235971 _ • - �
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. . File No. 17209
' In the Matter of , , �
., . � . � , . - , .
- '. - _" - -- ' ' . ..�_ "' .� - �_ , . .
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t -. . opening, widening and_extending North Park Drive �rotn Ruth St. to a„ point Y79..0 feet�, �
� east of; �he wese line of the`East � of the West-� of the N6J�_ of. Section 2, Township ,,,�•
2$,;�Range 2'2;,, to a width of 60 feet by condemning �and taking for street purposes �
the lands described as follows: A strip of land 30 feet in_width iri'.the-East �- of
i. .;r.t�ie NW'� of Section 2, Township 28, Range 22,� from Ruth Street to the west,,.line o�
� � the-East �� of the NW� of� said Section 2, lying southerly and adjacent to the southerly �
� line of North Park Dri�e as platted in Bisanz Bros. Battle Creek Terrace No. 2; and
that part of the East '� of the West '� of the NW'� of Section 2, Township 28, Range 22,
_ ',� contained wfthin a parcel af land 30 feet in width the northerly and westerly lines
thereof described as follows: Commencing at a point on the east line of said East �
of the West '-� of NW� 1,470.17 feet south of the north line of said NW'� (said point
being also the southeas.t corner of The recorded plat of Bisanz Bros. Battle Creek
Terrace tQo. 3); thence run �westerly at an angle of 89°07' with said east line
� (measured from north to west) bearing N 89°07' west for a distance of 242.68 f�et;
thence on a line bearing south 47°00' west a distance of 226.71 feet; thence on a � -
line bearing south 32°03'S0" weat a distance of 173 feet more or less to a point,
and there terminating excepting therefran such right of way heretofore dedicated
for North Park Drive in Bisanz Bros. Battle Creek Terrace No. 3. •
S=�n a� o t e est of the NW� of Section 2, Township �
2$. ,�,a�g,e 22, to a-�vidth of .60 geet by conde�ning and xtaking for street �purposes •
�t���s der��cribed ae• folloWa:",A etrip cf land 30 feet xiri,-c�idth ,in the East � .of- �`�
_.ther�r � of'Section 2; Township 28� Range 22, fro�_ Ruth Street to the west line of�-�-��'"-=f r�
the East � of the NW'�, of said Section 2, lqing southerlq and adjacent to, the southerly �
line af North Park Dri�re as platted in Bi�anz Bros. Battle Creek Terrace No. 2; and �
that part� of the East � of the West � of the NW'� of Section 2, Township 28, Range 22, -
.contained within a parcel of land 30 feet in width the northerly and westerly lines,
, thereof described as followa: Coa�encing at a point on the eaet line of eaid East �
� of the West � of NW� 1,470.17 feet south of the north line of said NW� (said point � '
.__,� being also �the southeast corner of'The recorded plat of Bisanz Bros. Battle Creek
Terrace No. 3); thence runnwesterly at an angle of 89'07' with said east line
(measured from north to west) bearing N 89°07' west for a distance of 242.68 feet;
thence on a line bearing south 47'00' west a .dietance of 226.71 feet; .thence on a
line bearing south 32'03'S0" west a distance of 173 feet more or lesa to a point,
and there tex�inating excepting therefrom such right of way' heretofore dedicated•
for North Park Drive in Bisanz Bros. Battle Creek Terrace No. 3.
House anci�l:ity rrart`nuuuingznzne�t,;i�or�t:raui:rnatzne-c6mmissioner�or-r-rnan��=T�,__
,, said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and plac� of
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
. a,�
COUNCILMEN - � ' - _ ��C 51967
' = Adopted by the Council
- Yeas Garlson Nays - . . • . .
Dalglish � � = - � , Approveci ��� � l�fil�l
� - Hoftand � � _ .- _ _ .
. , � .
� Mer�dith� -- , � � �
� o��nr��� � �
� �_��P Tn Favo'r -
�:.����;���.�;�:��:�,.�� /J ��f1�p Mayor
lia���::� . - . - � . _ . -
Mr. Vice P=esident �Faterson) - .
. " Against PUBLISH�EB �� � ����
s-se.zn� �O ari " , � - . • • , . .-� _