05-388Council File # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Green Sheet # O S_38$ 3026058 � Referred To: Committee: Date � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Fire Department is authorized to enter into the attached agreement with NextiraOne, which includes an indemnification clause, to provide remote monitoring and onsite service for the Fire and Police department telephone system. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date - '7 o�0(U,S Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � Approved � yor: Date - G7 `� � 5��� Fire & Safe Services By: j2� � Approval f�ecommended by Director of Financial Services: By_ f by City Attorney: � � � DS ":38� �' �' � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green S eet � a� DepartmenY/officelcouncil: Date Initiated: FR �� 11-APR-0S Green Sheet NO: 3026058 CoMact Person 8 Phone• Deoartrnent Senf To Person ' VD�a Chief Douglas A Holton � 0 're '� /Q �� A55ign 1� re De artne t Director Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number y � � For Routing 3 a o•s Olice Ma or/ istan[ Ofder 4 un ii ' � 5 i lerk Ci Clerk ToW I# of Signature Pages ,(Clip All Cocations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of ffie attached Council Resolution authoriziug the Department of Fue and Safety Services to enter into remote systexn monitoring and onsite service ageement for tlxe Police and Fire telephone system with NextiraOne. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departrneot? CB Committee Yes No � Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No � 3. Dces this personlfirm possess a skill not normafly possessed by any - cuvent city employee? Yes No Explain ail yrs.answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): . This agreement would continue the delivery of system maintenance and repair for the telephone system for the next two yeazs. Advantapes If Approved: Continued 24/7 remote system monitoriug and onsite service as required for the telephone system and associated components. Disadva�Wges If Approved: � � y""�° �y � � ��� None. �. �.� APR 2 � 20�5 DisadvantageslfNotApprwed: � A�4ry��=�� Discontinuarion of 24 hour system monitoring and an uncertain response to service outages. e 0•1 [ t„I p y �P ToWI Amount of 12416.65 Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Y '� �� Transaction: � � Funding Source: 001 - Genefa) FUild Activity Number: 05120 �✓�'"��-�"�`x; ����°�� ��`��'�`� Fircancial Information: (Explain) ��� � � � bS -.3� ������ Customer Inventory Schedule A- Maintenance Pricing - cPart o+ a Multi-SiTe QuMe) Quote ID: 41744 Project Number: 50210353 Customer Name: Sf. PAUL POLICE AND FIRE DEPTS Site Name: St. Paul Police and F�re Site Number: 10339642 Address: 100 E 117H ST City, State 2ip: SAINT PAUL MN 55101 Contact Name: Telecom Manager Contact Phone: 612/292-3599 Biiling Address: S00 E 117H ST City, SWte Zip: SAINT PAUL MN 55101 System Type: Op[61C Service: ContraR Start Date: 3/28/2005 Contrad End Date: 3/D/2007 Contract7erm: 2 Sales Person Name: Nicole Sam Ports: 295 Services Package: • Ativantage -SELECT Service Features: • Emergency - 24 X 7 X 2 • Routine - 8 X 5 X NBD • Onsite Sokware Maintenance • Onsite Hardware Maintenance • Parts & Labor • Selec[ Options Chosen by Customer i - . . ___ ' . _ _ __.. i Unit ,COmponent Pricing yT-1, PRI, DTI Card ;Meridian Mail Ports NextiraOne Service Pricing Summ �Description =NeutiraOne Services - Base System Package Price iTotal Equipment ;TOtal PriCe ;Total (Annual) �Total (Term) Quantity 1 25-28 $12,416.65 { �� v Customer Initials Date Page 1 of 1 oS - 3$$ ORDERFORM �������� SECfION A: CUSfOMER INFORMATION Customer Name ("CUStomer"): NextiraOne, LLC and/or the applicabie NextiraOne, LLC ST. PAUI POLICE AND FIRE DEPTS subsidiary or affiliate as identified in the Agreement ("Nexti20ne") 2800 Port Oak Blvd., Suite 200 State of Incorporation: Houston, TX 77056 (713) 307-4000 Principal Address: Billing Address: 100 E lll}i Sf S00 E 11TH ST City: SAINT PAUL SWte: MN Zip: 55101 City: SAINT PAUL SWte: MN Zip: 55101 Tax ID No. The tertns of Agreement shall govem this Order. Tax Emempt Status 1-� Yes � No Tax Exempt No. Effective Date of Agreement: 3/28/2005 � MOA If "Yes" (exempt) Certificate of Tax ExempUOn MUST be attached to Order. Customer Purchase Order Number: Qf applicable) Customer Number/Project Order Number: (internal use only) 10339642/ 50210353 Customer Contact Name, Phone Number and email address: Telecom Manager 612/292-3599 NextiraOne Contact Name and Phone Number: (internal use only) Nicole Sam 713.393.8340 Date of Order Form is Represented by the Customer Term of Order: Signature DaYe Set Forth Below 3/28/2005 - 3/Z7/2007 Purchase Plan: � Cash Purchase � Third Party Lease/Financing by (Must have prior written approval from Nexti20ne. Lease/financing company documentation MUST be attached [o Order, e.g., Document Receipt Notice, Assignment and Assumption Agreement, etc.) SECTION B: SELECT ALL APPLICABLE PRODUCT/SERVICE OPTIONS Select all that apply: � New Sys[ems and/or Services � CCAT Services - � Adds/Upgrade to Existmg System � Other: � Installation Services SECTION C: PRODUCT PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION System Price (exduding applicabie taxes and shipping): * Check box if shipping is induded in a Voice System Pnce: �� Payment Terms: (excluding applicable taxes and shipping) Data: _ Yoice: Payments are doe upon receip[ oF invmce. Charges for ins[ailation If [he system p"ce is equai to o areater than $75 000• and implementa4on services are invoiced upon completion. 