236076 �kts � G - � `COUNC FILE NU. ���0►`�L` J 9 V ' } BY . r FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS , . • In the matter of\condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary f or the slopes, cuts � and fills� including right of removal of lateral support f rom subject $�nd or remainder theieof�.;.occasifoned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Blk. 2, H.F. SCHWABE�S ADD. to St. Paul, Minn. f rom Ear1 .St. to ��nk St. under Preliminary Order 234335 , approved July 19, 1967 , � Intermediary Order 235589 , approved �tober 31, 1967 , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of �aint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the eaid City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary f or the slopes, cuts, and fills, including right of removal of lateral support f rom subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excava.tions thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Blk. 2, H.F.SCHI+IAB��S ADD. to St. Faul, Minn. from F.ar1,,,St._to�Frank St. . �--- — —- _ -_... ,�--�=.---�.._��-----,-�^-------� __�_.�--------�+-.,.;� r.__- �- - ------� _. -- " and the Council hereby orders eaid improvemente to be made� as a public necessity. R,E80LVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the eame are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of malQng eaid improvements, viE.: -� condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes� cuts, a.nd fills, including right of removal of lateral support f rom subject land o�remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes�in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Blk. 2, H.F. SCFiWABEtS ADD. to St. Paul, Minn. f rom Earl St. to Frank St. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Gommissioner of Public Worka be and is hereby inetructed and , directed to prepare ple,ns and epecifications for said improvement, and the proper citp officials are hereby , authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Councit DEC]. 2196] _ , U�C`�. 2196� Cit lerk. Approved— , 19 Maqor. Councilmen: � + Dalglish �� Holland ��� �ss Carlson J � k��Cit�i4st�x Me edibh I � �e e�e>�So�� PUBLISHE� DEC 16 1967 ��. M�� Tedesco ���sl:dei�,��:�Ea `x�ii��4�� Byrne `71 Vl/• �r-iFis�President (�e4e�eg} . __ - . � f i�~ . � ��' y'^ S �`�� �- . �� ��� r� � f i / f OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC �90RKS ���� __ 2�� REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE July 24, lq 67 ` To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works � having had under consideration the pre— li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known a s Counci 1 Fi le No. 234335 approved_ July 19, 19 67 relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary f.or the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support f rom subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in BLK. 2, H. F. SCHWABE� S ADD. to St. Paul, Minn. from Earl St. to Frank St. ✓ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: 1. � The estimated cost thereof is $� 2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached ' and made a par���� ������Q�� S 3, Initiated by a�he �,srr�nis��' er of Public Works X c,n �d ��C� �r �o 4, Improvement �s��,e�j�o� up� n peti ti on � � � �Q � ��lof �,�,'�' ���. - 68��r,� , Com i ssi oner of Pu lic Wor� . . _. �- . - - . . __ _ - - — �CAI..E- � " = 40' . ,P�Yi.9� /o-29-6 7 60' a � o. , 3 2. 1 . _ , 37' 38•4' �40' . � � Fr. Cor 19" /7f.87 � _� i .� °. °a� NI°' � i �xi � no 00 \ o ���� pi p` ob. ql� � '�e i � rsu v.l� w \ �0 ' � �r. Car. TP ���.9z • - � . , , f � � � � i I � ' f 37� 38.-4' 40� (* 30 31 32 � A �D D. � . � � ,, � � ' � -- ��. ._....._._ -�� _ - - � � ' DLA?V A9ERL'DITIi CI�Y OF SAINT P��. R. B. J. Scliocl�, Di.D. ConimissIoner Capltal oi Minnenota Chlef Henith Officcr RALPII G.�fERRILL, � �e a��`s�er�t a ccbCcc �a et[� . Depnty Commlealoner � O �u7Eau o f �{Ea�E�Z Health Center-555 Cedar Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 May 20, 1965 Commissioner Dean Meredith •Department of Public Safety � Public Safety Building 101 E. lOth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Commissioner Meredith: • On July 8, 1964 we forwarded to you a petit.ion received through the City Council requesting the �rading of an alley bet�aeen. Earl and Frank Streets and Euclid and S�lilson Avenues. At that time the investigation revealed that the ungraded alley in question does become a health nuisance period- ically, particularly after a heavy rainfall. The petition did not have . sufficient signatures to authorize grading unless the Bureau. of Health ' stated that it constituted a health nuisance and, apparently, no action Was taken on that petition. � A fet�r days ago we had a visit from r�2r. Glenn Kurtz of 1096 Euclid, one of the originaT si�ners of the petition, who stated that he now has a • majority of those abuting on that alley and would like to petition the City Council to recons'ider and authorize the grading of the all.ey, To verify conditions that may exist at present, our sanitarian made another investigation on May 7, 1965 and stated that the conditions are as bad as they were in. 1964 and again recommended the o ading of the alley. We shall appreciate it very much if this matter may be brought to the attention of Commissioner Rosen and Mr. Grege Beckett of the Public -- Works Department. Mr. Beckett is interested in proceeding with the grading if authorized by the City Council. Res ctful.ly, . � 1 � ` .�,�L..a� Boris L: Levich • Deputy Health Officer . BLL:j o Encs D " �' • i ' �O - � , ; � NILI:IA?+i F �n[tLSON CI'1'Y OI� SAINT PAUL Commisstoncr Capittsl of Mionc�otn • RocLa r.c. cor+srnr . //' �c F�a�f.r�.�erzt a c�bCcc �n et�-� , , Deputr Con�minnioitor �{ D v �u7Eau o f �Ea�E� . , ticaltli Cci�tcr-555 Ccdar Strect . St. !'flul. Diinnesota 55101 . . November 27, 1967 Mr. Boris Levich .. Deputy Health Officer St. Paul Bureau of Health 555 Cedar Street - Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 • Dear Mr. Levich: • . Regarding�the stagnant water condition in the alley behind 109G F.iiclid Street, an inspection was made by me on Nover�ber 27, 1967, of said alley. . The condition of the alley was to all intents and purposes the � same as was reported by me on July 8,, 1964, and May 7, 1965. I � . still recommend the grading of this alley to correct a bad water ' hole and' impassable condition. . I would also call your attention to your memorandum of July 8, ' 1964, and May 7, 1965, indicating that this condi.tion, if not corrected, will tend to continue to be a health nuisance period- , . ically, particularly after a heavy rainfall and in the spring and fall �f the year when the weather is bad. �de, therefore, , request that if at all possible, that the alley should be graded to correct this condition. Respectfully, • `�'"�!( � �fC� . �il�l'�r . � -�-_-- � � � . Hen J �S' treich ry • Sanitarian HJS:pg V - ' . � ��.':'�O . r � ` � . -'' � �YII.[,I�1�1 L. CARI,SOId CITY OI� SAINT �PAUL . ConuulssIoncr Capital of bSinncoota • ROC�?t bi. COH�YAY f /� f e ut'Commle�later ��i,���l�2�i�1. d ���LL�i � �iL� ' D P Y � � �uaEat� o f �Ea�L•�i llcalth Cec�tcr-555 Cednr Strect • St. Yaul. hiinnesota 55101 • . November 28, 1967 � � � • ' Commissioner �dilliam E. Carlson Department of Public Safety • ' Public Safety Building , . 101 East Tenth Street ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 � � llear Commissioner Carlson: . At the request of Mr. Grege Beckett of the Public _ Works Department, we reinspected the alle}i behind . • . 