235970 . . 235��p ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL , FoENCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . .� CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY ' , COMMISSIONE DATE WHBR$AS, Ordinamce No. 3250 authorizes aad provides for payment for overtime work, and WHERSAS, the Clerk of Municipal Court has suthorized overtime w�rk in his departmeat during the period from November 18, 1967 to December 1_i • 1967 therefore, be it RBSOLVED, that the proper City Officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who perform such overtime work in accordance with the provisions oP Ordina�ce No. 6446 and No. 3250. ��C 519��I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 5196� Dalglish Approved 19._ Holland Tn Favor �, Meredith � Mayor ��s�� �Against ��'`� Tedesco 1��;���icten�.uB�.y,r�i�:;�';��;�E�� FU�LISH�E9 p�C 91967 Mr. Vice�President (Peteraon) � . . �22