25% of System Price due at Customer siqning 60°h of Sys[em Price due at Delivery Other Payment Terms: 15% of System Price due a[ Cutover due at Delivery Other: due at Cutover If the system orice is less than $75 000� 50% of System Price due at Customer signing Other: 50% of System Price due at Cutover Other: Requested On-Site Date: For droo-shio orders: 50% of System Price due at Customer si9ning Late payments may result in suspension of work and in installation 50% of System Price due at Dellvery and delays. Other: Anticipated Delrvery Date: Anticipated Cutover Date: Final Configuration Date: La[e payments may result in suspension of work and in installation delays. Customer Initials Page 1 of 2 b� - 3$g ORDERFORM Fee ne�chr r�ree Payment Terms: Service Billing Option for Managed Services and Maintenance (excluding applicable taxes): � Pre-paid Billing (Standard) 2 years $12,416.65 (per yearJ � Deferred Billing - avaf/able for Voice Support onty (deferred until wartanty expiration)* � Special Biiling*: 2 years (per year) 512416.65 512.416.65 (Year 1) (Year 2) (Year 3) (Year 4) (Year 5) Billing payment schedule (check one): ,��, `, qnnually $12,416.65 � Semi-Annually � Quarterly � Monthly * Any billing option selected other than annua� will inmrpo2te an additional Processing Fee. E:ATTACHMENTS � Scope of Work (Product & Managed Services �' Customer Inventory Schedule(s) � Software License � Tax Exemption Certificate � Lease/Fnancing company documentation �— Other: SECTION F: SIGNATURES Customer: ST. PAUL POLICE AND FIRE DEPTS NexYiraOne, LLC and/or its applicable Subsidiary or Affiliate BY: BY: NAME: NAME: TITLE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: Page 2 of 2 vs- 3$g nex��n�� 1. AGREEMENT. This Support and Mana9ed Services Agreement (as define0 below) between you ("you" may also be referred to as "CUStomer') and the applio6le Nexti20ne ope2ting en[ities (herein, "NextiraOne") sets forth the leqal rights and obli9ations govemin9 your orders for ihe purchase of the services tlescribed herein. Customer reprrsents that it owns or leases certain mmmunicatlons and/or Intemetworking electronic equi0men[ and sublicenses the associated software ("SOftware°) (mllectively, ihe "System") as descnbed in the attached Customer Inventory Schedule(s). Cus[omer may order from NeztiraOne managed servites, including maintenance services, for the System pursuan[ to the selec[ed Service Plan(s) (as definetl in Section 5 below) antl as set forth at (www.nezti2one.mm/us/contraarertns) (hereinaRer referred io as eiffier "Managetl Services" or "Maintenance" as appropria[e or collectively "Service" or "Services"). NeztiaOne agrees to fumish such requestetl Services for the System. The System and i4s loration(s) (ffie "Premises") are described in the Ortler Fortn, as defned below, and the Customer Inventory Scheduie(s). The Cuscomer will be provided Services by NexYiaOne, LLC andJor ics appiicable subsidiaries and affiliates, while all work pertortned for Customer in California will be pehortned by NextiraOne Califomia, LP and work pertormed in Alabama, Arkansas, Floritla, Mississippi and Tennessee wili be pertortned by NeMiraOne Installat�on, LLC. This Support and Managed Services Agreement consists of these terms and mnditions, a signed order form(s), applicable Scope of Work, Customer Inventory Schedule(s), a selec[ed Service Plan (as defined in Section 5), geneal tertns and conditions ("General Terms"), supplemental service terms and contlitions ("Additional Terms" as defined in SecYion 10 below), boih sets of such tertns are set forth at (www.nextiraone.com/us/contracttertns) (all collectively, and as applicable, the "Tertns an0 Conditions"), and applicable Software license (collectively, the "Agreement"). Cus[omer order(s), including the initial order as identifed herein (coliectively the "Order"), shali be incorporated into this Agreement by reference during [he Tertn (as defined below) of this Agreement. Such Orders shall be set forth on a su6sequent OMer Form s�9ned by the Cus[omer in the fortn as set forth at (www.nex[iraone.com/us/contracttertns) (the "Order Fortn"). A Scope of work an0/or Service Plan, if applicable, shall be attached to the Order Form antl shall be deemetl incorporated into this Agreement. 2. TERM AND RENEWAL OPTIONS. The term of this Agreement shall wmmence on 3/28/2005 (the "Effective Date"), and wili continue (24) months thereafter following the Effec[ive Date ('Term"), and this Agreement shall apply to any Order placed during the Tertn, even if pertormance extends beyond the Term. If neither Customer nor NextiraOne provides the other written notice of cancellatlon at least th�rty (30) days prior to the end of the Term or the end of the term oF any Order placed hereunder, ffie Term or the term of such Order, as applicable, will automatically renew for an atlditionai periotl of one (1) year at NeMiraOne's then current time and material rate(s). 3. SERVICE FEE. The price for Managed Services and/or Maintenance, excluding applicable Laxes, is set forth on the Order Fortn (the "Service Fee"). The Service Fee, plus all applicable taxes, is due annuaily in advance, unless otherwise agreed in writing by [he parties. NextiraOne may assess a processing fee for penodic billings. Customer �s responsible for all applicable taxes, shipping, handiing and other charges applicable to the Services provided untler this Agreement. Customer a9rees either to pay to NextiraOne the amount of all appiiwbie taxes or to provide evidence of its tax exempt status no later [han the date of any Order. If sales or use taxes are not invoiced or collected, and it is later determined that sales or use [axes appiy, Customer agrees to pay such taxes, with any interest or penalties. All charges are due on receipt of invoice. Service Fees received more than thirty (30) days aker billing are subject to a la[e payment charge the lesser of one and one-half percent (1.5%) for each thirry (30) day period that they remain unpaid or ihe maximum permitted by law. Customer shall no[ be relieved of its payment obligations due to the failure of any third par[y to make timely paymentr. 