05-387Presented By: Council File # Green Sheet# RESOLUTION OF $�UNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To: Committee: Date , z 3 4 5 s � s s io a� iz 13 74 75 16 17 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 �� W HEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services is seeking a grant to purchase washer(extractors, positive pressure ventilation fans, forcible entry kits, extrication equipment, three thermal imaging cameras, cardiovascular fitness equipment, personal protective equipment, and audio-visual recording and production equipment for training purposes, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is required to pay a 20% matching fund contribution of $99,999.00, and W HEREAS, upon receipt of this grant, the City is obligated to appropriate the grant amount of $400,000.00, and NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an application for the City of Saint Paul's Department of Fire and Safety Services to apply for the 20�5 Assistance to Firefighters Fire Act Grant, a copy of said application is to be kept on file and of record in the O�ce of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: Adopted byCouncil: Date y �d0 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � Approved by�l�yor: Date `c.� " `��' By: � Approval By: _ For� By: � by Director of Financial Services: by City Attorney: Mayor foc OS-3$ 3026156 �� „�-- _ � 05- 3�S � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet „; � .. _ _ . . , . . ,.. . _ .. DepartrneMlofficelcouncil: Date Initiated: FR -�;re ,�-�R-0S Green Sheet NO: 3026156 Contad Person 8� Phone: Deuartment SeM To Person lnitiallDate Chief Douglas A Holton � 0 re ” � < ��n ASSigf1 1 're D ar[mentDirector Must Be on Council qqenda by (Date): Number Z � �� �/ For �� 3 a r's Offic Ma or/ASSi nt Order 4 oncil 5 i erk � C�er Total # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: To appzove the attached CouncIl Resolution auffiorizing the Deparhuent of Fue and Safety Services to apply for the 20Q5 Assistance to F'uefighters Fue Act Cnant. Recommendafions: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service CoMrads Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? . CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? � 1'es No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Department of Fire and Safety Services is applying for assistance to purchase washer/extractors, posirive pressure ventilation fans, forcible enhy kits, extrication equipment, three thermal vnaging, cameras, cardiovascular fimess equipment, personal protective equipment, and audio-visual recording and production equipment for 4aining puxposes. A requirement of this grant includes a 20°/a match by the City of Saint Paul. AdvantageslfApproved: � The Department of Fire and Safety Services will be able to promote firefighter safety tUrough the purchase of new equipment and provide a better level of service to the community. Disadvantages If Approved: � None. ��������� . 2F� DisadvaMages If Not Approved: L.ost opporhmity to secure funding to promote firefighter safety. ���OA ��yy-�-� p���s 3 9 0 �t K ToWI Amount of 499999 CosuRevenue Budgeted: y Trensaction: � ��-"i q°°'F,,��^a^.r^r A°,^�$+�p Funding Source: GfBnt Activity Number: � Financial lnformat9on: Fedexal Shaze $400,000.00 ��� � � (Exp�ain) City Share $ 99,999.00 Total $499,999.00 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Entire Application d �' 3�,� Overview Page 1 of 31 Are you a member, or are you currentfy involved in the management, of the fire department or non-affiliated EMS organization applying for this grant with this application? Yes, I am a membedofficer of this applicant If you answered No, please oompigte the information below and press the Save and Continue bUttOfl. If you answered Yes, please do �ot complete the information requested below and press the Save and Continue button. Note: If you answered No to the above question, the fields marked with an • are required. Preparer Information * Preparer's Name � Address 1 Address 2 � City • State , Zip ° Is there a grant-writing fee associated with the preparation of this request? If you answered yes above, what is the fee? $ https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/appiication/print_app jsp?print=mxe&app_numbex=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Contact Information ' Title Prefix * First Name Middle fnitial ; Last Name • Business Phone ;Home Phone Mobile PhonelPager Fax •Emaif ' Title Prefix • First Name Middle Initial � Last Name � Business Phone �Home Phone Mobile Phone/Pager Fax *Email Alternate Contact Information Number 1 Assistant Chief Mr. Dave J Pleasants 651-228-6212 E�. 651-775-9883 Ext. dave.p leasants@ci.stpaul.mn.us Alternate Contact Information Number 2 Chief Mr. Douglas A Holton 651-222-0477 Ext. 651-775-0110 E�. 651-228-6255 douglas. holton @ci.stpau I. m n. us Page 2 of 31 hrips://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/application/print_app jsp?print=true&app_numbe�EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Page 3 of 31 Applicant Information Q� _3 � � EMW-2005-FG-18547 Originally submitted on 04/08/2005 by Ken Gilliam (Userid: spdfss) Contact Information: Address: 100 East 11th Street City: Saint Paul State: Minnesota Zip: 55101 Day Phone: 651-224-7811 Evening Phone: 651-430-9787 Cell Phone: 715-790-1176 Email: ken.gilliam@ci.stpaul.mn.us Application number is EMW-2005-FG-18547 Organization Name ° Type of Applicant •Type ofJurisdiction Served If other, please enter the type of Jurisdiction � Emqloyer ldentification Number � Does your organization have a DUNS Number? If yes, please enter the DUNS Number Headquarters Physicai Address 3 Physical Address 1 Physical Address 2 • City ° State Zip Maifing Address • Mailing Address 1 Mai{ing Address 2 � City ° State • Zip Account Information � Type of bank account Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services Fire Department City 41-6005521 Yes 153857347 100 East 11th Street Saint Paul Minnesota 55101-2227 Need helo for ZIP+4? 100 East 11th Street Saint Paul Minnesota 55101-2227 Need helo for ZIP+4� Checking � Bank routing number - 9 diqit number on the bottom left hand 091000022 corner of your check •Your account number 180111054532 Add ition al I nformation � For this fiscal year (Federal) is yourjurisdiction receiving Federai funding from any other grant program that may duplicate the purpose andlor scope of this grant request? No If awarded this grant, will your jurisdiction expend greater than https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=hue&app_nuxnber=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Applicarion Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 $300,000 in Federal share funds during the Federal fiscal year Yes in which the grant was awarded? ° Is the applicant delinquent on any federal debt? No If you answered yes to any of the additional questions above, piease provide an explanation in the space provided below: The amount requested by this grant has a federai share in excess of $300,000. Page 4 of 31 aS-� 87 https:/lportal.fema.govlfiregranUjspJfire2005lapplicationlprint_app jsp?prinrtrue&app numbe�EMW-20... 04/18J2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Department Characteristics (Part I) ' Are you a member of a Federal Fire Department or contracted by the Federal govemment and solely responsible for No suppression of fires on Federal property? ` What kind of organization do you represent? tf you answered combination, above, what is the percentage ofi a � o career members in your organization? ' What type of community does your organization serve? Urban ° What is the square mileage of your primary response area? 55.44 � What percentage of your response area is protected by �00 % hydrants? • In what county/parish is your organization physicaliy located? If you have more than one station, i� what county/parish is your Ramsey County main station located? • Does your organization protect critical infrastructure of the Yes state? * How much of your jurisdiction's land use is for agriculture, wild 37 0 � 0 land, open space, or undeveloped properties? t What percentage of yourjurisdiction's land use is for commercial, industrial, or institutionai purposes? • What percentage of your jurisdiction's land is used for residential purposes? x How many commercial, industrial, residentiai, or institutional structures in yourjurisdiction are more than four stories tall? • What is the permanent resident population of your primary/First Due Response Area or jurisdiction served? • How many active firefighters does the department have who pertorm firefighting duties? • i-tow many personnel provide only EMS service delivery? x How many stations are in your organization? All Paid/Career 28 % 35 % 344 287151 404 0 16 Page 5 of 31 • Do you currently report to the National Fire Incident Reporting yes Sysfem (NFIRS)? if you answered yes above, pfease enter your FDIN/FDID 62210 • What services does your organization provide? Structural Fire Suppression Wildland Fire Suppression Airport Rescue Firefighting (ARFF) Medicai First Response Basic Life Support Advanced Life Support Hazmat Operational Level Hazmat Technical Level Rescue Operational Level Rescue Technical Leve� hrips://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=hue&app_number—EMW-20... 