1096 Euclid Street and found the conditions as indicated in the report of our sanitarian to be substantially the same as they were in 1964 and - � - 1965. - We, therefore, feel that the best solution would ' be to bring the alley up to grade to eliminate this • public health nuisance. • � � . - Sincerely, I r�ZS�U.�. � '2��'�, � � Boris L. Levich . � . Deputy Health Officer " � ' BLL:pg � fcc: tir. Grege Beckett • . Q:���O , ,� ,, ' ,�. " n�nN mLiz�i�iT[i CITY OI�' SAINT P�UI. R. �. J. s�i�o�i,, n�.n Commissioncr Capftaf of Minneaota Chicf Hesllti Of��ccr RALP}i G.11iliItIi1LL, { � f Dcputy Commleeloner �P' a�L�e�� d ���LC a e" . � � �ll'LEQ.U. O f O�ERC�i2 Henith Center-555 Cedar Strect St. Yaul. Mtnnesota 55101 • � May 20, 1965 Cornmissioner Dean Meredith Department of Public Safety � Public Safety Buil,ding 101 E. lOth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Commissioner Meredith: , " On July 8, 1964 Fre forwarded to you a petition received through the City Counci]. requesting the �rading of an alley between Earl and Frank Streets and Euclid and Ldilson Avenues. At that time the investigation revealed that the ungraded alley in question does become a health nuisance period- � ically, particularly after a heavy rainfall. The petition did not have sufficient signatures to authorize grading unless the Bureau of Health stated that it constituted a health nuisance and, apparentl}r, no action was taken on that petition. • A few days ago we had a visit from P�Ir. Glenn Kurtz of 1096 Euclid, one of the original signers of the petition, who stated that he now has a majority of those abuting on that alley and would ].ike to petition the City Council to reconsider and "authorize the grading of the alley. To verify conditions that may exist at present, our sanitarian made another investigation on May 7, 1965 and stated that the conditions are as bad . � as they were �in. 1964 and again recommended the grading of the alley. ' We shall. appreciate it very much if this matter may be brought to the attention of Commissioner Rosen and Mr. Grege Beckett of the Public -Works DepartmAnt. Mr. Beckett is interested in proceeding with the , grading if authorized by the City Council. Res ctfu].ly, v TV� . , ` �,� o�. Boris L. Levich Deputy Health Officer BLL:jo Encs (}� UJ - �o � ' � �YILI.rALi F.. CARLSON CITY Or SAINT PAUL , Comm(ssioncr Cnpitt►I o[ biiunc�ota • ROGSR hi. CON�'/AY //� �c r���tr�e�2� o c�„bCcc �� et� . DeDuty Commieefocwr 0 � �tl'LERLL O f O�'ERLEil . . licalth Centcr-555 CeJar Strect . • • St. Yaul, TSlnnesotn 55101 , � November 27, 1967 Mr. Boris Levich • ' . Deputy Health Officer St. Paul Bureau of Health � 555 Cedar Street � � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 . Dear Mr. Levich: Regarding the stagnant water condition in the alley behind 109G F.iiclid Street, an inspection was made by me on Nover�ber 27, 1967, of said alley. . The condition of the alley was to all intents and purposes the same as was reported by me on July 8, 1964, and riay 7, 1965. I � - still recommend the grading of this alley to correct a bad water hole and impassaUle condition. I would also call your attention to .your memorandum of July 8, 1964, and May 7, 1965, indicating that this condj.tion, if not . ' corrected, will tend to continue to be a health•nuisance period- . ' ' ically, particularly after a heavy rainfall and in the spring . and fall �f the year when the weather is bad. �de, therefore, request that if at all possible, that the alley should be graded to correct this condition. . . Respectfully, . . �/j�lir .i "�'"���I(_ � ' � . Hen J !S' treich ry • Sanitarian HJS:pg � � � - L �o . , • . . - , . r� �YII.I;t�t�i L:. CARLSON CITY Of SAINT PRUI. Conin�Issloncr _ Cspitnl of Minncsotn ' • noc��:AL COZr�S'AY / • �c ��.