4. SERVICE FEE ADJUS7MENT5. NexhraOne may increase the Service Fee for additions to or moves of components of the System and additions or changes to the confi9uration of a mmponent of the System, including any uD9rades and new periDheral devices ("MOdifitations"). Modifications shall be procured and subject to a separate wntten Order between the partres. Additional equipment purchased from NextiraOne and atlded to the System ("Additions") shall be procured and sub�ect to a separate written equipment purchase agreement between the parties. In such Orders, Customer will provide a wntten statement setting forth the location of additional rtems of equipment, quantity, description, serial number and part number. Any necessary adjustment to the Service Fee wili be set forth on an explanatory Support and Managed Services Agreement Oocument or quo[ation issuetl by Neati20ne. All Modifiwtions and/or Additions shali be indudeQ in the service covea9e provided by this A9reement and shall be subject to the Tertns and Conditions of this Agreement and be co-tertninus with the Tertn of the applimble Order. Nex[iraOne will maintain Modifiwtions pertortned by a party other than Nexti20ne only if Custome(s modified � sys[em is certified by NeatiraOne at Customers expense to be opeating in arcordance with manufac[ure(s standards for service and maintenance. Cus[omer agrees to pay Nez[i20ne'S then current time and materials 2tes for such certification efforts in the even[ Nes[laOne agrees to mainbin such MoAiFrations. Customer hereby acknowledges that Modifications, inUuding software up9rades, pertortned or suppiied by unau[horized distributors may result in: (i) a denial ot the warranry services from the manufacturer of Me Sys[em; (ii) a denial of Me Maintenance from Nez2iraOne; or (iii) voieing of the Software license. Any Additions and/or Modifcaiions pertormetl by NextiraOne require a sepaate Order. 5. MANAGED SERYICE AND MAINTEPlqNCE OBLIGATIONS. NextiraOne's Mana9ed Services and post-warranty Maintenanm obligations shall be as defined in the General Terms, the Scope of Work and the Customer selec[etl service plan found at (www.nextiaone.com/us/contracttertns) ("Service Plan"). 6. LIMITATION OF LSABILLfY AND INDEMNIFICATION. (A) IN NO EVENT SHALL NEXTIRAONE BE LSABLE FOR: (i) ANY IND]RECT, SPECIAL, INCIDEMAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES; (ii) CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LiMITED TO, COMMERQAL LOSS OF ANY IQND WHICIi INCLUDES LO55 OF BUSINE55, PROFifS, REVENUE OR SAVINGS, AND LOSS OF DATA OR MESSAGES; OR (iii) ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND RESULTING FROM UNAUTHORIZED USE OF 7HE SYSfEM, INCLUDING, WIfHOUT LIMITATION, TOLL FRAUD OR COMPUTER VIRUSES. THIS PROVISION APPLIES TO ALL CLAIMS WHETHER BASED UPON BREACH OF WARRANTY, BRFACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, SrRICT LIABIISTY IN TORT OR ANY OTHER LEGAI THEORY, AND WHETHER NEXiIRAONE HAS eEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILS'IY OF SUCH DAMAGE OR LOSS. WITH RESPER TO ANY CLAIM POR DIRER DAMAGES, THE ENTIRE LIABILiTY OF NEXTIRAONE FOR CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT IXCEED QTHER THE VALUE OF THE ORDER GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM OR $1,000,000, WHICHEVER IS LE55. (B) NextiraOne shall be Iiable for any physical dama9e i[ causes to the System or its components due to its gross negligence or wiilfui mis<onduct. In suth event, CustomeYs sole remedy shall be limited to NextiraOne's repair of the System or mmponent, or if the Sys[em or component cannot be repaired, as detertnined by Ne>KiraOne in its sole discretion, replacement with a comparable System or mmponent or a pro2ted refund. (C) Each party shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other party, and its respectrve directors, offcers, trustees, mem6ers, empioyees and agents from and against any third party claim, suit, action or proceeding alleging bodily in7ury (inciuding death) or dama9e to tan9ible property to the extent such injury or damage is caused by the gross ne9ligence or willful misconduc[ of the indemnifying party, its employees, subcontractors or supplieYS in connection with the pertormance of Services or the unauthorized dixlosure or use of any Confidential Information, as defined in the General Terms, under this Agreement, provided tha[ such claim is promptly reported to the indemnifying party in writing. 