgust 10,� 1965,. �na r;, ths aaatt�r ofi cQnstri��ting � publ�l� saw�r in� Mfi:NAMA &7R��i' �ro* arow� Av�nua to And�ew� �tre�t,� 'uhder pr�sl l�i�rry, p�d�r+ .:110. 220�73, approved .Oct�er 23, �i9�, and �i ni� �rd�ir tio. 2a�$04, �pproved .Augus.t �i0, �1965 �E�QEV��►, 7hs� th� p1�n;�and �p�cl�Ication� for ths��bov� �iiaprovew�nt ,a� :ub�irl tt�d by th,r .1iaa�t��i one� of�!►ub t 1 c iibrks ba a�d ths sa+�s .Ar� hsr�by �pproved��pr�d bs t t '"'°" ,�ltR�IfHR �i��Ut��f�P, Tbat ti» RUrc{�sing Ageiat b���r�d h� ts �rsby �di��cted to eibtatn'btds for ths -i�roveaAent. �'h��bids to sho�r"�e�srately � the ad�u.nt far the s�wa� wr,�rk�and tF�s��nt far th• grad�ng'snd surfactng r�rark. ��s .per plans aad spetlfic,�tior�s�and ths total fifisFSOf tb h4 cc►nstderr�d �s �bids fur th� e�►tire ��roVea�t a�d �s �i-t =��TNER ft�S(Jl.Y&�, Yhst thQ 1�u�ct�sing Ag�� b��i�nd h� is t�rsby di r�licted to��dvsrtt�s for blds on thts ��prov�nt. , , , . , , � , � �� ' �. n y ' 11�T k� �' ) /U ( � , , lh' � I � . � IV v •� . � � APR 71966 COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �� 7196� Holland / � Approved 19— (/ Loss Tn FaVOr �di�h� Peterson � Mayor ��_ A gainst i ent, avo ir��