04/18/2005 AppiicationNumber: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Department Characteristics (Part II) � What is the totai number of fire-related civilian fatalities in yourjurisdiction 10 over the last three years? � What is the total number of fire-related civilian injuries in yourjurisdiction 120 over the last three years? ° What is the total number of line of duty member fatalities in yourjurisdiction 0 over the last three years? • What is the totai number of line of duty member injuries in your jurisdiction over the last three years? � In an average year, how many times does your organizafion receive mutual(automatic aid? • In an average year, how many times does your organization provide mutualiautomatic aid? ° What was your organization's estimated average annual operating budget over the last three years? * What percentage of your annual operating budget is dedicated to personnel costs (salary, overtime and fringe benefits)? ° What percentage of your annual operating budget is derived from: Enter numbers onfy, percenfages must sum up to 100% Taxes? Grants? Donations? Fund drives? Other? 677 3 357 40344531 86 % 100 % 0% 0 % 0 % 0 % Page 6 of 31 If you entered a value into Other field (other than 0), please explain °How many vehicles does your organization have in each of the categories below? Enter num6ers only and enter 0 if you do not have any of the vehicles below Total Number Engines (or pumpers): Pumper, PumperlTanker, Rescue/Pumper, Foam Pumper, CAFS Pumper, Quint (Aerial device of z2 tess than 76 fieet), Fire Boats (more thao 13 feet bng), Type I, Type II, Type III Engine, Tanker, Tender, Foam Tankerlfender (greater than 1,200 gailon tank capacity} Aerial Apparatus: Aerial Ladder Truck, Telescoping, Articulating, Ladder Towers, Platfortn, Tiller Ladder Truck, 8 Quint {Aeriai device of 76 feet or greater) BrushlQuick attack : p Brush Truck, Patrol Unit (Pick up wt Skid Unit), Quick Attack Unit, Mini-Pumper, Type IV Engine Rescue Vehicies: ftescue Squad, Rescue {Light, Medium, tfieavy), Technicai Rescue VehiGe, liazardous Materiats 3 Unit Other: EMS Chase Vehicie, Air/Light Unit, Rehab Units, Bomb Unit, Technical Support (Command, 26 Operatiortal SupportlSuppiy), Hose Tender, Salvage Truck, ARFF (Alrcraft Rescue Firefighting), CommandlMobile Communicatlons Vehlcle, Other Vehicle Provide in the space below the following information only if you are applying for a vehicle: If you have 15 emergency response vehicles or less, list all vehicles providing the type, the age, the pump capacity (GPM) if applicable, and the carrying capacity (gallons) if applicab�e. If you have more than 15 emergency response vehicles, provide us with the oldest, newest, and the average age of the vehicles per type or class of vehicle. https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/applicarion/print_app jsp?print=tnte&app_number=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Page 7 of 31 Department Call Yolume � ��� ' How filany 1'eSponSPS p@r yg8r by C2t@gory? (Enter whole numbers only: If you have no calls for any of the categories, enter 0) Structural Fires 7gZ Vehicle Fires Vegetation Fires EMS Response Call Rescue Hazardous Condition/Materiais Calis Service Calls Good Intent Ca11s/False Aiarms Other Calis and Incidents 276 177 26332 6777 760 2149 2179 571 https://portal.fema.gov/firegrant/j sp/fire2005/application/print_app.jsp?print=true&app_numbei=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Page 8 of 31 Request Information � _�g. � 1. Select a program for which you are applying. Remember, you can only apply for one program this year. You can apply for as many activities within a program as you need. Qf you modify your se�ection, you will lose data entered under the originai activity.) Program Name Operations and Safety • 2. Will this grant benefit more than one organization? Yes Ifi you answered Yes to Question 2 above, piease expiain. All equipment for our collapse team benefits the entire state of Minnesota as we are one of six designated regional collapse teams. The audio/visual equipment requested will be available for use for ali departments in our neighboring jurisdictions to use as necessary to supplment their training capabilities. Saint Paui Fire also has a long history of aiding other departments in their efforts to better themselves. This production equipment would give us another tool to provide industry leading training footage that we would gladly share with any fire service entity that requests it. Finally, ali of the additional equipment requested will increase our abilities to our mutual aid neighbors throughout the state of Minnesota. Request Details The activities for program Operations and Saffety are listed in the table below. Activity Equipment Modify Facilities Personal Protective Equipment Training Wellness and Fitness Programs Equipment Number of Entries Total Cost Additional Funding 12 $ 450,554 0 $0 4 $ 30,825 1 $ 78,620 0 $0 Equipment Details *1. What equipment will your organization purchase with this grant? Other Basic Equipment (explain) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Forcible Entry Kits: 81b. flat head axe, Haligan Other above, please specify. bar, Milwaukee strap, and lock cutting tools. A set 4or every rig in our city. '2. Number of units *3. Cost per unit *4. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Is necessary for basic operations, but has never been owned by this organization 41 (whole number only) $ 732 (whole dollar amounts only) !f you selected "replacing equipmenY' (from Q4) above, please specify the age of Select Age equipment in years. *5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: equipment will bring the organization into statutory compliance in the space General Duty Clause https://portal.fema.gov/firegrant/j sp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=tnie&app_numbet=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 provided to the right. '6. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of your organization? If yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. '7. Will the item requested benefit other organizations or othenvise be available for use by other organizations? lf you answered Yes in the question above, please expiain: Equipment Equipment Details "1. What equipment will your organization purchase with this grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. �2. Number of units *3. Cost per unit *4. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Is necessary for basic operations, but has never been owned by this organization Yes Yes QJ'�$ 7 Page 9 of 31 The item requested will enable all of our crews the ability to safely and effectively make forcible entry into a structure. This benefits our mutual aid neighbors as we become a safer and more expedientworkforce. Washer/Extractor 2 (wholenumberonly) $ 10000 (whole dollar amounts only) If you selected "replacing equipmenY' (from Q4) above, please specify the age of Select Age equipment in years. '5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this equipment will bring 1he organization into statutory compfiance in the space provided to the right. *6. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of your organization? If yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. *7. Will the item requested benefit other organizations or otherwise be available for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, please explain: Equipment Equipment Detaiis '1. What equipment will your organization purchase with this grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. `2. Number of units "3. Cost per unit *4. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Is necessary for basic operations, but has never been owned by this organization Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: General Duty Clause Multiple NFPA guidelines. Yes No Other Basic Equipment (explain) Positive Pressure Fans 14 (wholenum6eronly) $ 1428 (whole dollar amounts only) https://portal.fema.gov/firegrant/jsp/fire2005/applicarion/print_app jsp?prinrtnie&app_numbe�EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Nuxnber: EMW-2005-FG-18547 If you selected "replacing equipmenY' (from Q4) above, please specify the age of Select Age equipment in years. `5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Page 10 of 31 C�5 Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: equipment will bring the organization into statutory compliance in the space General Duty Clause provided to the right. NFPA Recommendations on the proper use of positive pressure ventilation. '6. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of your organization? If yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. '7. Will the item requested benefit other organizations or otherwise be available for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, please explain: Equipment Equipment Details *1. What equipment will your organization purchase with this grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. '2. Number of units *3. Cost per unit *4. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Yes Yes These fa�s will allow us to use positive pressure ventilation as an option during fire attacks and at other IDLH type calis. This will directly benefit our mutuaf aid neighbors as we respond to emergencies in their areas. It will also increase the abilities as the States only Haz Mat Entry Team. Thermal Imaging Devices 3 (whole number only) $ 10000 (whole doltar amounts oniy) Will increase the organization's available supply of this equipment to meet basic mission if you selected "replacing equipmenY' (from Q4) above, please specify the age of Select Age equipment in years. *5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this equipment will bring the organization into statutory complia�ce in the space provided to the right. "6. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of your organization? If yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. '7. Will the item requested benefit other organizations or otherwise be available for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, piease explain: Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: Generai Duty Clause Yes Yes These units are for use by our three rescue squad/advanced technical rescue units. These units respond statewide to haz mat and technical rescue calls. https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/application/print_app jsp?print=hve&app_numberEMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Equipment Equipment Detaifs `1. What equipmenf will your organization purchase with this grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, piease specify. '2. Number of units '3. Cost per unit '4. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Page 11 of 31 � Powered/Mechanical Extrication Tools/Equipment Various size Airbags and associated equipment. 15 (wholenumberonly) $ 644 (whole dollar amounts only) Will repface old, obsotete, or substandard equipment currently owned by this organization If you selected "replacing equipmenY' (from Q4) above, please specify the age of Over 5 Years equipment in years. *5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: equipment will bring the organization into statutory compliance in the space General Duty Clause provided to the right. `6. Does this equipment provide a heaith and safety benefit to the members of Yes your organization? if yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. '7. Will the item requested benefit other organizations or otherwise be available Yes for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, piease expiain: Equipment will be stored on 3 rescue squads that routinely respond to mutual aid and haz mat calls state-wide. Equipment Equipment Details *1. What equipment wifl your organization purchase with this grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. *2. Number of units *3. Cost per unit `4. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Powered/Mechanical Extrication Tools/Equipment Gas Powered Hydraulic Power Units 10 (whole number only) $ 6565 (whole dollar amounts only) Will replace old, obsolete, or substandard equipment currently owned by this organization If you selected "replacing equipmenP' (from Q4) above, piease specify the age of Over 5 Years equipment in years. `5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: equipment will bring the organization into statutory compliance in the space General Duty Clause provided to the right. *6. Does this equipment provide a heaith and safety benefit to the members of Yes your organization? If yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/applicarion/print_app jsp?print=hue&app_number=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Applicarion Nuxnber: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Page 12 of 31 "7. Wi{I the item requested benefit other organizations or otherwise be availabie Yes �� � � for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, please explain: Will be available statewide for mutual aid calls. Equipment Equipment Details '1. What equipment will your organization purchase with this grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. '2. Number of units '3. Cost per unit *4. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: PoweredlMechanical Extrication Tools/Equipment Electric Powered Hydraulic Power Units 3 (whole number only) $ 5572 (whole dollar amounts only) Will replace old, obsolete, or substandard equipment currently owned by this organization If you selected "replacing equipmenY' (from Q4) above, please specify the age of Over 5 Years equipment in years. '5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: equipment will bring the organization into statutory compliance in the space General Duty Clause provided to the right. *6. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of Yes your organization? If yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. *7. Will the item requested benefit other organizations or otherwise be available Yes for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, please explain: Available statewide for mutual aid responses. Equipment Equipment Details *1. What equipment will your organization purchase with this grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. °2. Number of units `3. Cost per unit *4. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Powered/Mechanicai Extrication Tools/Equipment Electric Powered Backpack Hydraulic Power Unit 3 (whole number only) $ 5198 (whole dollar amounts only) Will expand the capabilities of the organization into a new mission area If you selected "replacing equipmenY' (from Q4) above, please specify the age of Select Age equipment in years. `5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=nve&app_nuxnbei=EMW-20... 04/18/Z005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this equipment will bring the organization into statutory compliance in the space provided to the right. `6. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of your organization? If yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. `7. Wili the item requested benefit other organizations or otherwise be available for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, ptease e�cplain: Equipment Equipment Details '1. What equipment will your organization purchase with this grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. "2. Number of units *3. Cost per unit - *4. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: age 13 of 31 � �� Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: General Duty Ciause Yes Yes Units will be stored on rescuelhazmat squads and available statewide. Powered/Mechanical Extrication Tools/Equipment Hydraulic Spreaders 10 (wholenumberonly) $ 6$97 (whole dollar amounts only) Wili replace oid, obsolete, or substandard equipment currently owned by this organization If you selected "replacing equipmenY' (from Q4) above, please specify the age of Over 5 Years equipment in years. *5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: equipment will bring the organization into statutory compliance in the space General Duty Clause provided to the right. *6. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of Yes your organization? If yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. *7. Will the item requested benefit other organizations or otherwise be available Yes for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, please explain: Available Statewide for Mutual Aid response. Equipment Equipment Details *1. What equipment will your organization purchase with lhis grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. *2. Number of units *3. Cost per unit *4. Generalfy the equipment purchased under this grant program: Powered/Mechanicaf Extrication Tools/Equipment Hydraulic Cutters 10 (wholenumberonly) $ 48A8 (whole dollar amouots only) https:!/portal.fema.govlfiregranUjsp/fire2005/application/print_app.jsp?print=true&app numbei=EMW-20... 04/1812005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Page 14 of 31 Will replace ofd, obsolete, or substandard equipment currently owned by this organization �-� � If you selected "replacing equipment" (from Q4) above, please specify the age of Over 5 Years equipment in years. '5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: equipment will bring the organization into statutory compliance in the space General Duty Clause provided to the right. '6. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of Yes your organization? If yes, piease fully explain in the narrative section. '7. Will the item requested benefit other organizations or otherwise be avaiiable Yes for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, please explain: Equipment Equipment Details '1. What equipment wili your organization purchase with this grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. �2. Number of units '3. Cost per unit *4. