236244 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ('�^� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. •='� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL U ION—GE FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterso � COMMISSIONE � W�AS; The Minnesota Highway Department is proposing to improve White Bear Avenue �rom Old Hudson Road to approximately 200 feet north o� Burns Avenue. Nlinnesota Highway Departaient Ido. S.P. 6283-25 (T.H. 9�+ - 392)� �a ' W�REAS, The�City o� St. Pau1 Public Works Department proposes to improve Whit�� Bear Avenue from the Minnesota Highway Department touchdown point approximately 200 �eet north ofl Burns Avenue to Burns Avenue. City Project 1Vo. P. �96; and �;�(� ' W�RF,AS, It would be of .mutual bene�it to the Minnesota Highway , Department and the City of St. Paul to camplete the State and Cit y pro�ects simultaneously preferable by a single contractor and as shown on one set of plans and speciflications, NOW THEREF'ORE EE IT� RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul upon the recommendation of the Ca�issioner of �Public Works hereby requests the Minnesbta Highway Department to Yav�orably consider entering into a Agency Construction Agreement with the City of St. Paul to include engineering, construction and inspection of White Bear Avenue from the Minnesota Highway Deparfinent touchdown point approximately 200 feet north oY Burns Avenue�to Burns Avenue and f�zrther including the Burns Avenue White Bear intersection. - ...�.. _ - - - - - - - �EC 1 9 I9��, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �� ��C 1 9196� Dalgliah pproved 19.._ Holland Tn Favor Meredith ' ' Peterson ^ _ga�gt Mayor Tedesco 11_—A Pu�Lis�EO D�C 2 3 �967 Mr. President, Byrne f �22