236166 � OriQinal to Clty Clerk . � ORDINANCE 2���.�� , COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO V� - ', �� An ordi.nance amending Ordi.nance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of •• � positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. � . THE COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL �OES ORDAIlV: Section 1. That Ordinance No. ?607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking � out the specifieations for the titles "Criminalist I", "Crinzinalist II ", and "Criminalist SII"; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following spe ci.ficati.ons: � ..^ • .4h' n � _lr Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson -Dalglish _ Tn Favor Holland ' Meredith ��. Against � Peterson � � ��a � �. Tedesco t�� � _: Mr. President (Byrne) w"' Approved:'' Attest: City Clerk . May� �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By,, �'� v Orlrtnal to City Clerk - . ORDINANCE � � 2����� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force �thirty days after its passage, approval, and publicaiaon. -5- ��C 2 �19fi7 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cou cil .��` Carlson c�' � Hol� � Tn Favor � Meredith f , � Against �e�erso�t— � ':•:�ti��%��:�"�"_".:,. '� - ��C 2 $� 19f� ��icc�>1,?r ' T ' n) Approved: ttest: �' � � C' Clerk ���n9 May ,r / �o p �E� 3 0 1967 Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBIISH , - . ; Title �of class: CRIMINALIST I Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform beginning level profeasional worlc in the investigation a�zd ax�aZysis of evidence gatlzcred in lav✓ enforce- meizt work; and �o perform related wox•k as assigned. Examples of work performed; � To assist in conducting investigations at crime sc�nes for the purpose of collecting ancl'pre�Erving physical evidence. = To assist with chemical ancl physical analyses and mierose�pic examinaL-ioi�s in th� identification and comparison of evidence� To e:zamine food and ��atex samples for the presence of f;oxzc substances. 'Fo assist in conducting toxicologicaZ e�aminai;ions upon hvman organs, To assist in rxiakin�; tests� for t�ie �urpose of identifications, of blood and physiological fluids� ir,.flammable matera.als, ha,ir, fibers, glass, soil, paint� and similar materials. , To study oUjects under inf,.a�red and nitra-violet light for identi£ica'tion. To �hotograph objccts employing the various photographic L•echniqu�s. To prepare u�3 itten reports, - To testify in court as an expErt witriegs on laboratory procedures, methods� and findings. Minimum qualificatioi�s: ' College bradna�ion wii:h,,a major in criminalistics, chernisf;ry� biology} or �hysics. (No substitui:ion for ediication. } , � � r i, , ; Title of class: CRIMINALIuT � Duties and responsibilities; Under supervision, to make scientific investigations and analyses of evidence gathered in law enforcemenL work; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of worlc performed: • To conciuct invesLigations a1: crime scenes for th� purpose of colleci:ing and pr�serving physical evidence, To make chemical and physical analyses and mic�oscopic examina-- tia3is in t•he identification and comparison of evidence. To examine foad aiad �vater sam�les for i:he presence of toxic substances. To conduct toxicological examinai:ions upon human organs. , To make tests, for Che purpose o£ ideni;ifications, of blood and physiological £luids, inflammable nnaterials, hair, fii�ers, glass, soil, paint, and similar ix�at-erials. To study objects under izzfra-red and ultra-violet Zight for iaentification. ' To photograph objects employing the va�ions photographic techniques. 'i'o prepare writ�en repor�s. To test-ify in court as an expert witiness on laboxatory procedtlres, methods, and findings. Ivlinimum qualifications: College graduation �vitn a rxiajor in criminalistics, chemistry, biology, or physics, and two years' experience as a Criminali.st I or equit�alent. (1Vo substitution #or education, } � r � • � . Title of class: — CRIMINALIST III Dutiea ana responsibilities: Under directiono to be in charge of and responsibl$ for the work of ihe Bureau of Police crime laboratory; and to perform related v�ork as a.ssigned. �xainples of work perforrned: To planr direct and carry out the collection, storage, and scientific investigation of nzaterials �o ba u�ed at� evi.dence in 1aw Enforcement work. To develop work methods and procedures. To supervise personnel assigned to the crime laboratory. To conduct txaining classes for police pexsonnel in recognizing and preserving evidence and in elementary crime laboratory procednrese To prepaxe evidence for presentai:ion in court. To tesi:ify in court as an expert witne�s on lahoratory pxocedures� methods, ancl findings. To condt�ct research for the improvement of crime laboratory procedures and pract-ices. Minimunz qualificaiions: Graduation from an taccredi�Ced college or university in criminalistics, chemisZry, biology, or physics, and six yearsQ experience as a - c�:ime iabora�ory �izalysty �t least two years of which musL have been a� a �riminali3t II, or equivalen�. (IVo subs'E itution far educationa y i ..