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Available statewide for mutai aid response. Powered/Mechanical Extrication Tools/Equipment Hydraulic Lines for requested spreaders and cutters 60 (whole number only) $ 758 (whole dollar amounts oNy) Will replace old, obsolete, or substandard equipment currently owned by this organization If you selected "replacing equipmenY' (from Q4) above, piease specify the age of Over 5 Years equipment in years. *5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: equipment will bring the organization into statutory compliance in the space General Duty Clause provided to the right. *6. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of your organization? if yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. *7. Wiil the item requested benefit other organizations or othenvise be available for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, please explain: Equipment Equipment Details 1. What equipment will your organization purchase with this grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. "2. Number of units Yes Yes Available statewide for mutual aid response. Other Specialized (explain) Fitness Equipment: Treadmills and Stepmills 16 (wholenumberonly) https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUj sp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=hlie&app_number=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 ��B� Page 15 of 31 `3. Cost per unit `4. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: $ 5000 (whole doilar amounts only) Will replace old, obsolete, or substandard equipment currently owned by this organization If you selected "replacing equipment" (from Q4) above, please specify the age of Over 5 Years equipment in years. '5. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: equipment will bring the organization into statutory compliance in the space Generai Duty Clause provided to the right. NFPA 1583 fitness requirements. '6. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of your organization? If yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. '7. WiII the item requested benefit other organizations or otherwise be available for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, please explain: Personal Protective Equipment Yes Y7 Personal Protective Equipment Details *1. Select the PPE that you propose to acquire Other PPE (explain) Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Advanced Technical Rescue PPE: USAR other above, please specify. Jumpsuits "2. Number of units '3. Cost per unit 45 (Whole numbers only) $4�5 (Whole dollar amount5 only) '4. What percentage of your on-duty active members has PPE that meets 0% current applicable NFPA and OSHA standards in effect at the time of application? If you are asking for specialized equipment (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of applicable members have this specialized PPE that meets the established standards? '5. What percentage of your on-duty active members will have PPE that 100% meets current applicable NFPA and OSHA standards if this grant is awarded? If you are asking for specialized equipment (e.g., HazMat), what percentage o4 applicable members will have specialized PPE that meets established standards if this grant is awarded? '6. What is the purpose of this request? to equip first responders to handle a new mission If you have indicated you are replacing equipment (for any reason) in question Select Age 6 above, please specify the age of the equipment in years. '7. If purchasing a PASS device, what type of PASS device will you be purchasing? *8 . Is this PPE : Not applicable For use in Rescue incidents Helo *If you selected Other above, please specify. Personal Protective Equipment https://portal.fema.gov/firegrant/jsp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 ��$ 7 Page 16 of 31 Personal Protective Equipment Details '1. Select the PPE that you propose to acquire Other PPE (explain) Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Advanced Technical Rescue Team PPE: Helmets other above, please specify. `2. Number of units `3. Cost per unit 45 (Whole numbers only) $95 (Whole dollar amounts only) �4. What percentage of your on-duty active members has PPE that meets 0°fo current applicable NFPA and OSHA standards in effect at the time of application? If you are asking for specialized equipment (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of applicable members have this specialized PPE that meets the established standards? '5. What percentage of your on-duty active members will have PPE that 100% meets current applicabie NFPA and OSHA standards if this grant is awarded? If you are asking for specialized equipment (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of applicable members wili have specialized PPE that meets estabfished standards if this grant is awarded? *6. What is the purpose of this request? to equip first responders to handle a new mission If you have indicated you are replacing equipment (for any reason) in question Select Age 6 above, please specify the age of the equipment in years. '7. If purchasing a PASS device, what type of PASS device will you be purchasing? '8 . Is this PpE : Not applicable For use in Rescue incidents Helo 'If you selected Other above, please specify. Personal Protective Equipment Personal Protective Equipment Details *1. Select the PPE that you propose to acquire Other PPE (explain) Please provide further descripfion of the item selected above or if you selected Advanced Technicai Rescue Team PPE: Eye other above, please specify. Protection "2. Number af units '3. Cost per unit 45 (Whole numbers anly) $35 (Whole dollaramounts only) '4. What percentage of your on-duty active members has PPE that meets 0% current applicable NFPA and OSHA standards in effect at the time of application? If you are asking for specialized equipment (e.g., HazMat), what perce�tage of applicable members have this specialized PPE that meets the established standards? '5. What percentage of your on-duty active members will have PPE that 100% meets current applicable NFPA and OSHA standards if this grant is awarded? If you are asking for specialized equipment (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of applicable members will have specialized PPE that meets established standards if this grant is awarded? '6. What is the purpose of this request? to equip first responders to handle a new mission If you have indicated you are replacing equipment (for any reason) in question Select Age 6 above, please specify the age of the equipment in years. https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/application/print_appjsp?print=tr•ue&app_numbei=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 " Appiication Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 `7. If purchasing a PASS device, what type of PASS device will you be purchasing? *8 . Is this PPE : *If you selected Other above, please specity. Personal Protective Equipment Personaf Protective Equipment Detaiis "1. Select the PPE that you propose to acquire Piease provide further description of the item seiected above or if you selected Advanced Technical Rescue Team PPE: Boots other above, please specify. *2. Number of units '3. Cost per unit '4. What percentage of your on-duty active members has PPE that meets 0% current applicable NFPA and OSHA standards in effect at the time of application? Ifi you are asking for specialized equipment (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of applicable members have this specialized PPE that meets the established standards? '5. What percentage of your on-duty active members wili have PPE that 100% meets current applicable NFPA and OSHA standards if this grant is awarded? If you are asking for specialized equipment (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of appEicable members will have specialized PPE that meets established standards if this grant is awarded? '6. What is the purpose of this request? to equip first responders to handle a new mission � � Page 17 of31 Not applicable For use in Rescue incidents Other PPE (explain) 45 (Whole numbers only) $150 (Whole dollar amounGS only) Helo If you have indicated you are replacing equipment (for any reason) in question Select Age 6 above, please specify the age of the equipment in years. '7. If purchasing a PASS device, what type of PASS device will you be purchasing? '8 . ls this PPE : Not applicable For use in Rescue incidents Hein 'If you selected Other above, please specify. Training Program Training Details `1. Which of the following most closely describes your requested program? Other Training Please provide further description of the item selected above or If Audio Visual Equipment for Training Division. Specifics in you selected other above, please specify. project narative. *2. Generally, this program can best be categorized as (select one): instructor-led training leading to or an integral part of student certification If you answered other above, please