235986 ti .;Qdain,�to c�er cierk � t r�. • , " RDINANCE 2�,���� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /� � � An ordi.nance amendi.ng, Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: '� � "An ordinance fixi_n.g the duties and responsibilities and the minimum quali.fications for the va.rious classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng . `- out the specifications for the title "Instrument Repairman (Filter Plant)," and by substituting in lieu thereof the following specifications: � , t✓ . {f , �C� . � ` ` �_ r � �. . �, � \�+r�A . , a� � 1 � . � . -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson " Dalglish ' Tn Favor • Holland Meredith . - Peterson " Against Tedesco . Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayo� - �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B3� � U�l , � , o�a�,i c�c+c�ci�r� . � , ' , . - .. � � � � � � UORDINANCE � � � . 2�����5 � ' . � COUNCIL FILE NO- I /�� PRESENTED'BY � � � ' ORDINANCE NO Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after.i�s pas sage, approval, and publication. ;� � �. . Q `. S � � -3- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DEC 2 01963� Carlson , � �f Dalglish � In Favor Holland j� • . Meredith v � Against Peterson - Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) ��C 2 � 1967' Ap ved: Att st• " . Ci Clerk _� ay r / �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By, ,PUBI.ISHED �EC 2 31��� CITY CLERK ' • - n � _ � •. aT � 2����� � �� � ����+�:zic� ���.��� �r�����. �'��� �,�l���i . ����,�a����+��f������'#�+�'�����������' ' . ����t:�� �i�►��cea��i��+�� �`c���$i� ����i:�����i��� . �.��i��� .�,#.� �������:���E�a �''�� ����'" ��.����� ��#�x���`_��. �'��$�� �� ������ . '�� ��3��t�. �]F �'.� ���" ��� �� ��►�.� �� +���� . ����� ia '�����x���e�� �`�$ '���!�� ���c,��i�.�#�►�z� ��s ����,� �� ����� � u���� �� ���l���i+�►�r a��� � ����� +��� ���_��+�t���t� �'���+�t��.���������aa�?�.���Y ���.t+�� �,�e���� �� ta��I�ff��ti���� �s� ��C��#���?�'�r�a��� ��:�����:'����� , .� ' . y . *'_ II I .^ . y�� t. .� M V���� Title of class: IN5TRUMENT REPA.IRMAIV (FILTER PLANTy Duties and responsibilities: Uizder supervision, to repair and ma�.ntai.n instrument9 �sed at the Water Treatment Plant; and to perform related work as asaigned. Examplcs of work perforxned; To rep�ir and maintain electronic instruments and apparatus used to control and reco�d wai:er f:reatment p�ocesses including electrometric �H meters, Zaboratory spectro� photosneters, and chemical feed contxol units. To repair and maintain pneumatic and hydraulic filter rate-of�flow coni;iols, compressed air liquid level sensing instrumen�s, ' and vacuum actuat$d con�rola on chlorinators� To repair and maintain mechanical actuated controls, instrumen4s ' and gauges on filt�r operating consoles, clarifier effluent flow indicators� chemical feeders, and linlzages and other mechanical devices used in elect•ronic, piieumatic and hydraulic inst�uments in i;he Water Treatment Plant, Niinimum quaiifications: High schooi graduation and three years� e:cperience in the maiutenance and repair of inechanical equipment or mechanical aizd electronic equipment, or two years' experience as a Fiiter Plant Operator II, Power Plant HeZper, Maintenance Man or equivalent. . -2� ' . , �� • ' , ° �, - � 235��� Tit1E of clao�: � INSTRUMENT REPAIRMAN (FILTER PLANT� . , Duties and responsibilities: Unde-r sttpervision, to repai•f and znaintain instruments used at tlze Watea� Treatment Plant; and i:o perform related work • • as assiSned. E3camples of work performed: . To repair and maintaiu electronic instruments and apparatua used to cont�.•ol aizd record waL•e� treatment procenaes , includin� electrometric pH�rnetErs, laborato��r spectro� ' plzo�omeL•ers, and chemical fecd control units. 'I'o repaix and maintain �ncumatic and hydraulic filter rate-of-�flow ' contiola, compressed air liquid level sensing instruments, and vacuuix� act�iated controls on chioriizators. To re�air and maintain mechanical actuat�3 controls, inetruments and gauges on filter operatii3g consoles, cl.�rifiey� effluent flo�v i.ndica��ors, chemical feeders, arzd ].inkages and other mechanical devices used in electronic, pneumatic and hydrauZic instruments in the Water Treatment Plant. Minimuzn qualificationa: � I3i�h achool gr�duation and three years� experience in the '� � " maiiztenan�e and replir of inec�anical �.q�apnzetzt or _ mechanica3,aiicl electroilic equipxneixt, or two ye�rs� . experience aa a Filter Plan� O�erltor II, Power Plant � -- Helper, Mainten�nce M�n or equivalent. ---.� ' 1 . . _20 . ; � 2�5��� . f� '�� , .�������, ����������� ���� �� ������� � ������� '�c��'��t�����1" ��������.b ���'��,, ��'���a±���ts . ,� .; . ,� ; �.u�� �'� ' , � .�- �EC 2 0�19�� ^ , . ,;r . , �� ' DE�2� 1967 . � , - ��� �, I st / � '9�y—. �. 2nd Laid over to �. 3rd and app.___���Adopted ` a � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �Carlson Dal lish `Dal lish 9 9 Holland �. �olland 2���, . , Meredith eredith Peterson U Peterson Tedesco �Tedesco " Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne �O