236012 .�3��-c� /Z_
Councll File No. 236012—By Victoi J.
Resolved, That upon the petition of
the Iiousing and Redevelopment Au-
thority of tkie City of Saint Paul, that
section of public alley hereinafter de-
scribed be and the same hereby is
vacated and discontinued as a public
That part of the alley in Block 6,
War� and Hospes Addition to St.
Paul,Minn., lying between the east '
.line of Grotto Street and the north-
er�y extension of the east line of
Lot 23, in said Block B; '
sub�ect expressly to the following con-
ditions and reservations:
1. That tYie vacation be subject to all
the terms and conditions of Section
228 of the Leglslative, Code, as
amended, regulating the procedure
and prescribing, conditions Sor the
vacation of public growids, streets,
alleys and highwaye in the City of
Saint Paul.
2. That the owners of the property
described as Lots 14 and 15, Block
6, Ware and Hospes Addition to St.
Paul,Minn.,acquiesce or join in the
petition to vacate said alley.-
3. That a�pecific easement be retained
to protect the interests of the Bell �
Telephone Company.
4. That petitioners pay to the City the
sum of�650 as compensation for the
5. That in lieu of a bond the GYty of
Saint Paul be provided with a writ-
ten covenant conditioned to indem-
nify and hold the City harmless
from any and all damages, claims ,
for damages, costs, charges, judg-
ments, and eacpenses o� every kind
and natµre, arising or growing out
of the vacation oP the alley de-
scribed in.the_petition.
Adopted�by the Council December 6,
, 1987,
Approved December B, 1967.
(December 9, 1967)