�tr�2erzt o ctib�ic �� etc � Deputr Commteatunnr � � • ' �l,l'LERtl O f �ERLL'lZ 1Ic:►itti Centcr-555 Ccdar Strcet • • St. Paul, htlnncaota 55101 � . November 28, '1967 � � . � • ' Commissioner �dilliam E. Carlson Departnent of Public Safety Public Safety Building ' . lO1 .East Tenth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 � Dear: Commissioner Carlson: . At the request of Pir. Grege Beckett of the Public . Works Department, we reinspected the alley behind • . 1096 Euclid Street and found the conditions as indicated in the report of our sanitarian to be substantially the same as they were in 1964 and • - 1965. � We, therefore, feel that the best solution would � be to bring the alley up to grade to eliminate this . public health nuisance. � - • � Sincerely, 1 I���i t+ ��-�o� ' �" ��i ' � Boris L. Levich . � Deputy Health Officer� - • BLL:pg . - �cc: Mr. Grege Beckett • ' 4�^-i;,� . l� � � D�AN D4ERGll1TH CITY.OF SAINT I'AUI. R. B. J. Schodi, 14f.D CommissIoncr Csp(tul of Minnenota Chief Ncalth O(Iiccr RALPII G.hfERR1LL, � DeVuly Commlenloner �P' a���P`�� � ���`C � C� , � . � , �u�Eau o f �Ea�E�i Healtli Center-555 Cedar Strcet St. Paul, Mlnnesota 55101 May 20, 1965 Commissioner Dean Meredith . Department of Public Safety • " Public Safety Building 101 E. lOth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Commissioner Meredith: On July 8, 1964 we forwarded to you a petition received through the City Council requesting the �ading of an a11ey bettiaeen Earl and Frank Streets and Euclid and jdilson Avenues. At that time the investigation revealed that the ungraded alley in question does become a health nuisance period- ically, particularly after a heavy rainfall. The petition did not have sufficient signatures to authorize �ading unless the Bureau of Health stated that it constituted a hea].th nuisance and, apparently, no action was taken on that petition. A fe�r days ago Fre had a visit from t�r. Glenn Kurtz of 1096 Euclid, one af the original si�ners of the petition, who stated that he now has a • majority of those abuting on that alley and would like to petition the , City Council to reconsider and authorize the grading of the alley. To verify conditions that may exist at present, our sanitarian made another investigation on P4ay 7, 1965 and stated that the conditions are as bad as they were in 1964 and again recommended the o ading of the alley. We shall appreciate it very much if this matter may be. brought to the � � attention of Commissioner Rosen and Mr. Grege Beckett of the Public Works Department. Mr. Beckett is intzrested in proceeding with the • grading it authorized by the City Council. _ Res ctfully, . � � �v� .�,�.�a� Boris L. Levich ' Deputy Health Officer . BLL:jo Encs �� � , . �,� . - „ . ' � '�YILT.IALI �..CAItLSON . CITY OI� SAINT PAtTX. Comnilssioncr Cnpitnl of Mianc�otn • ROGLR h1. CONP/AY ° at Commteefonor �e ,���j�Cl1� � `���LC � C�GC , D�r y � 0 ` �uaEau o f �EaCl�i - i(caltii Cen[er-555 Cedar S[rect St. Yaul, I►Sinnesotn 55101 . • - November 27, 1967 , Mr. Boris Levich • . Deputy Health O�ficer St. Paul Bureau of Health ' 555 Cedar Street � " Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 � � Dear Mr. Levich: ' . Regarding the stagnant water condition in the alley behind 109G F.uclid Street, an inspection was made by me on Nover�ber 27, 1967, of said alley. . The condition of the alley was to all intents and purposes the same as was. reported by me on July 8, 1964, and riay 7, 1965. I ` • still recommend the grading of this alley to correct a bad water hole and impassable condition. � � , I would also call your attention to your memorandum of July 8, � 1964, and riay 7, 1965, indicating that this cond3.tion, if not corrected, will tend to continue to be a health nuisance period- . � ically, particularly after a heavy rainfall and� in the spring and fall of the year when the� weather is bad. Sde, therefore, request that if at all possible, that the alley should be � graded to correct this condition. . Respectfully, . . .." � / � . � �,1,�', _ �� � L-�'__� � , � . Henry J. �Streich Sanitarian HJS:pg , - L ���o . � � , . I �YfI.I�IA11Y L.