236129 yr � S ` .ORIyNAL TO CITY CLERK •➢-JC��� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �.�'"' ��,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL S LU ION- ERAL FORM C MENT SDOBYE R b F P t S V MIS N TF i+lhereas, Comptroller's Contract L-6971, Tower Asphalt, Inc. , Contractor for the grading and surfacing of MITCIiELL AVENUE from • �linthrop Street to Michael Street and LOWERS AVENUE from Michael Street to Winthrop Street has been substantially completed, and Whereas, 8aid Contractor requests that a portion of the 15% retained under the contract from estimates for work done, be paid in advance of the final completion of the contract, and �,lhereas, The Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Department of Fublic iflorks approve the payment at this time of $3,000 of the $3,750.00 retained; therefore be it Resolved, That the proper City Officials be and they are hereby authorized to pay an estimate in-the amount of $3,000.00 from the f, retained percentage of $3,750.00 to said contractor; and be it � Further Resolved, That this resolution shall have no force or -� effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's Bond consent thereto � � in writing and file such consent with the City Comptroller. , 4 ��C 121�6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' Carlson ��� 1 � ��(� Dalgliah � Approved_ 19_ Holland � Favor Meredith � Peterson (� MaYor � �edeeee- • A 8ainst Mr. President, Byrne' �UBLISHED ���� �.� ���� • �22 ;f � . � DUrLICATE TO rRINTER � CITY OF ST. PAUL � FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER ' AObRPt 'F. �!L"lr�OII DATE _ Whersa�a, Co�troll�r'a Gontract L•6971, Toirer Aephalt� ,Inc., , CoAtrac+�ar for th� grading and surfacing of t3'i�CiiELL A'V�tiIJ� froa ' Winthrop Streot to Mict�ael Str�sC and POtiBAS AV�1�iJE frow Hichael SCre�t to Ninthrnp Straet lua be�n subgtaatially co�pl�tad� and � Whereas� Said Contractor rsqu�at� that a por�ian of the 15Z retained under th� contract froi estisat�� for work done� ba paid in advance of �h� final co■pl�tion of th� contract, ��nd i+Therea�a. Th� Coa�issioner and Cbief �nginesr of tbe D�p�rt�ent of Public Works approve .the paq�nt at thia ti� of $3�000 oE the $3,.7�0.00 reCainedi these�ore. be !t � Rasolved. Th�t the prnp�r City Officials be �nd thsq ar� h:r�b�r auttari�cmd to pay an ssti�►t� in th� uaunt of $3,000.00 fro� th� r�tsined percentag� of $3,7�Or00 to �aid Cont�cactor= and be it Fnrther Aaeol�►ad, That thie r�oolt�Liot�.�htll ha�r� no forc� or eff�ct unleaa tihe ��t�r�ti�� on the Contraatc�r'�e Bond eonsent theseta. in xriting and fils st�ch consent with the �City Conptmll.er. � � �EC 1219�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson I��C 1219�� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Tn Favor Meredith ' Peterson Q Mayor P(�pC�... - Against Mr. President, Byrne �2z �