236006 CM � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CI I I OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ������ `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. • f COU CIL RESOL T �—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ( DATE � RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Purchasing Co�.ttee therefor a.n.d hereby awards contract to HERTZBERG-NEW D4ETHOD, INC. for re-binding of Library Books, Periodicals and Documents for the Bureau of Libraxies and County Library for Year 1968 at a total contract price of approxima,tely $8,000.00 (according to un3.t prices bid) �:n accordance with "Minimum Specifications for Cla,ss �A� Library Binding or Minimum Specifications for Binding Lesser Used Ma,terials as established by the American Library Association" and the F�rma,l Bid #251�+ of said Hertzberg-New Method, Inc..� such bid being the lowest and said Hertzberg-New Method, Inct. being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is authorized to draft the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials axe hereby directed to execute said contract on ���-� �- - behalf of the City of Saint Paul. , Formal Bid �251�+ � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council D�� 5 lgs'19— Yeas Nays Carlson DEC 51��i�. Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland �� � Meredith Favor �. Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A ga�gt Mr. President, Byrne pU6LISHEB ��� � ���� � �22 � ^ DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ��'J 4��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `�'���� ' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ z COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �D, �at �he co�mci]. h��aby .aoncurs in -t;Y�e �wara o� t,�e Piu�che�ing corm�ittee t,2�refor and h+��'by a�x� aohtx�.ct to �-�W �UD, T�'C. �or ra-b�,ding oP I�Lbrary Eoaks, Per3odi c.�1� �n.d Dxtmrent,a for t�e �urenu of �Ci.brariee and County Libr�xy for Year 1g68 at �, total c��rac� �r3c� of' apprva�3ma��.y $8,000.00 (�.ecoxding to vnit pricea b3d) i� acaorcl�ce ��h '�Min� 8psc�f3ce�tic�s for C].a,ss "A" Libraiy B3ndirig or M1 i��,r* 8psc�.�ca��ion�,.�ox Bind�ri�. Les�er tTsed M�'Ge�1.e1.s �,s e�t�,bli�I�sd by � Ame�9.Can.Library , .. . , , , , A'ssc3ciatiou� e�a t� �o�?. �.a.�251�+� o� said Sertzberg-H� I�th�d, 'Iztg.��iatia����id 1�irig t,lze � ' . ' • ' lvwest ea� a�3d $e��berg-Ne� b�e't�1, ,�i�. b�ing a �e�a�blA end re].i�,ble,�i�c�..er, �nd ,tbe �orpo�,tibu`Co�sQ�. be�and hereby id�authorized to dra�t t�e proper �orm o�''coat�t. , . . . . . ; , . , ther�for,and th� prvpe� Gity ��3c�a].� ,�g, h�re'f�yy di.�+eat�d �o execute a�,id ,can�ra.ct on, behal� of�tl�r, City of �e3n,t. P$u�.. ; ' � � � • � . . �. , , . , . �• . • .` . �'o�ne,7., B�.d �Sl� � • . „. . . . ; : , , , , . � ��c 5 � COUNCILMEN, Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ���` 51��� Dalglish Approved ' 19— Holland fn Favor ' Meredith Peterson (J � • Mayor Tedesco . ASainst Mr. President, Byrne �22