236060 _ . � . : : _ . k . 2��0��
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RRShcution Ratifying Assessment By
� ��
In the matter of the assessment of �ie�tefiCs, costg and �te�ee* for Conte�ruct3.an �td
. reconstrnction �� eid�alk� and �ork incid�its� �er�tQ�
Coatra�t 66=H-36$, ,I.�vy ao. �M Di.etriat �to. '1 �
.--r-'---_=n.---�-�.,�-.�-._y--_�y-�_ r.�, , -,-_...� _.--_..�....----� - �-- , ---•-�- - - - �--� -- -— —-, ---- . -
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. ' .t� . � } r� � 3 . �y, �r
;'„�.... �t'Py_,':`�o , �p . , .< < . !- ' - ' c ' ':4 i - .
+ �L�7a78�SAD�i ��.;�. .. , . ��` � �j• . 1• . �_,.. �.�.. 1-� =3 .'3: 1..••i ' = � c'� ...r
�� �
� F.O. #227675 - f,lheeler St. , weat �ide f�om Marshall Ave. north 125 ft. '
abutting 1759 Marahall Ave. -
� F.O. �229380 - Almoad Ave.a south side grom Saa�line Ave. to the weat �
approx. 109 ft.� abutting 1257 N. Hamliue Ave. �
P.O. #229355 - Herachel St. , both aidea £ran Uaiversity Ave. to 8hields Ave. �
� F.O. �229423 - Hoyt Ave., aorth eide £raa Cheleea St. to Merrill St. j
� F.O. #218441 - Simpaon St., both sidea fraeiSherburne Ave. to Edmuad Av�. i
���i�;:"'a::�.#2�271�b0��t�a�o1��`Ave�iiis��Uo�ti°=eia'ea�-`€ioffi�`�iti'eeler`S'tieet"�'to�Her�c�e���rSt�� �
• +• �, F.O�.�� #229297 - Idaho Ave.� aourh side from Fern�ood St. to Chelaea St. and on i
ZSI7.'C�'�.('�ul1•w�. � ��C�'Zb'� 'sf�� y�..� '�`y�.,: +i�ar. r, *tSC -L4v-rr"�,.ir.vyvt Z�'�-+.ia+ c-ar:" y�r arfra� .�t�ieKSi►
, � �---the•-no=th--ai�e of-="I'd'aho.A�"r. fro�-FernWOO�-•St.-�o-t�/v-I.o��=2�, -�-� ,
_- - � Blk. 2, Chelaea Eta. Addition. -- � � -- ;R-- -
� � . . , � - on the eaet side of Fairvie�► Ave. from flubbard Ave. to Hewitt Ave. '
� ' e _� z , Y L� r �,� Si t �.�) '..'_ � r" r , t �3;:E'�39^ j
i � R�O.}��22$626'���Bi��gles+oodrA�4e-i�;�both�sidmszC€�ramiFaii�i�Ave•. to-WEiaele�r�St.
F�0�� .i�229348 • �jt. Albans St., both sidgs from Charles Ave.._to Sherburne Ave.. �
Iriet'8.0:�#227246�11�SyC�re`�e�v`e�;�' aout�h'OUSi��� �fi�mn�7a��s�on''Sti:'"�o�I:ightne'rY Pl'i►'c`'e:�'�r�' ,
ue�Fy,0�4�2�13:432 - Edmund Ave. � both sides faom Aabury St. to Simpson St. _ • ,
` F.O. #229298 - Englevood Ave., souCh side from Fairview Ava. to the west appraas.
� . 222 ft. -
�;O:G�22�8:G2��i:li�Ho�v.i�11.�3:t�.�;�i.cbothesi�d'edhfromt�$ewi�tt�-:�Ave: t.to�.Tay.lortAv�'.�;s�, and th�.
� • ..
� ���Ir.. _ � �. . _ .y :t��a�an�imit�er� to t���i�`rict �ourt, c,f t.h� C��n�y t�� �ktr.�•�y ��r evn��lCrAlcSTIOII� �
NpN �S§$SS�BLE�.