specify. https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/application/print_app jsp?print=h�ue&app_numberEMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 '3. What percentage of applicabfe personnel will be trained by this program? *4. Generaliy, the training program provided under this grant : Will bring the organization into statutory compliance, specifically: `5. Will this training enhance multi jurisdictional capability? if you answered Yes to the question above, please explain Budget Item "Item Audio-Visual 100 % � Page 18 of 31 Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards: General Duty Clause Yes Saint Paul's Training Division is a centrally loacted site that many fire departments from around the state use to enhance their training capabilities. This A/V equipment is intended to capture the events of training evolutions and to be used for continuing eduaction, make up training and training for future staff at a far reduced price. Please provide further descripfion of the item selected above or Vf you selected other Media Editing Compufer above, please specify. Select Object Class If you selected other above, please specify ` Number of units ` Cost per unit Budget Item *Item Equipment 1 (Wholenumberonly) $ 4200 (Whole dollar amounts only) Audio-Visual Please provide further description of the item selected above or If you selected other NNGA Monitor above, please specify. Select Ob}ect C{ass if you selected other above, please specify * Number of units * Cost per unit Budget Item 'item Equipment 1 (Wholenumberonly) $ 870 (Whole dollar amounts only) Audio-Visual Piease provide fiurther description of ihe item selected above or If you selected other CD/DVD Duplicator above, please specify. Select ObjecY Ciass Equipment if you selected other above, piease specify ' Number of units 1(Whole numberonly) ` Cost per unit Budget Item *Item $ 40� (Whole dollar amounts only) Audio-Visual Please provide further description of the item DVDNHS Recorder Combination Unit selected above or If you selected other hrips://portal.fema.gov/firegranUj sp/fire2005/application/print_app.jsp?print=true&app_numbei=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 above, please specify. Select Object Class Equipment If you selected other above, please specify ` Number of units 1�whoie number oniy) ' COSt pet Ultit $ 400 (VJhole dollar amounts only) Budget Item `Item Audio-Visuai Please provide further description of the item selected above or If you selected other Dual Cassette Deck above, please specify. Select Object Class Equipment If you selected other above, please specify � Number of units 1(Whole numberonly) ` COSt pe� Unit $ 150 (Whole dollar amounGS only) Budget Item �Item Audio-Visual Please provide further description of the item selected above or If you selected other Equipment Rack above, please specify. Select Object Class Equipment If you selected other above, please specify * Numbei' of units 1(Whole numberonly) " COSt p0f Ullit $ 100 (Whole dollar amounts only) Budget Item 'Item Audio-Visual Please provide further description of the item seiected above or If you selected other Portable Cassette Recorder above, piease specify. Select Object Class Equipment If you selected other above, please specify ' Number of units 1(Whole number only) * COSt pBr unit $ 300 (Whole dollar amounts only) Budget Item `Item Audio-Visual Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected other Microphone Set above, please specify. Select Object Class Equipment If you selected other above, please specify ` NU171be1' Of UnitS 1(Whole number only) ' Cost per unit $ 600 (4Vhole dollar amounts only) Budget Item �� Pagei9of31 https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUj sp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=true&app_numbei=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 'Item Please provide further description of the item selected above or If you selected other above, please specify. Select Object Class If you selected other above, please specify ' Number of units * Cost per unit Budget ltem 'Item Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected other above, piease specify. Seiect Object Class If you selected other above, please specify * Number of units ` Cost per unit Budget Item 'Item Piease provide further description of the item selected above or If you selected other above, please specify. Select Object Class It you seiected other above, piease specify ' Number of units * Cost per unit Budget Item 'Item Please provide further description of the item selected above or 4f you selected other above, please specify. Select Object Class If you selected other above, please specify " Number of units ' Cost per unit Budget Item 'Item Please provide further description of the item selected above or If you selected other above, please specify. Select Object Class If you selected other above, please specify ` Number ofi units ' Cost per unit Audio-Visual Digital Video Camera Equipment 1 (Wholenumberonly) $ 5500 (Whole dollar amounts only) Audio-Visual Digital Still Camera Equipment 1 (WholenumberoNy) $ 300 (Whole dollar amounts only) Audio-Visual Data Switches Equipment 1 (Wholenumberonly) $ 4100 (Whole dollar amounts only) Audio-Visual � 8 � Page 20 of 31 Digitat video transmission, editing, and equipment training. Contractual 1 (Wholenumberonly) $ 1 ��� (Whole dollar amounts only) Audio-Visual Lighting Kit Equipment 1 (Wholenumberonly) $ 400 (Whole dollar amounts only) https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUj sp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=hue&app_numberEMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Budget Item 'Item Audio-Visual Please provide further description of the item selected above or If you selected other Tripod above, please specify. Select Object Class Equipment 1f you sefected other above, please specify ' Number of units 1(Wnoie number only) " Cost pe( unit $ 300 (VJhole dollar amounis only) Sudget Budqet Object Class a. Personne{ b. Fringe Benefits c. Travel d. Equipment e. Supplies f. Contractual g. Construction h. Other i. Indirect Charges Federal and Applicant Share Federal Share Applicant Share Federal Rate Sharing {%) ' NOl1-F8C18f81 R2SOU�CBS {7he combrned Non-Federa( Resources must equal fhe Applicant Share of $ 99,999) a. Appiicant b. State �� 1 Page 21 of 31 $o $o $o $ 498,999 $o $ 1,000 $o �o $o $ 400,000 $ 99,999 80/20 $ 99,999 �o c. Local $ o d. Other Sources $ o If you entered a value in Other Sources, include your explanation below. You can use this space to provide information on the project, cost share match, or if you have a indirect cost agreement with a federal agency. Total Budget $ 499,999 https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUj sp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Narrative Statement Project Description � Page 22 of 31 ' Piease provide your narrative statement in the space provided below. Include in your narrative, details regarding (1) your projecYs description and budget, (2) your organization's financial need, (3) the benefit to be derived from the cost of your project, and (4) how the activities requested in your application will help your organization's daily operations and how this grant wilf protect life and property. 2005 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Project Narrative for the Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services The Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services The Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services provides fire protection, rescue and emergency medical services to an area covering 55.4 square miles with a resident popuiation ot 287,151. This area is home to critical infrastructure including, but not limited to, our state capital building and associated government facilities, 61 miles of main line railway, 23.5 miles of river watervvay, 17.9 miles of interstate freeway, a downtown airport, multiple hospitals, arenas and large public gathering locations, several large utility groups and commercial facilities that support the surrounding eleven-county metro area. The department has a total of 404 sworn personnel and 61 support personnel involved with emergency response, fire prevention, administration, and support services. The operations division is split into three shifts. Each shift is comprised of one deputy chief, three district chiefs, 17 engine companies, 7 ladder companies and 2 rescue squads. Eleven of the engine companies also dual staff advanced life support ambulances. We aiso cross staff specialty units inciuding the State of Minnesota's only Emergency Response Hazardous Materials Entry team, a state Chemical Assessment team, an Advanced Technical Rescue team, three rescue boats, and an engine capable ofi airport rescue and firefighting. Our fire prevention division performs 19,000 inspections each year. Our public education group reaches over 80,000 citizens through programs and station tours involving seniors, communities and schools. In 2004 the department responded to a total of A0,003 incidents. We have an average response time of 4 minutes and 12 seconds. We provide mutual aid to multiple departments including the Minneapolis Fire Department, the Metropolitan Airport Department and small suburbs surrounding us. The department recently became one of Minnesota's six state-sanctioned Collapse Rescue teams. As mentioned before, we are also the only Emergency Response Hazardous Materials Entry team in the entire state of Minnesota. This grant would not only benefit our department, but also directly benefit the Minneapolis Fire Department as weli as the entire Capital City Mutual Aid Association and potentially any department in the State of Minnesota. Our fire department had a 2004 total operating budget of $42,921,625. Our personnel costs make up 86% of the fire departmenYs budget. The city is fortunate to be able to provide full time fire, rescue, and emergency medicai services, but due to the associated operating costs and the number of services that our department provides, our available funding for additional programs, training and equipment is limited. 