236069 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �23�0�9 `�, CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. _ _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCI E OLUTIO — ENERAL FORM � PRESENTEO BY COMMISSIONE � DATF Whereas, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as ST. ANTHONY PARK STORM WATER RELIEF S�i�R SYSTEM, Comptroller's Contract L-6717, Michigan Sewer Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the � Specifications, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS _ As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 3 $ 1,495.00 As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 4 7,162.51 As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 5 6,135.96 ' TOTAL NET ADDITIONS - $14,793.47 and t _ �lhereas, The total addition is $14,793.47 and the Commissioner of Eublic '�Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of �1���93.�� is the correct sum to , be added to said contract; therefore be it � , � , .� > > ,,' , _Resolved, Thatythe City of St. Faul through its City C_a,uf►cil approves the foregoing'additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $14,793.47, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-6717, and which amount is to be paid � as follows: ' ' Bond Fund 7210, Code 5E-22 $8,876.09 Minnesota Highway Department Agreement ��54328 $5,917.38 QE� �19��, COUNCILMEN �'� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson . _ - - _ __ .._ _ - - -< < ��C $ 1��� , Dalglish . Approved 19— Holland � . 5 Tn Favor Meredith - • Peterson � MaYor f �edesee_ AS��t Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHED DEC �G �g6I . • , � ,,� . �� . . . .' ,• �2a . � � . . . , ' � _ , - . - � �, . - , - r , .�, ,._ . . _ . � '6 ' ' j'�;.H� 1t . � . __i 1.,� F.,.r..�P . ' ' I' V7'V�V 1jq • � • • ' .� ' � C ITx OF SA INT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � � i " � ; � , � ' � �,I '�`I �,� _ ��,, � ' , � � i. .���1 �»'.l�?. 6282-66 ��;�;ag�; CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 3 , :i . �;;� � ;�.����PROJECT N0. 64-5-460A CONTRACT N0. L•6717 CONTRACTOR Miahi�g�r► Sew�r Const. Co. ;� ;�;, �;�j;'il , ; � ' , ;;i� j;�,;i , i � , �� �''l .I ;,'�I',,°�;', PROJECT DFSCRIPTION b°T. ANTHONY PARit �TOFtM WATBR RLLIFsF S�i�R SYSTBM ' � , .� ,;'1�' .��;;�-� , � ' ' "�! ,'r',!`,;;�� ' ADDTrxO1�S . � � � � �. '; i '��i� �li+���� W - , ,,,,,,, , .� .;�i ;,,i�,;.,,^ , a accordance with Section 95 �of the Char�er of the City o� Saint Paul, the Commisaioner , ,� �;; . of Public Worka has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and pricea . j �''' �or �tems listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, ';i!i '�i,� are the reasonable coeta of thoee items for additior�s to,ox deductions from,the contract. •�� ;,;° �i;��,,�� �.i . � , ` :� ,�'� � � ;� �"� �i '����,';� '�+ Wha���s; Tttis con�rsct pmaviciee. �among o�har°things, for the ConsCructioA of� �a 54 ' � ���, ,ii11r, i , !;�;;,;,,;� ��'in�eh resu��oraed cc�nc�a�a p3pe stonrn sawar and�•a 15 �nah reinforced concreta pipe eenitary ' , '�i ��•� ��� � e�wwEar s�oa�nd �he site of a prnposod highway br3dga at Suetia 6traez and �tabash Aveuu�.y ' ,'.! �li;:;�; �iU!, ' � �Y1C1 . ' � � �, '�� ''���� ' � � ' I!