-CAlZLSON CITX Or SAINT PAUL . Conirntsslor�cr Capitnl of Aiinncnota ' • Rocr:�c ht. CONIYAY / ' �e`���tryie�2t o czb�cc �2 etr � Dcputy Commlaalonor A � • �LL'LERl1 O f �ERLE/2 llcaltl► Center-555 Cedar Strcet • • St. 1'aul, btlnnesota 55101 . November 28, '1967 • • � � • ' Commissioner William E. Carlson Department of Public Safety • Public Safety Building . , . 101 East Tenth Street � ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 �. �Dear Commissioner Carlson: . At the request of Mr. Grege Beckett of the Public _ Works Department, we reinspected the alley behind • . 1096 Euclid Street and found the conditions as ' indicated in the report of our sanitarian to be substantially the same as they were in 1964 and � � - - 1965. - • We, therefore, feel that the best solution would be to bring the alley up to grade to eliminate this • public health nuisance. • Sincerely, ����. � ,ti'`��-�; . � � Boris L. Levich . ' . Deputy Health Officer ' � BLL:pg � �cc: Mr. Grege Beckett _ � 4�w�`�� �"'' - " ' -v -- � r - •'. :# y . .. -, �__ ... ' -•'. _ . - �,; ' , : - � �'. " ?;ti. . .�i ,.. �. ' F � ;ti`^ ... . �y` �1 '.'y.. ..} • . •�^• � . `a4 'Z_° . ,�al .. , .r' .X�; yr � � •�x ,.1 , ,_�:,yM• � �- i a., �: •.C.'`� ;l . , ' .c, r . . •:\^ . � - , . , �, •.vA'�` + '.ti -_ ,?' ` • � ,�E� . i �Y 2� �� . . I� A � �.i . •t'l W I . . � -'T . i' . ."' � ��', _4 •C , ♦' ' �. - . �' _ . "� 1• ' ' - .l: • .:h- .c� ' 'ip" • ' " ' 's. ' '7�I ' �* . i . d . �, -�. _ , �,_ ' ` .i. ' � �, ,�.� � •i, �a �.'� � ` t'. • + .r ".� . , _ '' '.b . • � • ~ - � • 'I�-a.i � i, x• �-r�,� ;'1. - r, Yf: �� . " _ .� , , � te; ' . ' • ,-a ?„ � ..-.,. " " - . ',_„- ., . � � ,' � �'.� ,^I _ � ` , ' . 1 ' -._� . . S• : _� . _ '_ ,'_l� ♦. � ', + ' a _ �, . _ _ .i •� •� �ti"1. �i . ;1` q ti j :� ` ; .�Y'.' _ _• . ' � .R• ` ' tix`�i �" „��' ' � • • ' J '�._ �'� ���•` . , 4. ;^':�,. , . 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' .. }'• `' ' � _ .'�,r - .. ..�_ � • � " � ' , - '- r, ' t, � ' ` _ ' - � ,�i•. : , ' ..t • ♦- - � ' `.'F l s. {'• � � _ . . � `R � 1.� � •a i • `,t. ' . ��5�}S'.j` �,.� , . ,,�r.a . •;i• ,' „ , , '' .F _ . `�- ` a . .., 'a . ' J '. ' - ,_'k.� • .-.r•_ I- , _ , _ .. . . . . _. .. . _ , .. .. - c . . -.. . ,. _ . . � �`��_ � —�~��6'��:� � ' _,,s.; �� : ,,.,����;ls`.`-'':- �.'���:� � A� ��3/�Q• K�>i ' M •� •r �'^ y'�/ j� �i t�t! • w��,� /�� �''•;'�f'�n_ i���fi'0�� �'������iV�'������Fb�--�'��.�:'1,•�F"" � `'•5 - _ 1. ' � + M� � _ v,j.'"[ i fI�' PIONEER DIVISION - '� -,� _ - � '° .y" - . =-� . PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION'�'�=�-�--�-Y-�, . - , _ ' -••y�'� bar.i+�F+' 8145 LEWIS ROAD - MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA\.. 55427 -,���� _ • PHONS 544-7781 November 14, 1967 James J. •'DaZgZish Commissioner of Finance Citx� of Saint PauZ, Minnesota Department of Finance 113 Court House ' . St. PauZ, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: � This is in regard to your Zetter dated November 10, 1967 concerning the surfacing of the aZZey in BZock 2,H. F. Sch�vabe 's Addition to St. PauZ. Since I u�iZl not be able to benefit from this improvement, beeause of the Zocation of my garage, I do not mish to have this improvement made. Yours sineereZx�, , . /' ` !i Robert Hoelzn RH/rb � r � � _ ti �r: l-� . �'� , ���O+dr�ud�n�p p� MAKERS OF FINE QUICK, SELF- t ' SEALING COUPLERS FOR INDUSTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL APPLICATIONS