7. SERVICE EXCLUSIONS. (A) Services do not include repairs or replacements neceSSiUted by (i) fire, expiosion, power irregularities, power surges, ac[s of God, including, without limitation, earthquakes, rains, Floods or lightmng, or any other cause not attributable to NextiraOne or a defect in the System that is not eligible for Service under the Scope of Work or appiicable Service Plan; (ii) deterioration of ma[eriais which, hy thev nature, have a limited shelf life (including, without Iimitatlon, batteriesJ; (iii) Custromer's failure to foilow operation, maintenance, wamanty, or environmental requirementr described in any of the manufacturer's manuals or product bulletins, or in NextiraOne manuais and other documentat�on provided to Customer; (iv) Customer's addition(s), alteration(s), modification(s), enhancement (s) or repair(s) to, or disassembiy of, the Sys[em; (vj damages resulting from mishandiing, abuse, or misuse of [he System by Customer or a third party; (vi) relocanon of [he System without NextiraOne's written consent (other than telephones relocated in accordance with the manufac[urers specificabons); (vii) faiWres or required changes resulting from the local exchange company, Page 1 of 2 r �:1 Support and Managed Services Agreement interexchange carrier, the power company or other transmission providers, Texas shall govem this Agreement without regard to iG choice of laws or (viii) any o[her service not 2qufred to keep ffie System in good prinuples. (C) Non-SOlitrtation and Non-Xire. Customeq indutling operating mntlrtion for nortnal use. (B) When NextiraOne determines that i[s subsitliaries and affiliates, shall nei[her directly nor indirectly soliut, the Sys[em, any Sys[em componen[, or ope2ting System software or hire or coniract with any NeatiraOne employee(s) pertorming work for application Software can no longer be effectiveiy maintaineA for any reason, Customer under this Agreemen[ dunng the 7ertn of this A9reement inUuding but not limited to, usage, environmental conditions, or iack of and for one (1) year after tertninatlon or expiration. (D) Exxution. readily available replacement parts or Software, NextiraOne shall infortn This A9reement may be etecuted contemporaneously in one or more Customer and reserves the right to cancel, in whole or in part, its Service counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an originai, but which o6ligations for a Sys[em, any System component, or operatlng Sys[em [oqether shall cons[itute one instrument. In addiGOn, Me parties may software or appli�tion SoRware if NeatiraOne detertnines, in its rely on a facsimile transmission of the o[her partys authorized mmmercially reasonable discretion, [hat it is unable (on commercially signature [o bind the other party. Cus[omer a9rees to send an original reasonable tertns) to (i) conUnue to provide the Services, or (ii) obTain to Ne�ctirdOne. (E) Consent co URL Si[es. VOU HEREBY CONSENT TO replacemen[ Darts for the Sys[em, operating Sys[em software or application THE INCORPORA7ION OF Tt7E APPI3CABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, Software. in such event, if Nea2i20ne cancels Service, NextiraOne shall SOFTWARE LtCEN5E5 AND SERVICE PLAN(S) POS�ED AT provitle Customer a prorated refund. (wvrx.ne#iaone.com/us/contractterms). 7HE iFRMS AND 8. LIMITED WARRANTY. NIXTIRAONE WARRANTS THAT WORK CONDIfIONS MAY BE MODIFIED FROM TIME TO 7IME AS REQUIRED PERFORMED UNDER THIS AGREEMEM SHALL BE DONE IN A GOOD AND BY LAW. YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY SUCH CHANGES, AS THEY WORKMANLIKE MANNER ANO BE FREE FROM MATERIAL DEFECTS FOR A PERTAIN TO THE PAR7ICULAR SERVICES YOU CHOOSE NOW OR MAY PERIOD OF THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM DATE OF PERFORMANCE. CHOOSEIN THE FUTURE.IF SUCH CHANGES ARE NOT MANDATED BY CUSTOMER'S SOLE AND IXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR BREACH OF SUCH LAW, SUCH CHANGES SHALL NOT BE APPLICABLE TO CUSTOMER. WARRANiY SHALL BE CORRECRON OF iHE DEFECT BY NEXTIRAONE AT NOTWIfHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY, IN NO CASE NIXfIRAONE'S EXPENSE. THIS AGREEMENT IXCLUDES ALL OTHER SHALL ANY CHANGE DIMINISH ANY APPLICABLE SERVICE LEVEL EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND ALL IMPLiED WARRANTIES, AGREEMEMS ENTERED INTO AT THE TIME OF THE ORDER. VOU INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTIES OF AGREE THAT ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT CONSTITUTES NONINFRINGEMENT� MERCHANTABILifY AND FITNE55 FOR A CONSENT TO THE USE OF ELECTRONIC RECORDS. (F) Mer9er and PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NIXTiRAONE DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY Modi£cation. This A9reement supersedes and replaces in its entirety FOR SECURITV, OR TO PREVENT UNAUTXORIZED USE OF OR any document executed previously or contemporaneously to this IN7RUSION IN70 THE SYSTEM, INCLUDING BUT NO7 LIMITED 70 Agreement, all prior or contemporaneous proposals, communications LOSS OF DATA, COMPUTER VIRUSES AND TOLL FRAUD. ., and ne9otiations, both oral and written, relating to the subject matter 9. 7ERMINA7fON. (A) The non-breachin9 party may tertninate this of this A9reement and constitutes the e�hre agreemeni between Agreement and/or any outstanding Order Fortn and/or pursue itr remedies NextiraOne and Customer with respect to the sub7ect matter herein. in law or equity, except as otherwise limited by this Agreement, in the No usa9e of trade or course of dealing by or behveen the parties shali event [hat: (i) a par[y fails to make any payment when due and fails to be deemed to cons[itu[e any modificatian or amentlment of the tertns cure the nonpayment within seven (7) days of written notice; (ii) a parry of this A9reement. No subsequent agreement among the parties commits a material breach of this A9reemen[ (other than a breach for conceming ihe Services shall be effectrve or binding unless it �s made nonpayment) and fails [o cure that breach within thirty (30} days foliowing in wnting and executetl by authonzed represen[atrves of the parties. receipt of written notice describing the breach; (iii) Cus[omer either refuses Neither electronic mail nor instant messa9ing shall be considered a to pertnit NextiraOne to pertorm iGS obiigations under this A9reement, or "writinq" sufficient [o chan9e, modify, extend or otherwise affect the acknowledges its intent [o terminate or cancel