236055 i � �' � Counoil File No.......�.��-��.�1 1 ; PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Iand 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. � ITheundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpubliaimpmvement by the Citq of 8sint Psul,v�s.: _ I . , . Condemning and taking an easement. in the land necessary for the slopes,cuts and fill�,> includin ri ht of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned ....�.......�......................�----_............................................... ......................................................_..............................._.... �, by.excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and. surfacing with bituminous � ......_.............---_............................................................ . .................. ._.......................................... material the alley in Blk. 2, Royal Oaks Add. from N. Avon Street to Grotto Street. 7th December 67 Datsd thie._�......»»day ot........._...........�............._.._........w....................�.� 19 ....... ..............r�.a.��..�.�_.�.�.......t��..�.�4.A r✓..._.. Counoilman. PRELIMINARY O1tDER. WHEREA$� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vis.: Condemn i n��and _taki n��an. easement�i.n�the 1 and�necessa ry..for..the s 1 opes,�cuts. andM f i 11 s, including right of remova.l of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned �.� ........_.................................... by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in thergrading and surfacing with bituminous ' " material the alle� in Blk. 2, Royal Oaks Add. from N. Avon Street to 6rotto Street. having been preaented to the Counoil of the City of 8aint Paul..............._._........................................ ... _.... . therefore, be it ' � RE$OLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoBed: 1. To inveatigate the neceseitq for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid impmvement. 2. To inveatigate the nsture� extent and estimated coet of said improvement� and the total oost thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. - 4. To etate whether or no�eeud improvement ie aeked for on f,he petition of three or more ownere. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mr►ttere to the �:ommieeioner of Finenoe. ..p�� 71967 Adopted by the �ounaiL.._..................._.... ...... ........................ Ynss Councilman .Carlson �EC w7 19S' 8a�g�#s� . Appmved............... .... ................_..................... Holland �4e�'� ` �F�e�exsa� Tedesco '------ ---------.-- Mr. I'.res-id��t.,•g, xr'r"'; "—� ' Me►yor. ;a;�9o�uE::�:e::::�a:�.::::.�::.:.::�,�a��g�i� � � �-� Mr. Vice Preaident (Peterean) PUBLIS�IE9 ��� 9 9y6