F.O.r�22935 r 7'Heir�s.�e •��11 .� ,,.1W�t � ides fza�n; UniLVersit.y �ve.� to,-S�ie�da� Aee�.� ��
� �% 1 l•l�3{'l�I�.l1 4Y1��7 L���i �li. L �� i'.�tl� SA.U.?L.�3�1��1A A{�7 �1.�..� 4 !.S i�":!U� Ll:: i Ylficc
F.O. 229423� Hoyt ve.a nort� �ide froaa Cheleea 3t. to Merrill 3t. t
- � � �.y�F�?0:�:#227160-...._.Carro�lTl��Av.�riue;��b8;th aides fram i�heeler Street to HerachelX 3t.. .
; F.O. 4229297 - Idaho Av�., aouth tide from Ferawood St. eo Chelaea St. and on �
f Che aoxth aid� of Idaho Ave. frosn Fernwood St. to W/L Lot 27� ;
� Blk. 2, Cheleea Hts. Addition. _ �
' F.O�. �`229757 - Fairviea Ave. , west side from Claylsnd Place to Heoiitt Ave. and �
� � on the east oide of F�irview Ave. from Hubbard Ave. to Hevi.tt Ave. i
i F.O. #229348 - St. Albaas St. � both aidee from Charl�a Ave. to Sherburnn Ave. j
. F.O. #227246 8 $yeamore Ave„ south side from Jaat�on St. tv Lightner Place.
F.�.-���2g�i24� N. Ho�ell St. , both sides fram fleMitt Ave. to Taylor Ave. ��_ �
� V1. 31�1'ki�.;
'�$_� � �}� }
Ye� Car�son Nays �
Dalg;►sn Adopted by the Councii
Holfand - ��� 71��� -
Mered t�
Tedesco Approved
� Byrne r'
�O Tn Favor
� � .
Form R-2 2M 10-68 g� , Against pU�LISHEB D�ej 9 1967
-��°r 1 ` � ���'��
�� . ;. ) �
' ,� CITY OF ST. PAITL � . �c����;}
Report of Completion of Assessment ��
In the matter of the assessment of b��e�'t�s� .��tts �t�d �at�a►rs# �Q�: Ctz��u�t�t� �t�d
re�oD�Citit;Cl.t�4 +C�� s#drw��kt a� Vvs�lt .�ne�clerit.�� t�exx'+l�O�. � r
� £amt��a�t �&�Hi:��f'r,��v�" �of' 7,, ����i�� �o• �
� • ,- •�i•f—,E, - -_, ---- .r --f .. _. _ - -�- -- -.--- -, . ` T -- s L,-•_.1~ ',y .- .'1�_� {(�_ • /, -�1
�,.l.. . _ •, � , .` ' _ ' ` . . „ •....�'�. �. . , �- _- --s-- ' Y ,� +'3��.' : t� �
';_ -. = ASSESSABLE• . . -
F.O. ,�227675 - Wheeler St. , west side from Marshall Ave.' north 125 ft. '
' abutting 1759 Marshall Ave. _ �
F.O. #229380 - Almond Ave. , south side from Hamline Ave. to the west
approx. 109 ft. abutting 1257 N. Hamline Ave. ` -
' F.O. #229355 - Herschel St. , both sides from Unfversity Ave. to Shields Ave. -
' F.O. #229423 - Hoyt Ave., north side from Clielsea St. to Merrill St. � �
' F.O. #218441 - Simpson St. , both sides from Sherburne Ave. to Edmund Ave. `
�z;F::O:`;;ai�22.7�T.6.Q��,�Cari'qll:':Av"'enue;;.�botli�"siiie�'�fi�om��Wli�eeler�`treet�`�o�'Herschell�S t�`-"-=��
� F.O. #229297 - Idaho Ave., south side from Fernwood St. to Chelsea St. and on -
, -'� x -x• - rs � � +�.-a �..a�.v ,a-�.�,�e.�r.i .e.,s�t.v.►.;:�v-�'.ri+r arws ^��►iz�.aat+a�tsF �
� �`t��f'���u��.�'��the�nortti_sid�e...bf:,I'dahoy�Ave:�`from.F�er-nwood-�St•.LL•to�-W/L—Lot 27°;��--► ;
Blk. 2, Chelsea Hts. Addition. � j
� �f,F:;O;�j,r#2.292°57"`�-�'airv3�w�A�e,�`;rwes't'�s'id'e from'��CY ylYand�Place°to Hewitt�`Ave�`and��`�
on the east side of Fairview Ave. from Hubbard Ave. to Hewitt Ave.