this Agreement or any Order tertns of the Agreement. If, at Cus[omer's request, Nexbra0ne delivers Form or terminates or cancels this A9reement or any Order Form for any additional Sofhvare, Mana9ed Services or Maintenance, or provides reason other than a tlefault by NextiraOne under this Sec[ion; or (rv) a [ime and matenals Serv¢es or other incidental Services relating [o the party ceases tloin9 business or commences dissolution or liquidation System, the terms of this A9reemen[ will govern. Any representations, proceedings. In addition to any other rights or remedies set for[h herein, in warranties or s[atements made by any employee, salesperson or agent the event Customer defaults under this Agreement or any Order, of Nex[iraOne and not expressed in this Agreement are expressiy not a Customer's prepaymen[ shall be nonrefundable. In the event Customer part of this A9reement antl shail not bind NextiraOne. defaults under [his Agreement or any Order, and Customer has not prepaid for the enbre tertn of the Order, CuStOmer is liable for [he amount eqUal to IN WITNE55 WHEREOF, the parties hereto have Caused this the'remaining monihly or quarteriy Service Fee multiplied by the number of Agreemen[ to be executed by thev duly authorized represenCatives as months or quarters remainin9 in [he term of the tertninated Order. (B) The set forth below. ag9rieved party may suspend perfortnance of i[s obligations under this Agreement or any Order placed hereunder during the cure period for any breach described above. (C) NextiraOne reserves the right to suspend Customer. ST. PAUL POLICE AND PIRE DEPTS pertormance under this Agreement or an Order if, in NexbraOne's sole discretion, required by regulation, statute, judiaai ac[ion orother applicable BY� legal requirement. (D) Tertnination of this A9reement shali not relieve Name: edher party of itr respective obliga[ions to mmpty with all tertns of this T�tle: Agreement that expressiy call for performance Drior or subsequent to the Date: tertnination date, mduding without limitation, the parties' respectrve obligations to proteR proprie[ary and confidential information. (E) It is agreed that NextiraOne's or Cus[omer's damages in the even[ of breach are NEX7IRAONE LLC on behalf of itself and/or its applicable difficult or impossible to ascertain. The provisions in Sectlons 66, 7(B), and subsidiary or a�iiate 9(A)(iii) are m[ended, therefore, to establish liquidated damages in the event of cancellabon and are not intendetl as a penalty. BY� 10. SUPPLEMEN7AL 7ERM5. The supPlementai Service terms and Name: contlitions applicable to certain Nextira0ne Service offerings are listed at Title: (www.nextiraone.mm/us/contractterms) (the "Additionai Tertns"). Onty the Date: supplemental Service terms and conditions for Services ortlered or used by you are applicable. 11. GENERAL PROVISIONS. (A) Order of Precedence. In the event of any wnflic[ between the Tertns and Conditions, Scope of Work, euhibitr, aKachments or Orders the order of precedence shali be: (i) these terms and conditions; (ii) the Additional Tertns; (iii) the General Terms; (rv) the Scope af Work; (v) Service Plan(s); (vi) any Order; and (vii) any other attathmen4s and/or exhibitr. (B) Governing Law. The laws of the State of Page 2 of 2 . i ' � �1 h � � � TELECOM/CONVERGED SERVICESELEC'f Advantage — Select1 Standard Features ♦ Emergency outage calls — 2-hour response time, 24x7, including NextiraOne holidays ♦ Routine service calis — 24-hour response time, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m., site Iocal time, excluding Nextira0ne holidays ♦ 24x7 Emergency Remote Technical Support ♦ 12x5 non-Emergency Remote Technical Support - ♦ Onsite hardware replacement ♦ NetVision Alartn monitoring with Remote diagnostics ♦ Escalation Management ♦ Parts and labor Standard service coverage and requirements ConfigureSon Coverage The System configuration covered by the Service Pian is described in the related Customer Inventory Schedule. If the related Customer Inventory Schedule is a switch-oniy or Norstar Key System Units ("KSU")- only, then the System covered by the Service Plan shall consist of those components residing in the common and peripheral equipment cabinets and associated wiring from those cabinets up to, but not including, the main distribution frame. NextiraOne will perform repair or replacement services oniy at Customer's request at NextiraOne then-current charges on other portions of the System, such as telephone instruments, wiring inciuding distribution frames, and other telecommunications equipment located outside the common and peripheral equipment cabinets. Requests for Support Services Customer's authorized representative shall initiate all requests for service. Customer's representative shall direct all requests for service to the designated NextiraOne cail distribution center. Each service request shall contain the following information: • Name and address of Equipment and Software users, • Name and number of the person to be contacted, • Equipment and Software type and serial number, • Equipment and Software location, and • Description of the problem. Movemenf of Equipmenf Equipment moved to any area NextiraOne services is eligible for continued coverage, provided that the charges may be adjusted to reflect the rates and terms then in effect far that location. Customer is responsibie for proper movement, risk of loss or damage to the Equipment or Software and all associated costs. Remote Diagnostics Remote diagnosis is required fior dispatch and repair service. Customer shall provide a dial modem with a minimum speed of 56 kbps for remote access. Network