236064 ` + ' 1 ���0�� ORIGINAL TU CITY CLERK ^ ' �e j ��: �� "CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. S " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF __ Tdhereas, The CounciT of the City of Saint Paul has duly canvassed the return of votes cast at the City Special Flection held in said city� on the 5th day of December, 1967, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 691 of Minnesota Laws for 1967, on , the approval or re�ection of the following question: �- "Shall the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sundays be authorized in the City of Saint Paul, subject to applicable state laws�", arid Whereas, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that 54,52L� electors voted in favor of the approval of the authorization of the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sundays and 17,438 electors voted against the approval thereof, and Whereas, Chapter 691 of Minnesota Laws for 1967 provides that the Sunday sale of intoxicating liquors shall not be permitted unless first authorized by the ma,jority of the voters of the city voting on the question; therefore, be it Resolved, that the proposed authorization of the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sundays in the City of Sai. nt Paul, sub3ect to applicable state laws, is hereby declared to have received the necessary ma�ority of the votes cast on the questi on, azd theref ore to have been authorized and approved, and be it ' Further Resolved, That a certified copy of th�.s resolution, signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, sh.all be filed with the Secretary of State of the State of M innesota, and a. certifisd copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor and• the City Clerk, be recorded with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey, County, State of Minnesota. - , APPR � - psst.��`P° ration Counse� / COUNCILMEN $i9�a Adopted by the Council��� i9_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish �EG � 196� ' � � Approved 19— Holland � Meredith jn Fav_or Peterson � • Mayor 9'�e� A gainst Mr. President, Byrne pUBL1SHED DEC 16196�' � �22 _ , : � ' •_: -„ • - , , ` _ - _ . ' - _ • _ ,. . _ ' .� . y , , ,- , . ,_ , . _ . rr`"�.+'� _ • � _ ' = -• ` , - _ _ • ' ` � - '- ' , � , . - ' -. _ -' - .. - - . ' � ' - . . ' - -,• ' � - ° • y . . � - .. � , . _> '' - _ �- " �i - • . . - ',. _ _ -. - . ' , . , � � . . - ` - . " , � ,� F ., - " _. � - - ` , � _ ; • , - - - . . , . � . - „ - , . _ ., _ _ , - - - __ , , ' . - - � . t � , . � u . r ` • - . . � . _ ' . 4 � - � � • i " - ' �_ " - - �• _� � . � � ' ' _ - - _ _ . C � : . . . • ` ' _ � • T ^ . ., , " • • T• . .. T " • _ ' t_ • + t` ' , ~ , I � _ . . • ' _ _ • • ' • ` , _ • � - ' , . . . . _� ~ : * �CCeIIlbez'�llt: 1�7 , � _ � . .z _ - . - . . , _ . ... . - } -_ -, , � - . . , _ . . . i, . -_ : �. •-- -` ` � - - _' .. .l ... . � � ' e . _ _ - - w, _ - � . • _ _ _ ._ ' _ . • .i � � • ' � � _. _ � - _� _ . � , � - . ' -. • ' -' � , . � - . _ • � _ - - . � - � , - . • , . • ' ' s` • • � > y - . � ' • - _ . ' � ' _ • ' . •�� • � - � . ' . . . ' - �. � H�n: Joscsp�- L. Dr�n4va� . . - .. - . : . _ �. - ' �- . . , , secreta�y°of 8tst� �- � - � � - � , � ' � • ' � � � . ; - ' . - , - . Sta�e Cagi�kol. -� , � - ;." _ • � .. - . ' , • - ' - -. . yt'. Pciu�.t Mix�n��cts �'�- ' . � . � . __ _ _ - - � _ . . - , _ +. . � � ' � - - _ • •j _ _ . - L . . � Detir 33.�; - , __ • -. , - -� " - - ' ' ,, -.__ _ . • . _ _ - . E�c�.o�ed h�rew3th, So�r ��1,ing�' in c�r o i�t e: carti�led cR3py of-es � -� � - - . . resoluti�n of the` �t. Patzl� i1� _ nci3. File �o. 23�0�� -.' ' ,. ._ , - - �declaring that �,uthbM2�tt ot the e o toxicating �.iquoa�a an ' �- . � � �, �u�day�:�e.s rece�yed n�ce �y a�e,�os�i of�the votes �a�t d�t�� special : _ -� _ • �l,ect�.ori�he2.d: orr�A�C�be tt�, lq6fi. " - - � . - • . � : �- . � - - -- - _.� H3�.3, y'o� pl�ase ack�awled _ e.c�ipt' a=�cdFY df ou:� l�tte� �� tr8,�a- . -. • , ._ " - rni:tt�], qand r�t me4 . • � � , , , - ` . . - . . - ' -- . " . , • .-� - : . - � . �:_ -_ ` Yezy' truly��ra�z�a, � � - - ' , , . • _ , l . .. ' ` ' . i- ' ' , • y - . '- - . _ - . : _ - ' .. _ .`1 . _ . , - � City �tirk - _ . ' _. - . . A% . _ ° - . . -. � .-�, y- • . _ � � . • -- � , ,_ . , , , _ . - ,_ - _ , , - � - � - _ _� - , , - . � . , - - ,� : •i. . • - * , - , ' _ . _ _ . ' . . � •, �- � � _ , ' . ` � _ - - : ` - .