��F�:O:.��22862.fi' ;,=��E�g1•ewood.�ve}:, both sides from Fairview Ave. to Wheeler St. t
F.O. �229348 - St. Albans St. ; both sides from Charles Ave. to Sherburne Ave. �
F O�:e#22724.6'�=?�Sycamore�Ave'bQ;�'south�"s'ide'�f"r-om�'Jack'-sen"•Strfl�t'o�'ItightnierrPTa#ce�theex- -
, �F�,��:�r��2133432u�•i9;Edmund,�Av,e��.,�Zbo�h �sid�,es;j��oom_�Asbury1�S����g�o_ �3�mp.�on�$t.t�t:�'cm��t, �i�: z
F.O. �229298 - Englevood Ave.., south side from Fairview Ave. to the west approx. �
{ �+ 222 ft. • -F
' F.O. #228624Y Lv;� : o e_11 ;S_�.,,, ,both.sides. .fromr Hewi.tt Av �'� ��
n r��. W � e•. to��Taylor�Avez �
� �.���ineexYr� .. ... .�.���t�?����i��. .. .. . .f..., . . .. . �_...,�_� ...�.,�3.��t,�_. ;
; NONTASSES&ABLEii:� ... . . .. .. . . . ... . .. ..�, ..:....... ....., �..r_......... _._....,._. -� ........ ;
F.O. �229355;�,�I�e�schQl .S�..,, b.o,tl�.sides..from�Universi�ty_Ave.,.,to,§hields� Ave.
� F.O. #229423��,�4�I�oyt, Av�: ,�nor,th ,side: fr.om.Chelsea .St.�to__Merrill��S.t_#!��.--- �
' F.O. #227t16OL;;wCa��o11 ,Avenue,, ,both,sides� .from.Wheelei .Street--to-`_'I�ers`chell St. j
�� - F.O. �2292�9.7�;;�I-�aHo�Av�?:i�:;�sou�th,side,;fxom.Fernwood.SGr-.to,..Chelsea=St_�.and on
� �Cw-�Stx�the�"nor'-th:�s ide o f ,Idaho Ave. from Fernwood S t. to�T/I.�I;o t 27�
� T�'.�.��.. B�lk�?��.;C)�C�iTelsea ,Hts..Addt.tion.... . ..,. �. � - �,��� '�T... ' ,
� F.0. �2292,57g� ��;airyiew�t�ve;�;�w�s,t,s ide,,£rom.C layland�Place„to�He�ai.tt��Ave. and
, ,., .on,the ,eas;C�.��side.�.of��F�irvi�w.Ave,.. ,f�om�Hubbard:-Ave'."�„toSiHewitt Ave. �
� F.O. �2293;,�,8��;;K3�t;;;£Albans,St.,,,yboth,sid.es„from.Char,le&..Ave..s„to,:Sh�erb`urne Ave. �
� F,O. �227246 9 Sycamore Aye. , south si.de from Jackson St. to Lightner Place. � _
� F���i������i0��` tHO�e�lx�S���'s u°t��i�:iad����°m�g�sW�it3v�A ue.:tvt°�►Taylo�:��°e t���t�e a�cex- =
- 18,839.48 k
tained, to-wit: the sum of $ upon each and every o , pa or parcei�ian-d�deeiuc'u—='
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or paxcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto atta.ched,
identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
- com;pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
� �
Dated November 7, 1967 ission of F� e.
. �
Form R-2 2M 10-63 8�. _