� i�;' '' �;;,; lnlhhormm►s. tho alignmesL of ths naw se�r�r cons�ruct�oa will be niod3f ied to provid� � � ''' '"�i ,(j .;;; �atrk�ng s��ncc� along ��h�� �n�ernt�tionsY �aY�atar Company property betwaen� Wabash Avenuo �� �,;!?', ' i, �� ;�!�Ylt9 Etis��s $�r@6t; '6ltd , '. ,� , . ; ' . • ' ' � (�, f � , ��I`� II'�'".�� `�i ( �•; . ,.� . .:� .r' � � • ' ,L ' ,•''1� '�I�I1�,�'+ .'�' . , \ , `, �i;,�;,;',� ,) t9hox+e►a�s. �ha S�ta hae rec�uested �hat a manhole be provided on tha ne� 54 incb 8tot� � � ' u i������ ���';�sec�ar 3ati �:1�a vicin3ty� o� WabASh° Avenua�for �torm water dr�in conncctioms for Trunk High• � ' '�,!� !I'�,i ;,'� .�•,c�uya 9�S �ci �84; nnd , � � ' . • ' ' • � , ,• �i��t F,f��:I , ' � � ' ' • : . .. , , , , , ,,,, . , ;' , ''�1 '!��,'�'� � Whax+ma�s, the City d�sires to constrt:ct e drop manhole on'the new 15 inch• asnitary � � , ''� �;;!'� ,��� �sc�c�c3sc at �1a�bmsh Avenuo 4:o provfde a more �eCisfac�oiy �conn�ction for th�� exiat4ag y2�inch . , .� ���� �;'i�' �+ `'�m�i�ar� ��ar�r i� �Jabasb Avenus in lfeu of �he connea�ior ind3catad in th a p l e no� a n d " ' ��� i. ;� .'i� . �, � � � �' '• ' � � , . , . ,� , . � ��i �j:I ��'' '� �� �063 '�'�7�&E�ORE IT I5 �Y • � . . ' ; ,.., . '4.,;; � ' ', M r " M�?TUALLY A�REL� • - ' . ,: ; -'� j�; ,;il � +�f �I j . . . , , , �U. , � , • � ' � � , �• . , , , . , . , ; � � , `�� „ �: �;��,; ; ,�� i�, f�lha� �tha el3gamai�� taodi�icatfon wil�' ba m�de�eC�no��ct�anga �iu pricmi ' ;:i ' "� �:;_'' '; ;�I ; • ' • � � • . . , . . .. . ,. . , , . � . . . , ,. .. . .;, '!:' . ,:�� � ' �� �hat the menholm (M,�nhole Ida. 5) fo� �he �tormwoter draina$a on �ha 54 inch ���� ��.: i�� , � �;�I� �'storc�a s�r will be construct�d fox the addi�ionr�l sum'og �632:54 ' � � � ,; , , .� ,� ,{ i . . , ,.' I;' �i,�,'',� �I. T'ha� tha manhole tl�enhole Pdo. 4� For ti�a,ewnnac�io� of �he es3eting t2,inch '�' , '; i ,, '� .�� ; �' ae�it�sry �ov@r in �1abash Avenu@ �o tha �ew 15 inch sanit�ry sew�r wili be aone�svct�d � '; ' ' � �'�'�' � ��for t�Q'mddAtionB! surn of �862.50 ell �s s�own on' Revised A2ignmant Drswing Alo. 3270. ' ! , '� ����;'� +asad 1Dre��� 3111, revAs�d, connecCio� to ex�sting ebaf�.� Struatura � 4nd 3, aouth of � . ��� ��j '�;1+!�; Wabash Awa�rwe � , , ;; ' �,' a� � �� ',I;ii;��;,. ,,� , Drarr3ng 31�2, rav4.sed� �+truc�uxe TVo. 3 � • �, ' � � ' , � , '`'�; ��' ' '� �� ��� ` Dra�ing 3195 MEinhola I�o. 4 ' ' '� ;`� � ;�i�, ,f � , � . , , , � ,, .lil���" ''. . , ,� , Drawing 1736'• • &Janhole No. 5 � • , ' �; , , ' , ' 'l ;,�:�!..�� , �� Drewing 3113� revis@d. S�re:�ture No. 6 •� ' � , �;; '�� ';��;1�.'` •`' ' ' Dzawin 3ll�a 'revised Stzuc�ura Ato: " `r; ' `I 8 . . 7'. ooruiention to asistin� aaw�ar iu � , .�,I �`�1..;,"„����,*tYastis 5�roaC, north o� 4labash Avera��� ,. ..,.,. . . . � � ; . I ,, . , , - , '' .,G. �. _.. . . _ _. _._._� 19: 1 � . i ii:'.if.�,�' � • ' . . • a . . � � ' � i ' 1 .i� 1 I, • , •,�l �r�il ' � , ' , • � � • ` • , ' . ' . � ' •', � - ,ii • , • � , ♦ � , �A . � ' � , �, • , + ' i . , ' , . i . • � . ' . r • � . � _ � _ ' , � , 1 ;,I � ' ` � � �.,, � ..... , ' ` • ,. . . I , �. ' CITx OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � ''��"�•� � , ' �� � , � � • � I `"" � CONTRACT CHANGE AGREII�IENT ' � N0. 