7o compound our financial situation, the State of Minnesota has had budget shortfalls for the past four years and they have made Iarge cuts to local government aid programs. The ciry of Saint Paul absorbed a 34% cut in state aid in 2004 and similar reductions in 2003. As in most cities, the public is resistant to tax increases while at the same time expecting a wider array of services. The fire department has continued to remain positively focused on our long term goals, but there of course have been set backs. With the changing job description of America's fire service, our training division has been tasked to provide a more diverse course load without a substantiai increase in funding. As with many departments around the nation, we find ourselves being asked to do more with less and many times this ultimately compromises firefighter safety. The Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services has made it a goal to increase funding in the areas of training and equipment through outside sources, but the current economy has not been helpful. We have formed a volunteer committee of fire department personnel to work on grants and alternative funding sources. This grant committee is dedicated to succeed at efforts like the Assistance to Firefighters Grant, as relying on traditional means is no Ionger a practical option. This grant request was even limited by the amount money that the city would have to potentially spend to match our 20% portion of the agreement. We had to sort through our original list of ideas and choose the activities that would have the biggest benefit for the department and the citizens with the limited matching funding available. The activities requested by this grant are the outcome of departmental research on how to make ourjobs safer while providing a better level of service to our community. Our Fre department prides itself on being safe while aggressive in our attacks of the incidents that we are dispatched to. in an attempt to provide the best service possible while at the same time promoting firefighter safety, we have identified several solutions to the problems that we face on a daily basis. Several of the activities of this grant wiil catapult our department into a new mission era. The following paragraphs will discuss the importance, as well as the benefits, of each item requested from this 2005 Operations and Firefighter Safety Program Grant. https://portai.fema.gov/firegrant/jsp/fire2005/application/print_app.jsp?print=true&app numbei=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Operations and Firefighter Safety Program Request Total Request: $499,999 Activity 1: Equipment ($450,554) � Page23of31 Equipmenf is by far our largest activity of this grant request. This activiry has six independent categories. The following paragraphs will discuss each component in fuli detail. All of the components will help us comply with multiple NFPA standards and Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade Standards. *WasherlExtractors ($20,000): We are requesting two commercial duty washing machine/extractors for the cleaning of tum out equipment. We currently have no means of washing the tumout gear of our 404 firefighters other than to contract it outside of the department. We have had recent problems of gear being damaged or destroyed due to improper cleaning methods. NFPA and OSHA both stipulate that tum out gear must be cleaned when dirty with the products of combustions and at a minimum of two times per year. This grant would allow us to ensure that cieaning was done on a regular basis and when necessary to protect our employees from the toxic nature of ourjob. These machines would aiso provide us a means to clean ropes and other miscelianeous equipment that needs cleaning on a regular basis. 'Positive Pressure Ventilation Fans ($19,992): Our new Fire Chief has put us on target to incorporate this important toot into our operations arsenai. We have recently completed training for 100% of our personnel on the tactics and advantages of positive pressure ventilation. We have been using demo units to determine which fans will work best for our department and we have seen fantastic results on our fire and hazardous materials scenes as was expected. This grant would allow us to purchase fourteen positive pressure fans to aid us in the removal of heat and toxic atmospheres during fire attack, overhaul and other IDLH situations. Positive pressure ventilation has been proven to provide a safer and more effective way to protect our firefighters at the incidents that we respond to. This part of the award would be a new benchmark for our operations division. 'Forcible Entry Kits ($30,012): Building construction and, more specifically, modem security measures have turned the job of forcible entry into a true art. A delay in entry at a fire or medical emergency can be the deciding tactor belween life and death. We currentiy have older and non-standardized forcible entry tools on our ladders and rescue squads. Our engines and medic companies have even fewer tool options and often have to wait for assistance from one of the trucks or squads when forcing entry is required. This grant would allow us to buy 41 forcible entry kits; one for every engine, truck, squad, and medic rig in the city. This would enable any unit arriving first on the scene at an emergency the proper tools to gain entry into most structures. These kits would include a Haligan bar, an 81b. flat head axe, a strap to tie them together and a lock cutting tool for through the Iock entry. This grant would further allow us to standardize tools, training and operating procedures to ensure that 100% of our personnei have safe and effective options for forcible entry. 'Extrication Equipment ($270,550): Our largest financial component of this request is extrication equipment. The equipment requested will be evenly distributed between our seven ladder companies and three rescue squad/atr companies. Much of our current extrication equipment is aging and differs from truck to truck around the city. The hydraulic equipment has seen heavy use and is starting to cause some reliability concerns. Many of our air lift-bags are outdated compared to the newer technology available and the current variety of sizes has increased the potentiai operational uses for these tools. The different styles of equipment obtained over the years have the potential to create familiarization problems with our pool personnel who are assigned to rotating positions dependent on vacations and vacancies. We are requesting 10 gas powered hydraulic units, 3 electric powered hydraulic units, 3 backpack hydraulic units, 10 spreaders, 10 cutters, associated hydraulic Iines, 15 airbags of different sizes and associated equipment. These tools will allow us to safely handle auto extrication, specialized forcible entry, speciaf rescue needs for rapid intervention teams, and will be a good base of equipment for our advanced technical rescue and collapse team commitments. The standardization of equipment wiil allow for familiarization training and will ultimately result in a safer and more effective workforce. *Thermal Imaging Cameras ($30,000): We are requesting 3 thermal imaging cameras. We currently have older style thermal imagers that were donated many years ago. These imagers are stored on and used by our ladder companies. If awarded this grant, the new lightweight thermal imagers would be placed on our three rescue/atr squads. These added tools would allow these companies faster, safer search and rescue for civilians and trapped firefighters. They would also be used at technical rescue and hazardous materials incidents. This award would be a positive step towards our end goal of having an imager for every company in the city. 