failure is repaired remotely when possible. If remote diagnosis determines that the failure is hardware-related, NextiraOne wiil coordinate the replacement hardware and labor (where applicable) to complete the replacement on site. An additional "per incidenY' surcharge shall be assessed if Customer requests immediate (preemptive) dispatch, foregoing telephone support and remote diagnostics. AdvanEage Selectl Rev4 Effective 7/14/04 � �. '�-�' t'�L�ti'��t'� TELECOM/CONVERGED SERVICESELEC'i Dispatch and Repai� Service • Dispatch and repair service is a remediai Support service provided by NextiraOne 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, inciuding NextiraOne holidays. • Remote technical support and remote diagnostics are prerequisites for dispatch and repair service. • If remote technical support cannot resolve the problem a field engineer will be dispatched to the Customer site. • An additional "per incident° surcharge shaii be assessed if Customer requests immediate (preemptive) dispatch, in lieu of remote technical support and remote diagnostics. • The field engineer shall perform diagnostics, repair or replace parts, and restore operation of covered Equipment in Customer's network. • Should Customer make repeated requests for Support service at a specific site, NextiraOne shall have the right to inspect all equipment integrated into the network to determine whether an exclusionary condition exists that is causing problems, and Customer shall provide NextiraOne with the required access to do so. • NextiraOne shall implement any engineering or firmware changes it deems mandatory. Remofe Technicat Support (where applicable) Remote technical support includes: (a) Problem reporting, logging, tracking and problem escalation; (b) Telephone support response to a service request; (c) Diagnosticfaultisolation, (d) Assistance with problem identification by providing technical advice, and troubleshooting to verify causes of suspected errors or malfunctions; and (e) Assistance with resolution of network problems if caused by NextiraOne-maintained Equipment. (fl Technical Assistance Support for operational assistance including answers to technical questions, system operation help and software maintenance issues is available between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm Eastern time, Monday through Friday. Esca/aSon Management NextiraOne will contact customer's telco provider to initiate a request for circuit repair. NextiraOne service order shail remain open until resolution. Requires letter of agency for NextiraOne to act on customer's behalf. NetVision S "" Monitoring This service provides alarm response with remote diagnostics performed on voice alarms received 24 hours per day. This service includes detecting faults via an alarm receipt and attempting to remotely diagnose and fix the problem. • 24x7 reporting • Physical call to Customer (up to two contacts) • Day, cell and pager numbers • Home numbers for after hours • No specia! hanc�ling procedures With remote diagnostics, NextiraOne goes beyond alarm monitoring and performs the following services: • When the Solutions Support Center receives an alarm, the alarm management system matches the maintenance message to a Customer specific profile. • Customer specific special handling procedures can be flagged in the NextiraOne alarm management system. Advaniage Selectl Rev4 Effective 7/14/04 .. ��� f�£i�{�t�'��1'�� TELECOM/CONVERGED SERVICESELECI` • The alarm management system assigns a priority and determines if there is a script available to automatically resolve the problem. • If no script is available, or the script is not successful, the alarm will be presented to the appropriate alarm filter. • The alarm engineer accesses the system and attempts to restore service by performing remote diagnostics. • Simultaneously, the alarm engineer may telephone the switch room to find out if someone is working on the system and inadvertently causing the alarm. • If there is no response from the switch room, the alarm engineer continues to attempt to resolve the probiem remotely. • Alarms that cannot be cleared remotely are handled according to prearranged procedures and/or contract terms. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED The following services are exciuded from service and NextiraOne shall bill for such services at its then-current rates: • Customer requests for on-site response where the problem is found to be carrier-related or otherwise not related to the Service Plan or Support. • Problems resuiting from Equipment not covered under Support or under a separate warranty or support arrangement between Customer and NextiraOne; • Immediate (preemptive) on-site dispatch without NextiraOne remote technical support and remote diagnostics. • Correction of problems existing at tlie time Support takes effect, unless the covered Equipment and Software were supported by NextiraOne under a support or under warranty service agreement immediately preceding the effective date of the applicable Service Plan, and the problem is not otherwise excluded from coverage. NextiraOne reserves the right to invoice Customer at its then- current rates for correction of such problems during the first sixty (60) days after the Service Plan takes effect. • Voice application problems requiring repair or reprogramming emanating from equipment not covered under Support. • Voice appiication problems directly related to Customer network issues and Customer's a NextiraOne warranty or Service Plan does not cover network. • Software-based telephone problems due to user PC configuration or third party program compatibility