-� • . _ ;., ` �_. _ - � - , - ' ' - . � . t ` - ' . � f ' -. - . - " � ' . . - � � � - - � - � ^ - ' � � - � - , _ . -•, : � . • - . .- . _ - - , '_ _' . -., , � _ _ - - - . _ � - . _ - � _ �, �- . , - - . �.. _ - - � _ - • . . , � _ , - . _ , , � .. � . " � ' f . ^ ^ � ^ _ ` . ' . ` _ ' . ti � DU►LIGATE TO rRINTER ' • • ` ��" ���� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. r ' �` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF - Whereaa, The Counail of the City of Saint Pa,ul has duly Qan.vassed the return of votea cast at the City Speaiel Eleation held in said a3ty on the 5th dQy o�' December, 1967, pursuant to the provis3.ons of Cha.ptar 691 of Minnesota Lawa for 1967, on the a�proval or re�ection of the following questions 'ghall the sale of intoaica�ing liquors on 3undaya be authorized in the City of Saint Paul, sub�ect to appliQable state laws?", and Whereas, It appeara from said returns and the aanva�e thereoF tna.t 54s5� elector$ voted in favor of the approval of the authorizat on of the sa.le of intoaicating liquors on 3undays and 17,�.38 eleators voted against the approval thereof, and Whereas, Chapter 691 of Minnesota Laws for 1967 prov3dee that the Sunday sale of intoxicat3.ng liquors shall not be permitted unlesa first authorized by the m�3ority of the voters of the aity voting on the question, therefore, be it Regolved, that the proposed �.uthorizetion of the sale of intoaicating liquors on Sunslays in the City of SaLnt Paul, sub�ect to applicable atate la.ws, i� hereby dealared to have received ths neQessary ma3ority of the votes cast on the quest3on, s1d therefore • to have been authorized and approved, and be it Further Resolved, That a certified aopy of this resolution, signed by the I�yor and �he Cit� Clerk, 9ha11 be filed with the Searetary of State of the State oP M innesota, and a certified aopy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor Qnd the City Clerk, be recorded with the Register of Deeda oF R�msey County, State of Minnesota. . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci �� ��9� 19— . Yeas Nays ��� 8 ��5� �' Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland � Meredith In Favor - � Peterson n Mayor , �ed��to' ��J A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �za i y • F • � \ ' 023 b ob Dea�er 31, 1967 Hon. Joseph L. Dona�van Secratary of State , S�ate Capitol. St. I�aul� Minnesota - .,.� Dear Sirs E�closed herewith for P311ng in your oPfice ie a certified capy of a resolu�ion of the $t. Paul City Couneil� Cauneil File No. 236064, deQlaring th�,t autherisatien of the �e1e o� intaac3cating 1lquors on Sundays has received necessaty me►�ar►l,ty oS the votes caat at a special eleation held on December 5th, 1.967. �Till you plea�e ac�a�r].adge receipt on a copy o�' our letter of tran�- mittet�. and retLn�n it �o me4 Very tru]�r ycwr�� City CLerk ' Ao/ng � 12/20/67 Above document returned as there appears to be no statutory provision for the filing thereof �rith the office of the Secretary'of State. efd ., � ,, ► , • � 7�,`- . STATE OF MINNESOTA Countq of Ramsey es. CITY OF SAINT PAUL I�------------------------HarY'Y...E...Marshalla.-------------------------------•-----City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have com ared the attached co 236064 P PY of Council File No.---._...._--•------_---•................ as adopted by the City CounciL----------Dec...8�.----•------------------19.....67------ and approved by the Mayor---------------------Dec.--8�---•------.._._._..__..19-----67------ with the original thereof on flle in my office. -------------------•-----------------•------....--•---------._...--------------------------•---------._---------._......-----..._..-•--- -----•---------------•-------------._......-•-------------••--....---•--------....__....._..---------...-------...-------------••-----•- --•---------------------------------------------------------•-•-----------•-------------•----------•-------......-----------...--------- •-------------------------------••-----•-----•----......---=-----.........--------------------------------....--••---------•-----------• •-----•--------•------------------•----...----•------------•---------------------..........------------------------•----...----...--••-- � ....---.._.._...........................�.--------......._.__...--•---------------------•---------.....-------••--......._....