�ITY CLERK 2����6 .��� � . .��i����a� �.�u,�i�� �����+� �d'�: ��p7�, ��i�i�� t�,���.����� �,�� �u�f�r� � ��������c�e� � . a#�;� ���f�����#����.���� �c��#� �r'�►�� +e��ete� +a� ������ �#�� �����e�+����c�3 � ��r ���,,r'` ���� .�'��aeu��� ��, ������ �� ����. �� ���'�� ��' �� +��'� �` �� ��+�� ��� ���s - � �� ����# �o. �.��.��� �, ����� ��t�� �'"+���t� ��.._ ��3���, � �►��+�,�. ����� +���� '�����t��� i����� �a��� c�.s#��,���t��1���� �������� ''����►��r���f3* ����m��#� ��; .� t�;�i����$�4�� ��.�` +�����'�t�a� t����3'����'�� �`��e7�1� � �g�+��l��a��� . . . , , � � . . . � , , . ,���. - . ��1�� Title of clas�: . • CR�MINALIST I Duties and responsibilities: U�der supervision, to perform be�inning level profession.al worlc in the investigation and analysis of evidence �athered in law enforce- ment work; and to ge�form related v��ork as assigned. Exarnples of work performed; Ta assist in conducting inve��igations at crime scenes for the purpose of collecting afzd preserving physical e�ridence. To assist with chemica.l and physical analyses aaid microscopic examinations in the identification and coxnparison of evidence. To examine food and ��vater samples for �he preseizce of toxic aubstances, To asszst in conducting toxicological e�aminaiions upon human organs, To assist in making tests� far the purpose of identifications, of Ulood and physiological fluids� inflammable materials, hair, fibers, glassf soil, painte and similar materials. To study objects under infra-red and ultra-violet light for ident-ification. To photograph objects emPloyin�; ihe various photographic tiechniques. To pregare written reports. To testify in court as an expert witnesa on laboratory procedures, methods, and findings. Minimum quali£ications: . Coilege graduation with a major in criminalistics, chemistry� biologyo or physics. (No substitution for education. j � � . , � � , . Title o# class: CRIMINALIST II Du�ies and responsibilitiea: Under supervision, to make scientific investigations and analyaes of evidence gathea ed in law enforcement work; and to perform related work as assigned. Examgles of work performed: 7'o conduct investi�ations at crime scenes far the purpose of collecting and preserving phyaical evidence, To make chemical and pl3yaical analyses and microscopic'examina- tions in the identification and comparison of evidence. To examine foad an,d �vater sampl�s fvr the presence of toxic substances. To conduct toxicological examinations upon human or�ane. To maice tests, for �he purpose of identifications, of blood and physialogical fluids! inflammable materials, hair, fibers, glass, soil, paint� and similar materials. To study oUjects unzier infra-xed and ultra-violet lighi: for ideutification. To photograph abjects employing the various photo�raphic techr�ic�ues, To prepare written reports. - To tes�ify in court as an expert witness on laboratory procedures, methods, aizd findings. Minimuzn qualifications: Colle�e graduation with a major in criminalistic5, chemistry, biology, or physics, and two years' experience as a Criminalist I or equivaleiit. (No �ubstitution for education. ) � Title of class: CRIMINALIST III Duties and rESponsibilities: Under directiono to be in charge of and responsible for the work of the Bureau of Pol.ice crime laboratory; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work gerformed: To plazlp direci: and carry out 1:he coJ.lecL-ion� storage, and scientific investigation o£ materials to be used as evidence in law e�zforcement �vork. To develop worlc methods and procedures. To supervise personnel aasigned to the crime laboratoxy. To conduct f:raitling cla�ses for nolice personnel in recognizing and preserving evidencc and in eZementary crime laboratory procedttres. To Prepare evidence for preseata�ion in court. To testify i�z court as an expert witneas on laborator�y proceduxes+ n�ethods, and findings. To condiic� reaearch for the improvement of crime laboratory p�ocedures and practices. Minimum qualifications: Graduaiion from an accredi�ed coliege ox• universit•y in criminaliatica, " chemi�try, biolog�r� or physics= and six yeara° experience as a crime laboratory �nalyst, at least �wo years of which must have been as a Criminalist Ii, or equivalent. (No substitutzon for education. � � , .. ������ . ���� � ��t����. �t�� ���� _����� ��� �►�.� ���'���� � �t��`��►����'���������� ���� ���u►��c��c�. . . ._ . .--, � , , / �/ � �EC 2 &�9�� L'l��� ly`/�C��Gti� — . . . . ..;- ` �EC Z� �ssa ., *�,� � - � v • � � ia I st �� � V 2nd Laid over +o /a / � 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas Nays eas Nays � arlson Dalglish � ; --Ba is I� Holland c--� ! Holiand i \ Meredith ������ Meredith D,.a,...,. _ � �SOfI . Tedesco � .Ie�eseo—� ;... . .....r - �_�, - • -°. _ �,;�}:� .._ :--••-- ...... �E3ee:'::�'���.,�-,•�� _, . '-.��e,ie::i�rn�# e°'��3��Se,�[�en1;<BZ�ne;��:`�oee3:e`:; • �, ;.. . ...•. ,`". .' ..'.":•"...:.`.• Mr.Vice President Peteraon 1Vi�. Vice Pr::sident (�ntor����0 ( )