05-408Council File # �� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # 3026340 Committee Date G� 1 WI�REAS, on � 2, 2005, the Council adopted Resolution 05-103 - Approving the exploration of potential 2 State and Federal efforts to assist the CiTy of Saint Paul with fmancial assistance to close 3 , certain caves located in Saint Paul near Wabasha Street and Plato Boulevard; 4 and 5 WHEREAS, Resolutian'D5=Ia3= ' ' ' Ydentified�the'caves asfYte�"Wabasha Street caves"-is-aa 6� � � � ' � whiah-in inteivet s8arshe's has cxeated 7 can£usiti;n nf}deniitiytfor the business, Wabasha Street Caves ; and now therefore be it 8 RESOLVED that the reference m R�soliatto� 05-103, and,�o fhe viiiiutes c�o.ettineiitiiig 9 5aid to the "'�T�Gasha �treef be ekangee� ameuded to the 'caves on Plato Boulevard' ; and be it 10 further 11 RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that the City Clerk's office change references to the "Wabasha Street 12 Caves" in minutes and the original resolution, to'caves on Plato Boulevud'. These changes should have the effect of 13 changing all references to Wabasha Street Caves in internet seazches to 'caves on Plato Boulevard'. Requested by Depazvnent of: � Adoption Certifie�by Cougc�l Secretary Form Approv City A mey �S�y o Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council .J G /1�i .r Q •.. � � � � �< - � � .� `�� , �- __ �_�-� Adopted by CouncIl: Date /wn-c7 �, oZ �� � � DS �s� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �, C� �o�cil . 04MAY-05 ConSactPersonBPhone: -, Coisciimember Thuie zss-e�zu ��� Must Be on Counal /�genda by (Date): Number Fw Routing 0'der ContractType: RE-f�SOLUiION Green Sheet NO: 3026340 Depacfinent SentToPerson e � �- 2 e 3 rk o / t 4 5 Totai # of S ignaW re P _( All Locations f orS ig naW re) Action Reques4d: Directing the City Clerk to change tefere�es to "Wabasha Street Caves" to 'caves on Plato Boulevard' in Couacil File OS-103, minutes, aud Internet postings. Personal Service Contracts Planning Commissior� 1. Fias this perso'Jfimi e�er wwked under a contract tor this departmenY? CIB Committee Y� No Ci�il Senice Commissioa 2. Has this personlfi�sn e�er he� a cfty empbyee? Yes No 3. Does this pefsoNfirtn possess a skiA not namaNy pcssessed by any - cumerR city employee? � Yes No � Explain all yes answen on separate sheet and atlach M green sheet Initiatlng,Problem, lssues, Upportunity (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): Resolutiuon OS-f03 ide�rtified the caves as the "Wabasha Street caves" which in Internet searches has created confusion of identify for the business, Wabasha Street Caves. ' � Advanfages ff Approved: Disadvar�ges If Appmved; DiSadvaMages lF Not Approved: Transaction: Fu�ding Source: Financial Information; (Explain) May 4 2005 12:16 PM CosURevenue Budgeted; Aciivity Number: Page 1