-------• _.-----------•------------------------------•---------------=--••------•-------...._....----------------..........------•-----._.--•-- --------------------------------------------••---•-----------...•--••-•-------------•---------•-------_..---._.....----.....-------.. .._.....................:.....•---------------------•-----------------•----•-----------------------...--------•-•-•------•--•-•-------- I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of eaid original and the whole thereof. , WITNE,SS mq hand and.the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.. this_...._._8th..----••-------da -- -- ----Dec._._ ----.A. D 9------67 Y ----•-- -••--._ . . �O ----------------- -��--- ----- -- .. .- ---- ---- •• - ----- ity Clerk. ! • .. • a. - . �t�f������ r .ORIGIN�L TO CITY CLERK ' , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,- �RESENTED BY ` ./ DATF - COMMISSIONE i , '`-- Whereas, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has duly canvassed the return of votes cast at the City Special Election hald in said city on the 5th day of December, 1967, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 691 of Minnesota Laws for 1967, on , the approval or re jection of the folloi�ring question: " "Shall the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sundays be . authorized in the City of Saint Paul, subject to applicable state laws?", and Whereas, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that 54,5�4 electo�s voted in favor of the approval of the - authorization of the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sundays and 17,438 electors voted against the approval thereof, and ' ,. � Whereas, Chapter 691 of Minnesota Laws for 1967 provides that - the Sunday saie oi inLOxicaLing liquors shall not be permitted unless first authorized b� the majority of the voters of the city voting on the question, therefore, be it , . Resolved, that the proposed authorization of the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sundays in the City of Sa� nt Paul, sub�ect to applicable state laws, is hereby declared to have received the necessary ma3ority of the votes cast on the question, az d therefore to have been authorized and approved, and be it � Further Resolved, That a certified copy of this resolution, � signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, shall be filed with the 'Secretary of State of the State of r7 innesota, and a"�certified copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, be recorded with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. ° ' " pPP? ��E � . - - k� f �� . - oration Couns�4 . Asst.Gor P . . , • � , ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council��-��`� �' ���� 19— � Yeas Nays Carlson i�-, � ar�S� �_� Dalglish , Approved 19— Holland . . ' � . . . Meredith ' ' In Favor • Ma or - Peterson � � . _-.:,r_-�,.._ . Y �'.-TeBes.co Against .}� �,�- Mr. President, Byrne , �,�'` k�=��5;� � . •��`�4. h _ �•.��{V � . ��.,r.r � - �i'"��� � �22 .,1 � •}� - . � . . _,�. --,;,, ;F;�._�,- � w a N'{ - �Ee� x��8�� � •~ V , � F � STATE OF MINNESOTA � County of Ramsey es. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � . Harr�_E. Marsha.11J-----•------•-----------•------....City Clerk I+.............�---------------•------ ,� • of the City of Saint Paul, Minneaota do hereby certify that I have � �'— 236064 � compared the attached copy of Council File No................._..._..._..._______. � _... t"� as adopted by the City Council__.__...._....._.Dec.--8,--------------•----19--•-.67------ = and approved bq the Mayor..---------•-•------------Dec-'•--8-'-----------•-------19...--67-•---- c� W ° with the original thereof on flle in my office. � -------------------------------------•-=-•--------------------•--•------------------------•••-----------------••---------------------.. C� C'''3 --------•---------------------------------=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- w c� Q • --------------------°-----------------------•----------------------°-°---°°-------...-----------------------°---------°---------- � • � ------•--------------------------°--•--...--------------------------°--------.._......--•-•••-------------------------•--------------- � . �� .� •--------------------•-----.._._...---------•------------.....---...------------....-----°°-------•--------°------------••--....