'Fitness Equipment ($80,000): We were fortunate enough to have been awarded a grant last year that provided us the start up costs for a departmental health and fitness program. This year we are trying to fill in the missing pieces of this program by providing enough cardio-vascular workout equipment for our 16 stations. We have been able to supply our stations with adequate strength building equipment through donations and the normal budget process, but we are lacking enough cardio-vascular workout machines. This award would allow us to purchase a treadmill or stepmill workout machine for each of our fire stations. This cardio- vascular equipment would help us fight the alarming statistics of health related issues in the fire service. Our administration has given us a liberal workout schedule to use this equipment while on duty and our department's members would take full advantage of these new machines. This grant would assist us in meeting the standards on health and fitness as outlined in NFPA 1583. https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUj sp/fire2005/applicarion/print_app.j sp?print=trae&app_number=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Activity 2: Personal Protective Equipment ($30,825) �� � g� Page 24 of 31 This activity of the grant request has one component. We were recently awarded a grant that enabled us to become one of Minnesota's six Collapse Rescue Teams. This award provided training and some large start up costs, but did not address personal protective equipment for the members of the team. The department is committed to the success of this team, but it has been hard to find extra funds in our ever tightening budget to properly outfit the 45 members of this team. The requested $30,825 will allow us to purchase USAR style jumpsuits, helmets, boots, eye protection and gloves for each member of the team. This grant will eliminate a huge burden and will properly position the department to start budgeting for the upkeep and replacement instead of fighting for the initial gear we absolutely need to provide this team with. This would complete the start up costs for this team and would be a positive boost to this new mission that our department has stepped up to provide. Activity 3: Training ($18,620) This activity of the grant has one component with several budget items. While the smallest amount requested, it has the potential to be the most beneficial in the long range plans of the department. The total funds requested will be applied towards the addition of audio-visual recording and production equipment for our training division. Our training site has a burn building, training tower, rail car and LP simulation stations as well as three classrooms and offices. It is used by departments from around the state and there are few sites with the same capabilities in Minnesota. We are at a stage where technology will allow us the abilities to locally capture, produce and disseminate video projects custom made for our department and the departments around us that use our training facilities. This wouid allow us to record training specific to our departmental operating procedures and ensure that all of our personnel are getting the training that they need. From new recruits to members who may have missed a topic that is cost prohibitive to reproduce live, it is easy to see the long term benefits as we standardize our training and raise the bar as to what is required across the department. The equipment will include an editing computer, NNGA monitor, DVDNHS recorder, CD/DVD duplicator, dual cassette deck, portable audio recorders, microphone set, digital video and still cameras, data switches, lighting kit, tripod and equipment rack. This portion totals $17,860. We are requesting an additional $1,000 for contractual services to bring in a trainer to train our staff in the full abilities of the new equipment. The training department has seen budget cuts year after year and has continued to do their best with Iess. They have identified this project as a giant step forward in the quality and quantity of training that they will be able to provide on a consistent basis. This equipment would be used right away in providing consistent training on much of the equipment that this grant will hopefully provide. Conclusion All of the items that we have requested will greatly enhance our departmenYs ability to protect our community as well as our neighboring communities that we respond to. At the same time, alf of the items requested will enable us to perform our job better and with a higher level of safety and confidence. We realize that you will undoubtedly see thousands of equally qualified requests from departments of all sizes. We know that not all of the departments will be fortunate enough to be awarded a grant. We can assure you that the members of the Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services have a commitment, second _to none, to protect the community that we serve. Our current ciry management supports the fire department, but due to the recent events affecting budgets there are only so many available funds to distribute between many of the city's departments. Even in the face of setbacks, we are attempting to move forward towards our departmental goals. This grant would give our fire department a definitive edge when preparing to deal with incidents we are familiar with as well as the new incidents that all of our departments across the nation are preparing for in the decades to come. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this grant request and we look fonvard to your positive response. Respectfully Submitted, Firefighter Ken Gilliam Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services * Please describe any grants that you currently have with DHS including the AFG, for example, 2002 AFG grant for vehicle or 2003 ODP grant for exercises. (Enter "N/A" if Not Applicable) 2004AFG: Equipment, Health and Fitness, DriverTraining 2001AFG:SCBA https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUj sp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=hue&app_number=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 �5 page 25 of 31 https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=htle&app_numbei=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Applicarion Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Assurances and Certifications Form 20 �5 — 3 8� Page 26 of 31 You must read and sign these assurances by providing your password and checking the box at the bottom of this page. Note: Fields marked with an * are required. Assurances iVon-Construction Programs Note: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your project or program. If you have any questions, please contact the awarding agency. Further, certain Federal awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to additional assurances. If such is the case, you will be notified. As the duly authorized representative of the applicant I certify that the applicant: 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance, and the institutional, managerial and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the non-Federal share of project costs) to ensure proQer planning, management and completion of the project described in this application. 2. Will give the awarding agency, the Comptroiler Generai of the United States, and if appropriate, the State, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives. 3. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal gain. 4. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. 5. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. Section 4728-4763) relating to prescribed standards for merit systems for programs funded under one qf the nineteen statutes or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM's Standards for a Merit System of Personne! Administration (5 C.F.R. 900, Subpart F). 6. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title lX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (2� U.S.C. Sections 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. Section 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. Sections 6101-6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (� the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) Sections 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. 290-dd-3 and 290-ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Title Vlll of the Civil Rights Acts of 1968 (42 U.S.C. Section 3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made; and (j) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to the application. 7. Will comply, or has already complied, with the requirements of Title II and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a result of Federai or Federally assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interest in real property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal participation in purchases. 8. Will comply with provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. Sections 1501-1508 and 7324-7328), which limit the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/applica6on/print_app jsp?print=hue&app_numbet=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 ��J c3`g � Page 27 of 31 9. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. Sectio�s 276a to 276a- 7), the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. Section 276c and 18 U.S.C. Sections 874), and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. Sections 327-333), regarding labor standards for Federally assisted construction sub agreements. 10_ Will comply, if applicable, with flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase flood insurance if the total cost of insurable construction and acquisition is $10,000 or more. 11. Will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmental quality contro{ measures under ihe National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in flood plains in accordance with EO 11988; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. Section 1451 et seq.); (f� conformity of Federal actions to State (Clean Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. Section 7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended, (P.L. 93-523); and (h) protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, (P.L. 93-205). 12. Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. Section 1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system. 13. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic proQerties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469a-1 et seq.). 14. Will comply with P.L. 93348 regarding the protection of human subjects involved in research, development, and related activities supported by this award of assistance. 15. Wiit compiy with the Laboratory Animai Welfare Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-544, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 2131 et seq.) pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals heid for research, teaching, or other activities supported by this award of assistance. 16. Will compiy with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. Section 4801 et seq.) which prohibits the use of lead based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence structures. 17. Will cause to be perFormed the required financial and compliance audits in acwrdance with the Single Audit Act of 1984. 18. Will comply with all applicable requirements of ail other Federai laws, executive orders, regulations and policies governing this program. 19. It will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (29 U.S.C. 201), as they apply to empioyees of institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations. Signed by Ken Gilliam on 04/04/2005 https://portal.fema.gov/firegrant/jsp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 Form 20-16C �—��'� Page 28 of 31 You must read and sign these assurances by providing your password and checking the box at the bottom of this page. Note: Fields marked with an * are required. Certifications Regarding Lobbying, Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements. Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to attest. Applicants should aiso review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing this form. Signature on this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under 44 CFR Part 18, "New Restrictions on Lobbying; and 28 CFR Part 17, "Government-wide Debarment and Suspension {Non-procurement) and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants) ° The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) determines to award the covered transaction, grant, or cooperative agreement. 1. Lobbying A. As required by the section 1352, Title 31 of the US Code, and implemented at 44 CFR Part 18 for persons (entering) into a grant or cooperative agreement over $700,000, as defined at 44CFR Part 18, the applicant certifies that: (a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of the undersigned to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an o�cer or employee of congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making of any Federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement and extension, continuation, renewal amendment or modification of any Federal grant or cooperative agreement. (b) If any other funds than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or empioyee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of congress, or an empioyee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal grant or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form L�L, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities", in accordance with its instructions. (c) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all the sub awards at all tiers (including sub grants, contracts under grants and cooperative agreements and sub contract(s)) and that ali sub recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 2. Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters (Direct Recipient) A. As required by Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, and implemented at 44CFR Part 67, for prospective participants in primary covered transactions, as defined at 44 CFR Part 17, Section 17.510-A, the applicant certifies that it and its principals: (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal benefits by a State or Federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency. (b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of or had a civilian judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or pertorm a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezziement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property. (c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise crimina!!y or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification: and (d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default; and B. Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, he or she shall attach an explanation to this application. 3. Drug-Free Workplace (Grantees other than individuals) https:!lportal.fema.govlfiregranUjsp/fire2005JapplicationJprint_app jsp?print=riue&app numbei=EMW-20... 04/18J2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 (� Page 29 of 31 As required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented at 44GFR Part 17, Subpart F, for grantees, as defined at 44 CFR part 17, Sections 17.615 and 17.620: (A) The applicant certifies that it will continue to provide a drug-free workplace by: (a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; (b) Establishing an on-going drug free awareness program to inform employees about: (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The grantees policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; and (4) The penalties that may be +mposed upon emptoyees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; (c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant to be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a); (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will: (1) Abide by the terms of the statement and (2) Notify the employee in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction. (e) Notifying the agency, in writing within 10 calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph (d) (2} from an employee or otherwise receiving aetual notice of such conviction. Empfoyers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to the applicable DHS awarding office, i.e. regionai office or DHS office. (� Taking one of the following actions, against such an employee, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2), with respect to any employee who is so convicted: (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and inciuding termination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, iaw enforcement or other appropriate agency. (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (�. (8) The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connectlon with the specific grant: Place of Performance Street City State � Action If your place of performance is different from the physical address provided by you in the Applicant Information, press Add Place of Performance button above to ensure that the correct place of pertormance has been specified. You can add multiple addresses by repeating this process multiple times. Section 17.630 of the regulations provide that a grantee that is a State may elect to make o�e certification in each Federal fiscal year. A copy of which should be included with each https:Uportal.fema.govlfiregranUjsplfire2005lapplication/print_app jsp?print=ri•ue&app_numberEMW-20... 04/l8/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 b�-3`$� Page 30 of 31 application for DHS funding. States and State agencies may eleet to use a Statewide certification. Signed by Ken Gilliam on 04/04/2005 https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2005/application/print_app jsp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... 04/18/2005 Application Number: EMW-2005-FG-18547 FEMA Standard Form LLL �5 ��age 31 of 31 Only complete if applying for a grant for more than $100,000 and have lobbying activities. See Form 20-16G for lobbying activities definition. This form is not applicable https://portal.fema.gov/firegranUj sp/fire2005/application/print_app.j sp?print=h•ue&app_number=EMW-20... 04/18/2005