3 . � � �� �;' • � - , �., , , , ' PROJECT N0. 64��•�60A CONTRACT N0. L•6�1'7 .CONTRACTOR Michi�an Sewer C,�at. Cp. ;' , • ' ;ti� � PROJECT DFSCRIPTION ST. A19T�� PARK SFORM WATffit..RSLIE�" SEWSR SYSTffi�'! ' `� � . . �� � ,.� , . . . , � • ;, � : „��I�l��''. . � ' � � ,I � M. .� accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the•City of Saint Paul, the Commisaioner �:i ', of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of ent and � ��� paym pricea . ,,, , for items listed in the changes 'described below, nnt�+otherwiae 'included��in'the•��ontract, �; ' �;! �i are the.�reaeonable ;cost$ o£;those �3.tems�for additione'to,'or dedu�tiona.from,the contract. ,,� � ,� , • . � '. �.� . f•��.: ` � ,�;��.�. � "�. ' . �,; , �. ,i , , , , .� ' i ''1:� ,I . � �D��r:�� ,'� . 1 . ' j ,, ,1':�:i ',�.��'',,,,; , ;'� . i I , j,, I,� • . � ' '� � � I�I , .� ' . �� :1' �, , ^� , ; , i4?!i..,. �� � ' � ' . ' ;� :II � , , � i.: ; `;� . ,��, ' : � , ' :l',''' ',', '� ' • , ,�;1 ,��,' , . . S$iF9i`11�R5►'. ' ' � ' ` ' 4 ;��,�.,';, �� � }. ,I, . , , ��: . . . . . . , , . �•; . ��'' �If' •i 'i! . '� ' � ' " .•.',i �. �i ' :t� r � .���';; , ; ',,f :. •i'� ,:1, I �� . � � , � � � ' � = �{ � ,. ; , . ili�� ;� �,, ; .. . �Manho 1@' Na.,,.4 •� Sas�ftarq;sawe�e,:s��nact�.on , � � $ 862.50 ,:�';,�,�;; ,�,,�'� '�'�;,� ,, � � , ;'� 1�::� • ,• . , . . „ . . • ..�� �i I �J�� '� �:�i� � ' '(. ; � .1 ',�1' 1 ' . ' .�. : , :. • ' . .�'_ �: ;���I': .� � ,' �' �� . ':���+ . . I �+� .. ';I� , ,,: �Manhola Ro. S,-.�,Stotm,a��a��� �¢w��r connecCiom,•,.,; ,; b32.50; �•� ���, , . � ,� . . ., �,I �,: , �, . . .. ,. ....�...._ . . � . , ,:� -u � �� ;�; Tota� 8ddi�ions..,Cox��rect C,hr��o AgreeffiQnt No. �3 �- $x,495.00, . , ,••,��•� :c ' . , ; , ,��; � , ' 1 'i�� �i� � , ' �; , .i .� ,�� . � .i�i j', � „ � • � 1�. ; i' �., , i. , ' ". �� •����; � � �. . � '•!�' . . '�� � "� 1� ,_ . ,I � . . . � � . �. � , �� ��`. , � :� ' . � � 't' . . i.i� I . , I , � � 1 ,i • This ,�dd3�iona3�'�oun�`'Co bp�finarieec� �e� folloivss. `' ";:��� ' � � ,.� . . . , ,`�. �.t� , � '! � ' � , � � ' • ' . �� , . ' • �. � , , , � ., � � i��• j�r� . � ' ,� ' '' I ' ' , , : ,''i Ci�y shera t60�)� ; ��� O� �S'C''—Y�'� t ' $897:00 '� ' . _!� �; L „� ,, , ;. � , � . , ~,�. • . , , ; �' .�� ,��� ,• , � i .'; i I` �� ; ��8 ' ' 't4Ux)��a��,pa�� '�� � . . , ...�$4328 :t ':��;�,�, , ' � �; . �,��„� � �' - :� ' , l;,,�f: ��, , SCr3 .,., hara ., . ., ;.,,. . ��raaruen�,:No. .. . � . :,. , �$598.00, ,. � ,•' ; . .� `, ''� � , : ,. � �, • � . . ? � ,� ,� ' ' ' '� � '''f :, � .� i; ' '���7 � . .. :i � „t ' ; , ��i ':i�.,l .,� i, ��.� ;. ..i �i. ti.�j .�, . � ,S �� i i .r ',i�'s ,�n - � �i � •• , i , .i,}. ''�. , ' : ' ' , , , � � I . � ' i �`. ,','. , , +. .. ',I �. ' �: 4 . . ' i � � , ; j '� , � ! � � , .I� � 'y '�, ' , . ; ; �,� ...I- .;_ :1� , . • , . , . , , , . � , . . �i�, i���' �, h ,. � . ' .•i ' , ;,r� 'l: •'� ...i ! . r . •i � i7l .��ii�1�' f '� 4liit� •� .� �. �� � , . � x �'�' � `,'. . . . � , � �a , i . ' lln�'�.: . � 11• I � � � , .�i1 � ;' ;�: �.'1:�, ', 't�1� .1'1��.� � , 1 �•. �. ,'�1 � . 1 � ' ,' . . _ r ' i � 'j i � ���.11 S� j '. . ', t � I 1 � ,1\ i ,� !