----- 0 0 � ._-----°------_-------------------------•----------•----•---------------------•---------°---------._.....°----------.....---------- °---------------°----°-------•--------..__........---•------......._..-------.....---------°-----•----°--------....------•--------• ------------°-------•---------•----------------------°-•--------------------------...------•-----°----•--------------•------------- ------°-------------°------------°°---------------•----.......----------------------------------°-------------•-------•-••------- , , -----------_....---°----°°--------------------•-----°--•------•------------°----....---------------°--•-••-•---.........------- ,,��`,� 't' �t�t�� I further certify that said copq is a true and correct copy of f�,�f � ��,�.:,� p����ti� �'�r3��_,�, ��.����� . ;+ ���,;�h.p�•'� •r���,���.�;�'�"���,��Irsaid original and the whole thereof. �• Is� ,} `�R,'�' ���'� ' ' f�'���"�.:� , .:���R t3f�� �,.. :��f, �'r'.,1, .� 3f�.;r• ti '�'.. ,J � t���� F �� r� . . ��;� ,� '���,��� WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.. �7��'x� ��k�� �; �" •4�,- �� �: . }�� F �f., 3't •�". �Y.. "!�• `"� 4 ��.��� � ,�� ;r<,;:�_ ,��".� �r�, f ���s 8th. Dec. 6 ��' •,�f5���4 4 t�4 i .��-. �' 4;�this-------------•-----•----------..day o -------. .__.....-- -••- --.A. D f9-------•- _ .�r�.^ y �F.l,���i �t�r�- 1 f ���. �': Ir' y��i�r� ri,�}1>...,+��.r , f�- ; ;J �� '`#`, �;�t'`t����.;��' r ' � .�:,; . ' ,y, �'`>:a;�5`K{� i �"1� f � ,�. r 55 t��:�{t..:�=��`��`j'��;;.R� �,. a�;�! ;�o',r�;�O •-- --_...._..... Ci - --erk.- --- - .. __ .. ,1�,.,tirt, ."'�b, ti' 11. p�, r� �� � q'1'�F.�, -t+' a .µ •� Y,�! y, a,+ ,.��� ?zjp�', �;t, ��r4J +,�y.;.�.14..u;° t�'°�« �, '>;..:�,� ������t' ���t ��r•�+���a. +.c.v...:.� , t r� _ h� � b87 � UU.Ut,� SRCE � r ` �r •^'/' ,'Q^Ae�///�111 •V OR�GINAL TO CITY CLCRK ;J����`J • 'I'� : ,. �• CITY OF ST. PAUL � F�EN��� N O. � �� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' � ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM .- � � - . � . �RESENTED 8Y � DATF - COMMISSIONE ' Y� � . . � _�- � . � `�'� Whereas, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has duly '�` cannassed the return of votes cast at the City Special Election '���� held in said city on the 5th day of December, 1967, pursuant to wr�. ;���, the provisions of Chapter 6.91 of Minnesota L'aws for 1967, on � ..� , the approval or re�ection of the follo�aing question: - "Shall the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sundays be authorized in the City of Saint Paul, subject� to, applicable state laws�", and � � ' Whereas, It appears from sa`id returns an'd the canvass thereof � that 54,521-I. electors voted iri favor of the approval of the �`�'� authorization of the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sundays and Q ?73�-38 electors voted against trez apx�rova.l thereof S and ` _ °- ' Whereas, Chapter 691 �of Minnesota Laws for 1967 provides that lCJ the Sunday sale of intoxicating liquors shall not be permitted unless � � first authorized by the ma�ority of the voters of the city voting � on the question, therefore, be it ..� Resolved, that the proposed authorization of the sale of o intoxicating liquors on Sundays in the City of S�. nt Paul, sub3ect `� to applicable state laws, is hereby declared to have received the necessary majority of the votes cast on the questi on, azd theref ore to have been authorized and approved, and be it Further Resolved, That a certified copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, shall be filed with the Secretary of State of the S�ate of I�Z innesota, and a certified copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, be recorded with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. , ' p,PPR `�f� ' . � . . �� ��� Corporation Counsc4 : � . Asst. . . COUNCILMEN p Y �`���'° � ���� Ado ted b the Council -�=-�=' 19— Yeas Nays , Carlson . ' ��.��' P ��5� Dalglish � , Approved 19— Holland . ' � - . Meredith ' •' —Zn Favor ' - Peterson � � • Mayor ' ��T�"etlesco Against Mr. President, Byrne • - � . • . � �zz . �� , F � ' • � RETURN IN 5 DAYS TO � JOSEPH L. DONOVAN ---- --- - ' - � �z�_J`. P NS P,9�!v �;,�'� ' � SECRETARY OF STATE ?� ST. PAUL, MINN. 55101 '�'"" �� U.S.P�STAGE �' � � , -• � °�� DEC20'67 ��=i , �. �� �- � 05 : �. : 3 " � �I��" METER PB.�9��ouL-1: Mr. Harry E. Marshall � ' C�.ty. C1erk ' . 386 City Hall St. Pau1, Minn. 55102 , _ �.� . , � ...�� w�� { •, i