issues. • Reprogramming requests due to Customer's failure to backup files. • The soitware support provided does not cover Systems that have been corrupted or rendered inoperative by computer virus, system crashes, power issues, hard disk failures or any other PC or network problems including modems. • Any failure of the application software due to improperly or inadequately maintained Hardware. • Application software removed or changed to an unsupported application, NextiraOne will not be responsible the hardware and operating system software support. • Repair of damage attributable to external factors inciuding, without limitation, failure or fluctuations of electrical power or air conditioning, fire, flood, water, wind, lightning or negiect unless Customer has coverage under a Lightning Protection Plan. • System problems caused by inadequate electrical power, air conditioning or humidity control. • Instaliation or relocation of Equipment. Advanfage Selectl Rev4 Effecdve 7/14/04 a5-�8� , � TELECOM/CONVERGED SERVICESELECT` • Delays or repeated on-site �a{Is caused by inaccessibifity of Equipment, site, andior Customer representative. • Reconfiguration. • Reprogramming. • Electrical work external to the Equipment. • Customer-elected engineering or firmware changes that are not deemed mandatory by NextiraOne. • On-site i�stallation of Software maintenance releases. • °No trouble found" calls. • Use of NextiraOne personnel to supervise or perform the packaging and crating of Equipment or Software, or the installation of Software maintenance releases. • Engineering or firmware changes, which shall be made available to Customer at the rates set forth in the Ne�ctiraOne price books in effect at the time of the request. • Hardware enhancements, such as additional memory or higher speed interfaces required by new Software maintenance releases. • Consumables, such as cathode ray tubes and printer ribbon/ink and paper. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES • Customer is responsible for providing the facilities, equipment and software necessary for the Support, including: o Free and ciear access to a telephone within 10 feet of Equipment. o Unobstructed access to all Equipment under Support. o Environmental conditions that meet or exceed manufacturer's spec�cations. o Customer is responsible for maintaining at least weekly backups of server configuration files • For NetVision services Customer, at its expense, shall provide an AgentSee device or site event buffer (SEB) provisioned with the required RAM and data ports, as specified by NextiraOne, to allow NextiraOne to remotely correct malfunctions of the System. While Customer will own the AgentSee or SEB device, the soffivare license belongs to NextiraOne, and NextiraOne will remove the software upon contract termination. NetVision does not apply to Norstar Key System Units. • For OTM support service Customer, at its expense, must provide an RM356 RAS modem and PC Anywhere to each site covered by this service plan. • Customer must have the following: o A NextiraOne Support and Managed Services Agreement with a Service Plan comparable to services requested. o PREFERRED: Broadband remote connectivity to Customer's network and access to all equipment covered by this Service. PSTN dialup access on an on-demand basis must be availabie as a backup to the broadband connectivity. o MINIMUM: One telephone line independent of the switch, loop start, 1F6 110 volt, A/C outlet. o Separate electrical source, circuit and power. o One serial data port dedicated to support services is required for each device monitored. o Suitable operating environment, according to manufacturer's specification. • Server and/or PC hardware and operating system senrer for Application Only products o Customer, at its expense must maintain the hardware and operating system software for server-based products within the specifications and tolerances specified by the manufacturer of the hardware and operating system software. Advantage Selectl Rev4 Effective 7/1M04 .. � TELECdM/COM/ERGED SERVICESELEC�"" o Customer shall fonr✓ard information regarding updates, patches or hot fixes to hardware and/or software operating system prior to implementation for review and determinafion of compatibility with the Application Software for server based products. if Customer proceeds with such modification without NextiraOne prior approval and problems with the Application Software result, Customer will pay NextiraOne then standard charges for any necessary correction. o Customer must complete necessary hardware and/or software requirements as advised by NextiraOne for appiication sofiware upgrades/fixes. o Customer is responsible for supporting any updates, patches and hot fixes required at the client desktop. o Customer will ensure that software will be loaded as defined by manufacturer requirements. Customer must allow NextiraOne fuil access to the System and any equipment provided by NextiraOne for provision of services. Remote services wiil be provided only if Customer's System is of a type compatible with the remote services and has the required hardware and software options. Customer acknowledges that the provision of remote services is proprietary to NextiraOne and subject to copyright protection. Customer agrees that it shall not allow any aspect of the remote services to be disclosed to a third party without NextiraOne written approval. Customer will make reasonabte efForts to ensure that its employees are aware of this obiigation. NEXTIRAONE'S RESPONSIBILITIES • Perform on-site activities at Customer's technicai direction, including diagnostics, parts repiacement, and operation restoration of covered Equipment. • Install replacement unit and perform miniinai configuration of the unit, such as inserting the IP address at Customer's technical direction. • Pursuant to the relevant agreement between the parties NextiraOne shall include provision of ail maintenance releases and patches which are issued at no cost by the application software manufacturer to correct problems which Customer has encountered in the performance of the application sofiware. • NextiraOne will inform Customer of any hardware and/or software requirements prior to upgrading and/or fixes to the application software. • IlextiraOne wilt work to determine the tocation of a probiem between the hardware andlor operating software and the application software and inform the Customer. Upon Customer's request NextiraOne will assist Customer's support team in resoiving the problem at NextiraOne then current hourfy rate. • Provide remote services referenced in the applicable Service Plan. • Order a connection from Customer's carrier of choice, where applicable, if Customer provides a letter of agency. • As set forth in the applicable Service Plan, perform routine Support between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday; site local time, excluding NextiraOne holidays. If NextiraOne is unable to remotely correct a malfunction, NextiraOne shall dispatch a technician to the Customer site within twenty-four (24) hours af Customer's request for Support, except when such request is made on, or the day before, a weekend day or a NextiraOne holiday, in which case a technician will be dispatched on the next business day. • Under the Advantage Coverage Plan, if an Emergency outage exists a�d NextiraOne is unable to remotely correct the malfunction, NextiraOne shall dispatch a technician (or parts where applicable) to the Premises withi� two (2) hours of Customer's request for Suppork without regard to the time of day or the day of the week. Advantage Select] Rev4 Effective 7A4/04 • :: ..��; f'#E�X�'if d�3�� TELECOM/CONVERGED SERVICESELECI' • PerForm preventive maintenance with respect to the System spec�ed in the applicable manufacturers spec�cations. • Provide remote services utilizing NextiraOne SSC for al Schedule. in accordance with and at such times as Equipment in fhe Customer Inventory GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SERVICE • NexfiraOne will perform Support service extending more than one-half (1/2) hour beyond the Service Period or performed entirely outside the Service Period oniy at Custome�s request. Customer agrees to pay Ne�ctiraOne, at NextiraOne then current charges for remote and on-site services. NextiraOne wiil invoice, and Customer agrees to pay, a minimum one (1) hour charge for remote Support service and a minimum three (3) hour charge for on-site technician services with additional time billed in one (1) hour increments. � Support service for OTM is remote only. Any dispatches to the premises arising from any support call will be subject to NextiraOne then standard charges for time and materials unless resolution of the problem is found with equipment covered under a support agreement between Customer and NextiraOne. • Support service for hardware shall consist of furnishing all parts and labor (where applicable) necessary to maintain the System in good operating condition during Customer's normal use. The replacement parts may be refurbished or contain refurbished materials. The failed equipment will become the property of NextiraOne and the replacement parts will become the property of the System's owner. • Support service for hardware shal{ consist of fumishing all parts and labor (where appficable) necessary to maintain the System in good operating condition during Customer's normal use. The replacement parts may be refurbished or contain refurbished materials. The failed equipment will become the property of NextiraOne and the replacement parts wili become the property of the System's owner. • Support service for Software will include provision of all maintenance releases and patches to correct performance of the software; installation is included only if NextiraOne can install remotely. • Customer shall have access to the appropriate NextiraOne service group during the Service Period. • Stated response times are measured during Service Period hours and after a remote diagnosis determines that the failure is hardware related and requires field dispatch. • All parts delivery commitments are subject to manufacturer depot and NextiraOne depot deadlines for shipment requests. • Emergency remote technical support is available only when twenty percent (20%) or more of the stations and/or trunks or the attendant console at a single Customer site are out of service. • Service for Software will include provision of all Maintenance releases to correct performance of the Software. • Stated response times for on-site repairs are measured from the time a remote diagnosis determines that the failure is hardware-related. • In cases where Customer-provided remote access is not available, on-site dispatch will be billable at NextiraOne then-current rates if the problem could have been fixed remotely. • NextiraOne shall be the sole point of contact with regard to all Support. Customer shall reimburse NextiraOne an amount equal to charges NextiraOne incurs or pays as a result of Customer's requests to any third party for Support. Customer agrees to pay NextiraOne then-current rates for Support NextiraOne pertorms pursuant to Customer problems or failures that are not covered by this Service Plan. Advantxge Selectl Rev4 Effective 7/14/04