236210 ' � r
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Counoil Flle No......�....�
. and �
. . ,+ . . - �a PRELIMINARY ORDER.
Theundere�nedhenby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpubuoimprovemeat by the City oi 8aint Paul�ris.: •
reconstruct the sidewalk and re�lace with inte ral curb and sidewalk on both sides •
.............. ..........._�.................................. �.......... .......... .......................».................._....
of Arcade St from Ma.�nolla Ave. to Jessamine Ave. and� doi� all other work
.........................�.__....... ..................»..... ............................_...
which is necessar.y and..incidental.to�co�m _lete said im�rovement.
..._..............».....»...... ... . .....................
Dated tbie.�.......daq o4.................. December ...... ..... ............, 19 .6
' ....... ........ ......__.M�. .
WHEREAB, A written propoe�l for the malring of the following improvement�vls.:
���,q�t�;}��„t�e„s,�idew��k,a�}�l„r�g����„wit�},integra�;,,curb,and ,sidewalk on,.both sides
' ...�..�xs�d�...Sx.....�Ex:sim.k�nA.],�L�...A:v�.._��..��s�amim�.�,v�.,...�m�..�,�dQ�.�►�..��-�..4�ie r�.�...k.........
� ,r,�,hi�h is„necessarx,and�incide�tal„to„�omglete„said_ im,provement;,,,,.,_„�__....__.� �
h��in�been presented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul.................................................. ....
therefore� be it .
• 6
• 8Ft30LVED, The►t the Commieeioner of Publia Works be�nd ie hereby ordered and dIreated: �
1. To inveetigate the neaeaeity for, or deeirabilitq of,.the mnking of eaid improvement.
2. To investigate the nt►ture� extent and eatimdted ooet of eaid improvement� and the totsl coet thereof.
3. To furnieL a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. - . - � .
4. To etete whether or ao�esid improvement ie aaked for on 4,he petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report upon�11 of the foregoing mattere to the �mmiaeloner of F'insaoe.
Adopted by the CounoiL.......................» ��C 1..9.196'...r.
Ys,►e �
Councilman .Carlson. ���'k 4 19�`�.
Dalglish , . Approved.................................................................
Holland ; •
- ' �Peterson
� Tedesco ---- ' •
Mr. President, B.�rzne ' Msqor.
� �� ' ' 7 " � PUBLISHED �EC 2 3 i�67