� � �, ' , , _ , • � � • ,' • , , � ' . �,-! ,. ��' . �i�� . . ; , �' � '� .� � �� ' 1 � .�� � � ! � . � .... � . � :i . . 1: �. .. , .� . ' � . .��,� � � i � � i: ��. 1 �• � � ' i �� {�'r�� i d' ' , _ . ., � .ri ' �� � � � . . i i ' tl�•� � �.',�` , '! � _i �t' �j' ' ��'�.�!�1i�1 ''' i � ' �',� . ? , ,il� � � , . , . . . � . , 1 �� ' ' ;� ,i 4'' � • i,j � � � ' � ��,�, i ���', ' . � , .. . � � • ' . y���: .�� � . ����; � .. . , . ' ��i .. , ' , , ,. . , . , ' ,1 � r �i � , ' � � � ,: ' �� — 'i'1 t L�J � � i.�, � ;. ;�,, . ' ' �i • � . . � . � . ' . ' . . � �I ' /• ' . �' . i�: ' ' , 1; . ,,J . �l ,.� , 'i P,1� , , � , '� � il� , , , ' 4 , �• 'I ;�.I,, . . � , .. , . .� } ., ', � . � �� li i t . � , , ' .'; ,• . ., , � T ' , � ` ��! :fli' � ��' . .i� , It �i�i;� , � � ' j I�1 , � . , ;_.�' I��;� , � i :! � i � ,. '��!jl n�.ti . ' t �V ;;;i: +�'�� �c.�-,�--,�-� � � lg �.� • . Michigen S��ar Consti. Co. ' 19 .,�.. ,� ` .ns ruction Engineer Cont act !r I,' ' '`-/ . � - , ; . � �s � � ,�'�; ,,�. , _ L��19�.y••- By ��-�f--19� �'� '��� Chief En� � . . � �� ` .Dasp�T� J. .Nl�t,:ha�Fl , � . ''� 1 , � �� � _ ,. '1 �, , . . , . , Czty C :r3p�trz•a���x • . . .,�. , Co�miss � �:._/ ' ],9 ' �_,:rl. �" •i:"li=c.r�, l' r-' 19 G,if'_' ' '�1 "'� ,,�eputy Commis oner . G�� � omptr.oll.er _,.......,! i • , , �� �13�}3x:Ey Coza�tafa•oi.lEi� + � ' Original (White) � � �' Duplicate (Canary) ' � Triplicate (Pink) , Quadruplicate �(Blue� , .� , , • ' `, � 'Po Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Construction E�gineer, , � � ' DUrLIGATE TO rRINTEIQ 23�0�9 . • - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. ,_ .�-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�ONER Bobert �. P�ter�on - -- ' � - DATE ' _ Wh�rea�. /ldditicaa vhi+ch �ig6t pra�s t�o b� nea�s�ar�r in the Isprov�asnt d�sarib�d ' a� S',�. l��4l1? P�AIE STORM �i�T$it �tELIII' SEiiB� g?�T�1. Ca■ptroli�r'c Contract L-6717� Michigan �awr Constrt�ction �papauy, Contractqr. iaave basn providid for in th� �pecifications� and " �r��4. It has bt�n found ea�c�saar�r to �ak� the followit�� eddf.tsonsz ADD�?�011$ � p�r atta�h�d Contract Chao� l�r�nt f1o. 3 � 1,495.00 - � . , • � . . , . ' � Aa per attach�d Contract Chang� A�r��nt No. 4 7.162.�1 Aa p�r attached Contract �hange A�rersnt iio. 3 6,�35.96 �_ T�?AY. 11�T ADD�TIOI�� - �14�793.47 and � fih�reas, Th� total addition i� �14,793.47 a�nd th� Co�ission�r o£ Pabiic Norka tus egr��d vit� �hs Contractor tliat tlie a�ount of �1��'�9�.�i� i� tha corr��ct aaa to ba add�d to said contract� thersfoxe be it R��olv�d, Tiut ths City of �t. ��ai�l� thsougti ie� Cit� Gotiucil appro��m th� for�going additioas �adi in'�ucotrdaac• with th� 8p�cific�tions in tha setw of �14.793.47� said ��ount to b� addsd Co tht ltnq� at�w consid�ration a�d in et� conCraet, larown ae Co�ptrolld�r's Cvntract L-6717, and Which uoun� is to ba paid as folloWas � Bond Fund 7210� Codm SR-22 �8,876.0� binne4ots qigbway DepartNat Agrees�nt #S!432� �f5�917.38 . �d�� �19��, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9_ Yeas Nays ' Carlson ��� �°l��] Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson 0 Mayor ��� A gainst . Mr. President, Byrne �22